He's calmer with Me (D)

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"Dean! Please, just calm down," I yelled grabbing his shoulders. Dean kept his eyes on the floor and clenched his fists, panting heavily.

He had been dealing with Crowley's bullshit all day and he was screaming insults and threats at everything.

"I fucking hate him, Cas," he mumbled through his teeth. I pulled him into a hug and laid my forehead against his making him lean back in surprise.

"I know. Would watching a movie be preferable for this evening?" I whispered into his ear, humming lightly after.

"Yeah, I guess," he said. I let go of him and looked into his eyes.

"Chose a movie, anything you want. I don't care if its a cheesy action movie or what. I'll get snacks and drink, okay" It took a moment to get from his grasp around my wrists but he nodded. I went to the kitchen area of the motel room and got whatever chocolate, popcorn and random feastings we could endure for a film.

"Castiel! Come on, the film is gonna start" Dean yelled from his couch, rubbing his head.

"Calm down, I'm here" I smiled as soft as possible, hoping to calm him a little, setting the food on the small drink table "paracetamol for headache, Dean"

"I don't have a headache. I'm just...stressed. And you got candy bars?" He said sitting up so I could slip in behind him.

"Yeah, I'm kinda addicted. Gabriel gives me one every time see him" I got Dean sitting between my legs and I shuffled to get comfortable, bringing Deans shoulders back again.

"Yeah, just go easy on them, alright?" he said laying back into my chest.

I chuckled and picked up the remote to the TV. As the movie began I wrapped my arms around Deans chest and set my chin on his head.

We hadn't really...established anything between us yet...I just picked up Deans pieces and tried to hold him together when no one else could. But we'd somehow become closer than that during the last week. Chuck knows how, but we kissed as he got more annoyed with everything. It calmed him and made me happy. I see no downside to this.

Dean was really into the movie, laughing every once and a while. I wasn't really paying attention, I was move focused on tracing little patterns in his chest. I sighed and rested my hands around his shoulders.

He turned and looked at me, "what?"

I shook my head and smiled at him then suddenly grabbed his cheek around and brought his lips up to mine. As kissed his lips softly and felt his cheek warm up. Dean pulled away and smiled, I could see him burning up red.

"What was that for?" He nervously asked

"I wanted to see you blush. It's adorable to be perfectly honest and I-I thought our relationship was going that way but-" I was beginning to panic a little but Dean suddenly pushed his face to mine, connecting our lips.

"It could be going somewhere if that's what you want. But I don't deserve you. I'm terrible, treat you like crap" I saw perhaps a tear as he said those things to me.

"No you don't. That's how you think you do. That's how you thought you treated your father at times" I could see it was genuinely making him upset again but he didn't seem to mind.

Instead, he laid back down on me and turned his attention back to the TV. I brought my hands up to his hair and played with it. Dean started to make little humming sounds as he relaxed more and more. I kept playing as his breathing got heavier and louder. He yawned a scooted into me a little more.

"Go to sleep Babe," I whispered. Dean nodded and after a few minutes I could hear a little snore.

I stopped playing with his hair and started to drift off to sleep, turning the movie off and leaving us in almost complete darkness.

This was perfect.

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