Fanfiction (Mhhmm, you bet it's Destiel)

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"Hahaha!!! Holy crap, Dean look at this" Sam called his brother over in the groggy motel room to the laptop.

"What? You're not still obsessing over Dest-" Dean looked at the fanart on his brothers laptop "dude, what the hell? Seriously?"

"The best part is my face on it. Just-Just zoom in my face a second" he chuckled even more in his painted face before laughing uncontrollably with his brother at it.

"It's nothing to do with the fact that I'm about to kiss our best friend, no, it's the painters depiction of what your reaction would be" he panted.

"Yes. But I wouldn't actually react like that unless I caught you having se-"

"Sam, that's not going to happen. We'd lock the door first" he had another laugh with his brother "but seriously. He's our best friend. I'm not going to sleep with him"

"Ahem, 'Deans stare lingers on Castiels face, flickering his eyes to the Angels lips and wondering how he would react if he kissed him right there'" Sam proudly looked up at his brother and smirked.

"You read it?" Dean asked worriedly.

And write Sam thought

"Yeah, there's a lot of subtext in what you two say and, I mean, look at ALL the evidence. The fans really want you and Cas together. Or at least kiss guy"

"So you read the porn they put up of us too?" Dean stepped back.

"No, that's way too vivid and I don't think my imagination could sustain that mental image of it either. Also, you top a lot which from hearing you, isn't true-"

"Too much info man! Why are we even discussing me in the bedroom!? It's private stuff that I get up to...privately"

"I don't know, you always seem to make it public one way or another"

"I could punch you right now if I didn't have a beer"

"You should see some other fanart of you and Cas, it's pretty vivid. I mean, look at it!" Sam showed an entire blog of Destiel porn to his brother.

"No! No, dude. That's just- that's just sick. Too far Sam! Why are you even looking up pictures of your brother and best friend fucking each other?"

"I'm not, it just comes up on my dash. I followed the blogs on 'Tumblr' because I talk to them sometimes about the whole Destiel situation"

"So you're looking at cute dog pictures and then ohh, look it's my brother going at it or me giving a blow job to Cas"

All Cas heard when he entered the room was the part about Dean sucking him off.

"Erm, Dean?" Cas wobbled, heart thumping.

"Cas!" he said in surprise.

"I-I wish to understand the context in which you were referring to me and you being in a sexual relationship"

"Oh, great Sammy! He heard us" Dean face palmed and sat on the table.

"I can explain. There's fans of the book and they write and draw you and"

"Right. I-I don't understand. Are they threatening in any way?"

"I mean there's some pretty heavy BDSM stuff in here, if that's what you mean" Sam scoffed.


"Just shut up okay! It's a bit weird having my brother talk about me and Cas having sex and Cas not even questioning it!" Dean made silence in the room.

Cas put his hands down and slowly headed to Dean and Sam at the table between the two and flickered through some pictures and fics. Dean stood completely still as he finished his drink and Sam was observing Cas' movements around the Destiel subject.

"I think this is some of the most explicit writings I've come across. It's very complex. Why would you prolong my orgasm?"

"To be honest, if you was anything like that in bed, I would've slept with you"

Cas and Sam slowly moved their heads to face Dean in sync, both very confused. Just for different reasons.

"How do you know I'm not like that in bed?" Cas stood up straight and pulled Deans collar so he was forced to walk to the bedrooms.

"Hey Cas, w-what are you doing?" He was almost scared.

"I'm going to show you what the pizza man and late teen fangirls have taught me, Dean"

A/N what did I just write?
I'm scared

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