Go Get 'Em Tiger

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Before anything completely fucked up with the Winchesters (Devils Gate, Apocalypse, that kinda shit), Dean would always tell Sammy to 'go get himself some' and encourage him to go after the girls checking him out, not that Sam wanted to. Since Cas had joined the scene, Dean seemed it his responsibility to tell Cas the same thing.

Twice now he'd said 'go get 'em, tiger' to him. A prostitute and the date-that-wasn't-a-date. Both of which didn't end that well. But Cas saw everything with the opposite sex as experience, not enjoyment.

So when Dean saw someone checking up on Cas, he thought he'd hook his friend up again. It's the least he could do in this situation.

"Hey, Cas" Dean nudged the angel while sitting at the bar, looking behind them.

Cas saw the suitably attractive woman pinning her eyes to Cas' body and nibbling her bottom lip. Castiel looked back to Dean and rolled his eyes, taking another sip of his drink and glaring straight ahead.

"Cas, come on dude. She's hot. Why don't you just go over?" Dean leaned in to his side and held his shoulder.

"Dean, I don't want to" it wasn't like Dean was going to get anyone tonight, so why did he want him gone?

"It's your chance again! You know enough to get through"

Cas saw no way whatsoever of getting out of this now, Dean would stop at nothing. He reluctantly stood up, the trench coat draping off the stool and undoing his tie a little as he felt the heat of his body rise and heart race. Anxiousness. That's what this was.

Dean stood up next to him and put one hand behind his back, pointedly looking to the chick. He clapped him on the shoulder "right, don't go back to our room. Anywhere else. Now, go get 'em, tiger".

Cas faltered for a moment then turned back to Dean, grabbing the folds of his jacket and pulled him in quickly. Dean stumbled where he stood, wide-eyed and arms splayed back in surprise.

The angel continued working his slightly chapped lips against Dean's soft but frozen ones, until they relaxed and slightly nipped back at Cas'. That's when Cas Drew back and dropped his hands.

Dean was flustered, blushing from head to toe and feeling a warmth crawl up his neck. He gulped while looking at Cas' blown eyes.

"Did I sufficiently 'get him' tiger?" Cas smirked and tilted his head, then walking around a still Dean and power walking through the weird silence out the door.

Dean looked about the place, slowly turning to the chick and her group. He pointed at the general direction of where Cas headed out and said "I'm gonna go get me some" before running out after him.

A/N sorry that was short. Based off a Tumblr post I found yesterday and that's all there was to it.

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