A Late Night

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A/N I'm so so sorry for not updating that much or that good stuff. The hospital AU is being worked on though. I just have a LOT of French HW

Cas shivered as he lay still under the covers, staring at the ceiling and trying to control his breathing. He'd been at this for about 4 hours and it was frankly getting ridiculous. I mean, he'd never struggled getting to sleep as a human, so why now? Tonight? He had nothing to be excited about in the morning and he was exhausted. Even more so the next morning if he couldn't eventually get to sleep.

"Umph" he hummed as he turned on his side, one hand under the pillow and hips turned in to face the mattress.

In a cold sweat and no chance of sleep that night, Cas closed his eyes and began writing a poem in his mind, like he used to when he was bored in heaven.

You may fall from the sky,
You may fall from a tree,
But the best way to fall


But the best way to fall
Is in love with Dean

Oh my father, not again. Cas had enough of feelings for that man and it was slowly eating him inside. Just when he thought he'd got over him, back to friends, Dean would make him fall all over again. But now was one of those times he was neutral. Dean was his friend. Sam was his brother. Life was getting back to normal.

Cas picked up his phone from the side table and thanked his dad he'd turned the brightness down before hand. 3.14am it read. He was not getting any sleep that night at all.

Without hesitation, Cas stood up with the warmth of the blankets enclosing his body, holding the iPhone in one hand as he made his way out of the room. Using the light from his cell, he made his way into the kitchen, his bare feet padding on the wooden floor. Once in the room he turned the light on and immediately tripped over the trash next to the switch making an unholy clattering at this time in the morning.

He cursed under his breath and tried to still it before freezing to see if anyone came out of their room to complain. Strangely enough the light-sleeping brothers didn't so Cas slowly made his way to the cupboards, taking a bit more caution with his footing this time.

Cas began humming a little bit as he searched about for glasses and an appropriate night cap from Dean's corner shelf. Still with the sheets over his shoulders, he poured a shots worth of whiskey in his glass and put it on table. In a dazed and sleep deprived state he jumped up on the table and wrapped the sheets over himself more, half lying down.

Before the glass of the cup could touch his lips his phone vibrated on the table signalling he'd got a message. Cas put the drink down and picked up his phone to check the text.

What are you doing up at this time?

From Dean. Basically he was busted. Cas' fingers fumbled quickly around to respond.

I really can't sleep. Is it normal to not be able to? And I'm sorry for waking you

Cas downed the drink and dropped it in the dishwasher to clean up later, he really wasn't bothered at this time.

It's normal, Cas. Don't worry, I'm a light sleeper. Do you want me to join you for a night feast or...maybe we can talk?

Cas' breath hitched when he read the invitation, heart warming and thumping and palms beginning to sweat. He thought about what to answer without sounding keen or rushed. That would be nice. So can I come to your room and sleep in there tonight? I feel I may sleep better...feel safer

Are you alright? Not having nightmares or anything? Came the hurried reply.

I'll be in your room in a moment

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