Arguments are Pointless (D)

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A/N will have fanoverload so be prepared for some...well a lot... of stuff


"Dude, check out this! Some old Hellblazer comics" Dean called over his brother to the corner of the bunker.

"W-What!? No way!" Sam ran over.

"Yes way!" Dean continued grinning possessively at his collection "I've got some dad must've collected over the years" he flickered through a pile, looking at the issue and date.

"That's just awesome. I remember he was always secretly a nerd somewhere deep within him"

"Woah, we've got some pretty cool stuff. Sam, do you know how much this stuff goes on eBay?" Dean grinned.

"No. Do you?" Sam paused, looking up from the Hellblazer issues.

"N-No. Maybe...shut up" he nudged his brother and sat on the floor, going through more.

"We're not selling them until I've read through them either, Dean" Sam smirked.

"Hey, doesn't John Constantine look familiar to you? Like...really friggin familiar?"

"Erm...yeah" Sam scratched his head and furrowed his brow.

"He's not bad looking either" Dean twitched his head and kept searching for a particular book and shrugged off his statement like it was nothing.

His brother caught on it though and looked wide eyed at Dean "What?"

"Just saying, he looks quite hot in the comics. And the TV series"

"Right..." Sam squinted his eyes then suddenly realised why John Constantine was so familiar "Dean"

"Mhm?" He flicked his head up.

"He looks like Cas" more like the love child from you and Cas Sam thought to himself.

"Oh, right...I can see that. Like the trenchcoat and stubble and the way his hair...never mind"

"Point is, why the fuck is there Batman comics in here? You have an entire folder labeled 'DC Batman Faves'" Sam confusingly held up the large folder.

"Maybe dad threw in a few comics he thought were good" he snatched it off his brother.

"Constantine is way cooler though" Sam mumbled.

"Excuse me? I will defend Constantine to the death from anyone else, apart from Batman. He is just more assertive than John! Admit it!"

"No, Constantine is more intellectual, awesome abilities and doesn't take crap. And he wears better way clothing"

"Yeah, I admit John looks so much better in every way, but just face it Sammy, Batman always wins, better more powerful villains and he beats them...mostly"

"No, I can't believe you've forgotten how much Constantine is by himself in this more than Batman, he's got friggin enemies everywhere, and like, what, Batman doesn't live up to his potential"

"Shut it, you're just afraid of loosing"

"I'm winning you over though"

"Are not!"

"Are too!"

They both growled at each other before wrestling the other on the carpeted area until one had dominance, Sam pinning Dean down heavily.

"I gather now is not the best time to intrude" a gruff and lazy voice came from the other end of the room causing the boys fighting to freeze.

Sam rolled off his brother and stood up, waiting for Dean to do the same.

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