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All artwork shown is Credited to the owner (who I can't find). If it's you, tell etc...

"Dean would you just listen-"

Dean slammed Bobbys' front door in Cas' face and stormed into the kitchen. He slammed the palm of his hands against the wall just standing there breathing heavily in.

Cas walked in after him, Sam following with blood dripping furiously from his abdomen. Sam grabbed a towel and applied pressure before lunging on the couch and lying down.

Cas stood awkwardly between the two brothers, looking either way wondering which to go see first.

"Sam, do you need any help?"

"No, no I'm... arghh...I'm okay, I'll just go upstairs to shower and bed, it'll be okay, I can sort it out then" Sam began to stand back up again, Cas helped him reach the stairs.

"Cas, I'll be okay...when Bobby is here in the morning he'll sort me out, thanks though..." Sam went up and immediately fell asleep.

Cas wondered back to Dean, still trying to keep his calm.

"Err...Dean..." Cas began to walk behind Dean, placing his hand on the mans shoulder. Dean violently shrugged his shoulders and turned to shove Cas backwards away from him.

"You know what Cas? I don't even know what you think you're doing anymore! I can't believe you" he began walking toward the Angel before they were almost touching. Eye to eye to eye.

"Dean I'm...I'm sorry" his words melted as he shook nervously from being so close once more.

"No. No sorry does not even the cover of how you need to be right now"

"If I hadn't shoved Sam into the front of that car, then you would've been dead. I did you a favour" Cas continued to explain, looking down at the floor in shame.

"You could've killed my brother" Dean shouted.

"I knew he wouldn't die!"

"Did you? did you really? because look at all the damage Sam has, he could've died!"

"But he didn't...I knew he wouldn't, why don't you trust me?"

"Because of crap like this"

"Dean! I am an Angel, I know what I'm doing, I can calculate every possible outcome to the best of our intent. And despite what you think, I did it for you, for all of us!"


Cas glared with fiery eyes and anger overcoming his body."You know sometimes I hate you Dean!" he now had sweat now poring from his forehead. He ruffled his hair in frustration.

"Well you know what? I love you!"

This was greeted by complete deadly silence. They both stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity.

"Forget I said that" he quickly whispered.

The two men were both reduced to blushing, sweaty messes.

"L-love me?"

"I said forget it, Cas"

Castiel sighed, then looked up from the floor and smiled. Dean then turned away, scratching the back of his neck and walking over to get a beer.

"Dean...did you erm...mean...that?" Cas walked over to Dean who felt like a giant weight had been lifted off his shoulders.

"Hmm? What? Maybe-It, doesn't's stupid..."

"Shut up" Cas slowly stepped into Deans body, holding his waist and placing a kiss on his lips.

He held for a moment before parting away.

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