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Ever since Cas and Dean had been dating, Dean had tried to get Cas to try anything over than going on dates and pecking at each others lips every now and then.

Honestly, Cas was scared of being in a relationship. Dates were the best, they'd been enjoying the others company for about a month, Dean still couldn't get Cas anywhere near kissing properly, let alone sleeping next to each other - and was tired of it.

"Cas, can we have a talk please?" Dean walked into the motel room with a bag of supplies.

"Should I still be in this room? Judging by your tone and body language, this doesn't concern me" Sam shuffled, grabbing his laptop.

"Yes. Now, leave alright?" He said almost angrily, watching Sam go to the next room and then Cas fidgeting against the counter in the kitchen.

"What is it Dean?"

"Cas, we've been a thing for a while now and..."

"Dean I know what you are thinking. And I understand-"

"-no you don't. You don't know how it feels to want someone so much you just want to be with them, hold them in bed, kiss them and do more than us, like couples. So what is it that's holding you back? Do you not love me anymore?"

Cas took a really deep breath then let a tear fall down.

"Cas, hey I'm sorry, I didn't realise-" Dean ran over to his angel, wiping the fresh tear away.

"No, it's okay Dean. I'm-I'm okay" Cas composed himself, lightly pushing Deans hand away from his face. "Dean... I'm scared. Terrified of being Thelma and Louise if you like" he made even himself and Dean smile at the reference "but I will try to better for you"

"Don't do it for me, do it for you too. Trust me, it'll make everything better if you loosen up. Don't be scared Cas, even if it takes a while, we'll be amazing. Trust me"

"Okay" Cas shyly smiled up to Dean, sniffling away his doubts and fear before embracing his boyfriend. "Don't ever, ever doubt I don't love you more than anything" he said into the crook of Deans neck.

"I love you too Cas" Dean whispered as he held Cas neck and waist. They drew apart but still clung to each other, resting foreheads together.

"I think we can begin with this then" Cas leant in and placed his lips on a surprised Deans. He parted his lips and trailed his tongue over Deans, who opened his mouth and battled for dominance with his tongue. It was amazing, even with Deans experience. They held onto each others bodies, smoothing their hands over the other and began taking their clothes off. As soon as Cas hand shrugged his shirt off, Dean pushed him through the doors to their bedroom.

"Dean! Gahh, please God no!" Sam shrieked, seeing Dean and Cas only in their tight boxers. "Can I got anywhere without you two needing something!" He ran out the room and slammed the door leaving Cas and Dean laughing a little, then going back to their issue.

-Deans POV-

Okay, our sex life was definitely better after that night. That sweet night. But Cas knew I wanted to try new things out rather than just make love every now and then. It was a lot to ask since he was so nervous about even kissing me, but I figured after a month or two he'd come round.

He was away for some time, dealing with some angel business, said it wasn't even worth me knowing it was so small. The problem was, I was feeling mischievous, maybe horny, but wanting to make Cas feel jealous and come home from work so we could 'do the dirty'.

"I pray to thee, Castiel, who's working his ass off I know, I think he'd prefer it if I fucked his ass until he can't work for a month, just come back to your hotted-up mess of a boyfriend" I groaned and added a whimper at the end knowing he'll probably come back quicker.

I looked around the room, no one. So I closed my eyes and palmed myself again.

"Cas, come on baby, I need you so bad right now" I growled.

-Cas' POV-

"I need you so bad right now" was all I needed to hear from Dean to get me going.

"Cassie. Castiel, are you listening?!" Balthazar shouted at me, making me snap from my trance.

We carried on the conversation but Dean continued muttering stuff that would make porn stars blush.

"...and shove it down your pretty little throat until I come so hard down and then over your face, like to see you lick it off baby, then touch yourself for me..." He continued.

Dean didn't know that my telepathy of prayers from him, I can send back.

"Y-yes that can be arrange-wow wow dean um Dean babe i'm at heaven work okay" I tried at first to get him to stop, secretly hoping he'd carry on.

"Cas, how are we communicating?!" I scared him a little "Never mind. Still want to have you sprawled in front of me, bucking your hips up and begging me to lick your hole out" his breathing got heavier.

"T-thanks for the boner Dean, great now I have to sit out the rest of this angel meeting thinking about your tongue up- dean seriously, stop dean" he kept muttering dirty words over my attempt to communicate "Ooh my dad. Um... okay yes I would like to try that whatever that is"

"Castiel!" I suddenly heard, I snapped my head towards the voice.

"Cassie can you please keep your Winchester business private! Not for every angel to hear what you're up to!"


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