Where I First saw You (Destiel)

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Based on a song by The Script.

"Go, Cas! Just go!" Dean shouted at Cas in the motel.

"B-But I-I-" the Angel stuttered.

"Dean, calm your fucking tits!" Sam argued back, standing up to defend Cas side by side.

"You don't just go off with someone for a couple of days and come back expecting us not to be worried about you?" Dean said.

"It was research how many times does he have to tell you!?"

"Well a nice 'I'm okay see you soon' text would've really calmed me down!"

"I'm going to go now" Cas tried to get out of the door but Dean wouldn't let him-and he couldn't zap anywhere because of the angel sigils.

"Don't leave just yet. And don't think your puppy eyes are going to get you off" Dean held Cas' shoulder, pushing him back.

"Dean! Lay off him for crying out loud, what is wrong with you? I mean you go away for days to weeks without saying anything but Cas...for a day!? I mean it'd be nice to say he's alright but you don't get all worked up about this crap!"

Dean stood still at his brothers harsh words, gulping away the anger and embarrassment. He wiped his forehead and slumped on his bed, not knowing what to do.

"I-I'm going to be away for a while, if that's okay with you, your majesty" Cas sarcastically said, almost spitting at the hunter but instantly regretted his words as he got a look of sadness and emptiness back from Dean. But he couldn't hold back now and left the room, walking away from the angel weakening before he zapped away.

The brothers slept in an agonising silence that night, the tension unbearable for both.

Durning the night Sam couldn't help but feel more and more guilty, he loved Cas like a brother and hated seeing Dean, his actual brother, turn on him like that. He got up out of bed and headed to the bathroom, taking his cell with him. Taking it out, he then flickered through his contacts before he saw Cas' name glow in the darkness.

"Hey...Cas?" he whispered.

"Sam. What are you calling me for?"

"shh! I wanted to just say I'm sorry for the way Dean was acting. But you know he means well, he was just worried. Please, come back to us"

"I can't...I-I don't want to if thats okay Sam. I may see you again, I may not, until then...goodbye, and thank you"

"Cas, how come you're so pissed just 'cause Dean had a go at you for one stupid thing. We'll sort it out you know. Can't you just forgive him for this? After everything"

"I'll be in touch"

"Cas-" he raised his whispering.


Sam hung up, dissapointed. He then had an idea, grabbed his laptop and sat in the cold outside from their motel room. Sam searched Castiels number on the phone tracker, finding him to be in the barn where Bobby told him they first met.

"Huh?" he said out loud, folding his laptop back up and silently heading back to his bed.

Deam was awake also, taking in everything in heightened senses, listening to his brothers movements.

The next day of work was almost worse. Every now and then they'd look at each other like they were remembering last night over again together. Dean always looked distracted throughout the hunt until they killed the demon and got a take out before back in the motel again. Neither really spoke much unless absolutely necissary and then went to bed in relitive awkwardness again.

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