Whoops (Destiel)

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"Sam, I'm going to make pie for dinner, can you watch over Jo for me? Dean will be back in a bit" Cas gave a nod to his brother-in-law.

"Sure thing, Mr Winchester" Sam grinned like an idiot, after all, he was the one to get them together in the first place.

"I can never hear that enough now"

"Castiel Winchester...hmm. The wedding seems like only yesterday day, I had to stand up and narrow down the jokes about Dean"

"Good times eh? Now we've got a five year old on our hands, we've had to use you more than ever, sorry about this but you know...me and Dean need all the extra help we can"

"No problem. You better start food before Dean gets back" Sam walked into check on Jo in her room.

"Sammy!" she looked up from her toys and ran to her uncle. Jo jumped into his arms as Sam picked her up, lifting to the ceiling and into his arms. As he turned he saw Dean, taking his jacket off and walking over to his coffee-always there made by his husband after a hunt.

"How did it go then?" Sam asked, carrying Jo over to the living room.

"Fine, very good" he took a sip of the drink.

"I'm gonna take Jo out tomorrow to the park so you and Cas can have some time to yourselves"


"You're the best uncle, my favourite!" Jo giggled to Sam.

"I'm your only uncle, Jo" Sam wore a confused look on his face.

Suddenly the room seemed to freeze as Dean dropped his cup on the floor, panicking slightly and giving a stressy look to his brother.

"Dean? What is it?" Sam put down Jo.

"Shit. We forgot Adam"

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