Camera, Action (Destiel)

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"So...shifter?" Dean picked up the newspaper with the photograph and a 'lens glare'.

"Appears so" I replied "You can Cas should go and check out the sewer system around that bar, I'll be rifling through this, double checking we've got the right stuff" I wasn't really going to, I just wanted to get them talking again after last night (Cas accidentally punched him, Dean hasn't exactly forgiven yet, but it was an accident).

"Fine, alright" Dean grabbed his jacket and took off out the door, Castiel looking shameful as he followed.

I heard the angry roar of the impala outside and waited until I could only hear silence before I switched on TV and relaxed. I could never let Dean know or see how much I laid back when he was away. Recent jobs tired me out and I just needed something to let me feel...weightless.

Also messing around with Deans bed and stuff like I used to made me feel more connected.

Once finished I closed his room door and went back to 'researching' this shifter.


About three hours later midnight approached and I heard the familiar rev of the Impala, I jumped into my bed and shoved the door closed just as Cas and Dean entered.

I heard muffled voices, random rumblings. Then snippets of the conversation.

"...Don't mention it to Sammy, not yet"

"Dean, stop it!" it sounded almost like a giggle. From Cas. Cas. Giggling?

I lay completely confused about the conversation before slamming my eyes shut as my door creaked open and I knew Dean was watching over me. Like always.

Soon I heard Dean having a minor flip out as he discovered what I'd done to his bed. I smiled a bit before drifting off to sleep.


Cas stumbled out of the bedroom and grabbed my coffee, gulping it all down in one.

"Are you alright Cas?" I looked up at him from my computer and furrowed my brow.

"Late night, sorry...I-I'll make you another of you want" he collapsed on the chair next to me.

"No, no it's okay. So you're talking now?"

"Yeah, we've 'talked things out' if you like"

"Right...Where's Dean?" I said, looking back over the security camera footage from last night trying to pick up anything else, any trace of the shifter.

"He'll be out in a moment I think" he grumbled before holding his head in his hands and resting his elbows on the table.

Rough night

As if on que, Dean sauntered in and shot me a fake smile.

"Thanks for the bed surprise late at night you bitch" he ruffled my hair and sat next to Cas around the table.

"Jerk" I went back to surfing the videos.

"So what you got?"

"Urm nothing so far...I'm approaching 11 ish last night so...urmm nothing...hang on...WHAT?" I shuddered my shoulders, not believing my eyes, zooming in.

"What?" Cas and Dean said together in concern, slightly raising from their seats.

I stared at the footage over again, moving my laptop away from them checking the footage over again and again. A minute later I stared up at them, wide eyed.

I zoomed in further, seeing again what was happening.

"Sam...what is going on?" Dean said.

I looked directly into his eyes and began to smile a little in disbelief but relief at the same time.

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