Desireable pt.2

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Dean knew he had Castiel following him, he could hear the footsteps echoing through the near empty building but he carried on walking anyway.

He found his way to his car, looking briefly behind him for any sign of the bodyguard before opening his car door. Only to have it slammed shut again by a firm and familiar grip.

"Cas, I told you not to follow" Dean harshly whispered turning around and leaning back against his Impala.

"And I told you my very strict instructions so please let me do my job. I am not the enemy so stop treating me like one!" he snapped, getting into Dean's face again making him push back against the hard metal.

Castiel immediately regretted what he said, slinking back and trying to hide himself and blushing; while Dean tried to relax against the impala and not look shocked. "I-I'm sorry, that was not my place to comment and I wish to formerly apologise for my words a-and actions"

"No, no it's's fine. You are just doing your job" Dean panted, letting go of breaths.

"Oh... well... at least lest me drive you home. I hope we could come to some sort of mutual understanding" he brightened up a bit, a smile ghosting on his face.

Dean took the keys out of his pocket and looked down at them, sheepishly handing them over. "I suppose so. Just take good care of her"

"Her? Oh, right. Yes." Cas stuttered, dipping his hand for a quick swipe of the keys and looking around Dean at the body of the car. "I-It's a '67 Chevrolet Impala, if I'm not mistaken" Castiel nervously looked up at the man he was supposed to be guarding.

"Yeah, that's baby. Best car you could dream of" he looked proudly down. "You know a thing or two about them?"

"Not as much as I'd hoped. My brothers were very strict on my career path" he bit his lower lip looking sideways like it was a mannerism now, don't-don't do that mega cute thing again or I am going to kiss you-NOPE. Stop it, Dean. Stop. It. No flirting.

"So they decided putting you as the bullet for someone else's life was the best option for you!? Man, you have got to find better friends" at least he didn't speak what his mind was overthinking.

"I'll-I'll try"

"No. You will. As soon as this is all over me and you are going to a bar and...if you see anyone, pick 'em up if you want. I am going to open your metaphorical box of memories and talk. 'Kay?" Dean looked hopefully to Cas, who threatened a smile again.

"Understood, Mr. Winchester" the bodyguard said, regaining authority again.

"Don't- oh forget it" he jumped around into the passenger seat before Castiel could offer his services.


The drive was quiet, apart from Dean's rowdy music collection blasting through the speakers and Dean shamelessly drumming along to it. Cas had a right mind to throw the cassette out the window and knock Dean out for the rest of the journey; but he just settled for giving him distasteful glances and bashed his head against the chair repeatedly, hoping for the nightmare to end. And soon.

"Pull off here" Dean suddenly quietened the music and pointed to the right of them.

As relieved as Castiel was, he was also on the look out for threats and signs that Dean was in danger. It had just turned 9.30 pm, the whole fiasco of meeting took forever it seemed. He peered cautiously with his head in the windscreen through the darkness.

They pulled up outside the house and climbed out, Castiel more slowly than Dean as he was struck by the modern house beauty in the the landscape. Normally modern block-inspired buildings anywhere near a forest would ruin it, but Dean seemed to have chosen the most perfect, quiet spot on earth.

"You coming in or what?" Dean asked, unlocking the door with his hand print. Technology, eh?

Cas tripped up on his own feet, stumbling toward the stairs leading up to the front door. "It's just...a masterpiece. H-How long have you lived here?" he asked as Dean lead him through the main open space into the lounge.

"About a year now. I still haven't got used to it. To be truthful it's so big that it's empty of anyone else" Dean slumped down on the couch and shrugged his shoes and jacket off.

Castiel stood at the door way, hands behind back again and admiring the architecture. "So you would want children, then?"

"That's not what I was going for-"

"But it's what I understood of that statement" he gave puppy eyes to Dean, then saw the agape mouth and almost scared look on his face, then approached. "It's okay to feel lonely. I hope you find your companion and have children and continue being... amazing"

Dean swallowed hard, running his hands through his hair. "T-Thank you. But surviving the nights would be an achievement right now"

"You know that they are doing everything to track down the persons responsible for this" Cas sighed, "And I hope my presence here is at least a comfort"

"But don't you sleep?" Dean argued, then looked up at him, seeing a slight blush appear on his cheeks and shuffle uncomfortably. "Eat?" Dean couldn't catch his gaze, "Wash, clothe and go to the little boys room?"

Cas looked down at the floor and stepped directly in front of Dean, "Sir, I cannot tell you that of which I don't yet understand myself"

"Wha-how do you mean? Are you like a Time Lord or something? You must be joking" Dean chuffed a laugh, rolling his eyes at the preposterous idea.

Castiel already had enough of Dean, 1000% done with everything and this was just the icing on the cake.

He crouched down in front of him, and pulled him in with his thin shirt, pulling them down to a whisper. "I am not joking. For all the hours we've been together does it seem like I would 'joke', especially about something like this?!" He let Dean go slightly, but stared dead into his eyes still you could sense the angry confusion. But Dean could see less and less blue in the eyes until there was just a thin ring of the deep color there.

"We'll figure this out then, okay Cas? Catch the guy threatening all this and sort out your...condition" Dean softly spoke, sitting back a bit and inviting Castiel to sit next to him.

Cas relaxed on the surprisingly comfy sofa, then looked sideways at Dean. "You were wondering why I looked more insignificant to guard at such a high threat, even if you do think low of yourself, so I have a bit more human strength than you would expect"

They held gazes for a brief moment, Dean gently nodding before leaning in closer. "Show me"

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