Sometimes pt 4 (D)

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" you look great. I couldn't see your outfit properly before Cas but, wow" I said as we stepped into the restaurant.

"Thanks, I was terrified of what to wear, almost as nervous as you but I'm glad you like it" he shuffled on his feet.

"Seriously it's hot stuff, brings out your hip bones and clavicle" I murmured hoping he didn't hear the last bit, sitting down at our booth.

A man came up to us almost immediately "Your server will be with you shortly" he said with an accent that sounded vaguely French. The host left two menus at our table as he briskly walked back to the front of the restaurant. I peered over the seemingly endless choices of delicacies, while Castiel glanced around the place, taking in every detail. It was beautiful here.

The lights were dimmed just enough to create a sense of romance in the atmosphere and there were several gleaming chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, a little bit of romantic jazz in the background. Even the tables were set with pure precision. There was a small candle on the end of their table, with two roses on either side in long vases.

"Hey Cas, check this out. Not sure how to pronounce it but I think it might be a kind of burger" I said with a grin. Cas turned to his own menu, scanning for his choice of dinner "I'm definitely ordering that. Not super into the whole snails and stuff" I nervously chuckled.

"I can fully understand that" said Cas, nodding. "This looks good." Cas turned the menu towards me, pointing at something that had lots of bread and gourmet cheese in it.

"Nice choice" I replied. The waiter then came up to the table.

"Are you two ready to order?"he asked, reaching into his pocket for a notebook and pen.

"Can I have..uh-this?" I felt so out of place, pointing to his menu.

"Ah, very good choice" the waiter replied, "And you sir?" he asked Cas.

"I'll have the bread dish please" he also pointed at the menu, exchanging a funny look with me of unsureness and excitement.

"Ah! Fantastic sirs! Your meals should arrive shortly" the waiter had a wide smile as he strut away to the kitchens.

"This is very nice Dean. I've never been on with a guy" said Cas.

I grinned, "I'm honoured then"

Castiel smiled into his lap.

"Hey, I really want this to be something special" I said quite proudly.

"Yeah, me too. D-Do you want to come back to mine tonight?"

"Hmm?" I heard every word, but in the moment I forgot, excietement brewing beneath me.

"I mean only if you want-you're right it's too early I was getting ahead of myself-"

"I never said I didn't want to come back with you Castiel Novak"

Suddenly our waiter was standing beside us, serving the food. But neither of us cared. We were too focused on each other, carefully taking in every detail. I smiled again, glancing down at my food and Cas copied as we both remembered what was ordered.

The conversation came effortlessly, as it often did with Cas. We could talk endless hours, learning more and more about eachother, for instance this time he said how he was half Russian (incredibly sexy) and we talked about our highs and lows throughout our lives, still leaving more mystery behind ourselves. And soon we were finished, I left the check with the money I had saved for exactly this purpose.

"Tonight. It was fantastic. Literally I-I can't thank you more" Cas stuttered as we sat on the hood of my impala.

"No problem. I hope you enjoyed yourself as much as I did. And I hope we have many more days like this to come. Now what was that about me coming round yours tonight?" I grinned at him, to which he laughed, looking down at his feet and back into my eyes.

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