Gasoline (D AU)

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A/N title based on the first song we hear in 'Pilot' with Sam at Stanford. It's by 'Ginger' you should check out the rest of the song on YouTube just btw

They lived in a dull but peaceful harmony. It was a bit weird and took a lot of getting used to, but they somehow managed it, being nerds and all, they were like brothers.

"Cas, have you seen my laptop charger?" Sam walked through to the kitchen, looking frantically about their shared apartment at Uni.

"No. Have mine though, I'm at 100% so...yeah" Cas wrapped the wiring round and handed it over, then going back to his work.

"Thank. And erm... I'm going to have Jess over again tonight so-"

"Yeah, I'll lock my room with headphones on or go out" he recited like he'd done a million times before.

"Yeah. Look, I'm sorry but she means the world to me" he walked toward Cas.

"I understand. It's perfectly alright to ask that if me, in which I can comply with"

"Thank you, again" he then sat next to Castiel at the table "why don't you bring someone home sometime. We've known each other a year or more and not once have I seen you hook up with a chick"

Cas rubbed the back of his neck, seeming to breathe heavier and shuffle on his seat.

"You're not into chicks, huh?"

"It's not preferable. Please, don't tell anyone"

"They're all gonna be fine about it! There's an entire community and a ton of supporting people out there"

"I know. My parents don't know about me though"

"Oh. I see" Sam got back up to leave with his charger in hand. Then suddenly he turned back around, smirking "My brother is also going to be here in an hour"


"Cas, I'm going to the mall for a while, if my brother turns up, keep him entertained and tell him I'll be right back" Sam grabbed his jacket and opened their door.

"Yes. That's fine" Cas said agitatedly.

Sam have him a concerned look for a moment before hesitantly walking out. Castiel just went back to sit on his bed, taking his shirt off and relaxing in the heat.

After a while Cas woke up startled when someone knocked at the door. He froze, trying to gather himself.

"Hey! Open up!" the voice that probably knocked shouted.

Cas hurriedly composed himself and pattered into the living room toward the door.

Before he reached there however, the door opened inwards, a man was crouching with a pin I his hand like he'd picked the lock.

Castiel froze, not knowing what to do. Was this man going to rob him? Was he going to hurt him?

"Who the hell are you?!" the man said, walking in and shutting the door.

Cas was shivering as the cold air had come in and stepped backwards until he hit a soft object and fell back onto it.

"What kinda perverted burglar are you! You sick minded little shit" the man approached him, getting a gun from his pocket and kicking the bean bag that Cas was on so it skidded back to the wall.

Poor Cas was now terrified, wide-eyed and shaking. But he couldn't speak at all. Nothing was going to save him, so he just sat there in his pants and gulping away-hoping to muster up words.

"You've got 10 seconds to explain to me everything or I'm going paint these walls with your blood" he said in a honeyed tone.

"I-I...c-can you get out of my apartment. I think you h-have the wrong room" he held both hands up.

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