Arrangements (destiel)

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(Pretty much all these one shots in here is pre-Destiel)

"And I said 'well, why don't you take it up with the manager!'" Dean belted out, getting unwanted attention and making Cas look even more awkward.

"Wh-what did they look like! I would've paid good money to see the look on their face!" Sam laughed more than he had in a long time.

"I think we should leave now" Cas said nervously.

"Yeah alright, there's no one here" Dean said back, still laughing at his own joke.

They grabbed their jackets and headed back to the impala then Dean drove them to the nearest motel.

"You guys wait out here, I'll go and get the keys" Sam ordered.

Dean and Cas sat on the bonnet in the dark until Sam returned with a grin on his face.

"Alright, you two have this room, I have this one. We're opposite each other so don't be afraid to call in the night" he handed them the key and wondered off to his place.

"No, come on dude. Why can't I get the single room?"

"You do" Sam whispered to himself.


"Just go! I'll see you in the morning"

"Come on then Cas" he coughed and strutted over to the other room, shaking his hand as he unlocked it.

When he and Cas got in the room, he flicked the switch on for the light to reveal one double bed. His heart froze for a moment.

"Oh God no" Dean said as they shut the door and walked over to the bed.

"Oh. So..." Cas looked back at Dean unsurely.

"I'll get us another room if you want" Dean sighed.

"We don't have any money. Sam has it all"

"Yeah well, I'm not going in his room tonight"

"So what's the problem? can't we just share?" Cas sat against the headboard and removed his shoes.

"Well...its just awkward that's all I'm saying" Dean said like he was giving in to sleeping next the angel he'd liked for a while.

"So this is okay though now?" Cas asked.

"Yeah, yeah alright. I'm gonna have a shower first"

Cas nodded his head as we took off his trench coat revealing his messy untucked shirt. Dean hovered around the room to see Cas take his shirt off.

Cas quickly saw Dean looking and stared before carrying on.

"Ahem. Dean?...shower?"

Dean suddenly snapped out of his trance, looking embarrassed and blushing. He ran into the shower room and immediately washed as fast as he could.

When he came back in the angel was sitting against the headboard with only his boxers on, reading a magazine.

Dean was only in a towel covering his lower half. Cas saw this and looked at every inch on the mans body, shuffling awkwardly as he shivered.

"Cas, do you mind not looking for this. I'm not a show!" he smirked.

"My apologies Dean" he buried himself in the mag again.

"I'm taking it as a compliment" Dean took off his towel and quickly replaced it with his boxers. Little did he know Cas was peaking a bit over his paper.

Dean clambered on next to Cas, who by now had put down his paper and was lying flat on top of the duvet showing off his torso and body. When Dean saw Cas like this he tried so hard no to think about him.

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