FFMA pt. 4 (Destiel AU)

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A/N just thought the pic would be like him and his daughter...

"You like?" Dean smirked, rolling over and leaning over Castiels body and pulling the sheets over them.

"Yes. It's been a while and honestly I've never had an experience like that" his voice was gruff and breathy, the sex-voice tingling through Deans body "It helps if you really like the person too. I know I can do better than that though" Cas cheekily smiled, pulling Dean closer and intertwining their legs.

"I'd like that" Dean rested his head on Castiels chest, wrapping his arms around Cas' body and closing his eyes, just listening to the peaceful silence and his breathing. Castiel ran his hands through Deans hair then kissed his forehead, breathing in Deans sent. Both snuggled into the feeling of their hot bodies and cold sheets, Dean especially feeling like a blank in his life had been coloured.

All too soon he felt Cas tense up, he opened his eyes in confusion.

"Shit. Dean...Delivery!" Cas panicked, quickly rushing into the bathroom and cleaning himself a little and pulling on a shirt and jeans before rushing out and into the front garden, leaving the door open. Dean followed, pulling on pants and Cas' trench coat and standing in the front doorway.

"Cas? I'm sure if they come they'd ring or something" Dean laughed.

"Not these guys. They don't fuck around" Cas turned back around to face Dean and walked back inside "they knock and if your not there, they leave"

"What were you ordering?" Dean huffed.

"Urm...it's from my family. Just some of my old cameras and expensive stuff I left for Gabriel"

"I thought you said they were all dead"

"Not all. Lucifer...he's still out there. I'm not sure but I think Michael is too" he sounded terrified at the name and they still existed.

"Oh...so what now?"

"They'll come again tonight or tomorrow I think, then if I don't get to them, they'll destroy everything"

"Ruthless bastards. It's hard to believe someone so gentle and amazing could come from that family. We'll just have to be ready then, okay? No more hiding I your bedroom, just camp out here for a day or so in the living room"

"Fine okay"

"I'm tired, can we please just get some sleep babe?" Dean took Castiels hands and held them up neck height, leaning in to his lips. Cas got in quicker and connected their lips with passion. Dean sucked on Cas' upper lip then trailed his tongue over it, asking for entry. Castiel let his tongue wonder into Deans mouth for a moment, tilting his head and getting deeper. Desperate for breath Dean and Cas pulled slowly away and rested their heads against the others.

"We can sleep on the couch babe"

"Stop calling me that" Cas whispered.

"Only when you stop liking me saying that" Dean led Cas to the couch and slowly pushed him down to lay, pecking at the others lips all the while, while their bodies fumbled around with each others on the couch. Dean put half of his body on the couch and the other on Castiels body.

"Goodnight" Cas clicked his fingers reducing the room to blackness.

"It's like 10.45"

"Yeah, well I'm exhausted after earlier"

"You loved it"

"Okay maybe I did"

"Stop being cheeky or I'll set you up for round 2" they both laughed in cover of each other.

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