Mistake (D)

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Cas looked around the club. It was never really his scene. Gabriel dared him to 'venture forth into the unknown'.

He uncomfortably looked around the place, searching for Balthazar to get him out of this place.

"Chat a guy up" Gabe skidded sideways against the bar like a snake next to Cas, making him almost jump out of his skin.

"Warn me when you're going to scare me"

"Then it wouldn't be any fun! Look... find a guy... chat him up...fuck"

"Wow. That poem was truly inspiring Gabriel, thank you. You know I really connected with that on a spiritual level-"

"Shut it. Just go and mingle, bro" Gabriel looked up at his brother and wiggled his eyebrows.

They looked at each other for a moment before Cas gave in, sighing and thumping his empty drink back on the bar.

He first looked around the corner. Nope.

No one took his fancy. It was just straight couples and loners or drunks or druggies. Why he agreed to stay this long, he'd never know. He wouldn't normally be seen dead in this sort of place.

And he was well dressed for such a place. Decent, formal looking Castiel journeyed out that night. He kinda regretted it.

Then he spotted someone. Corner of his eye, standing by the bar by himself. Green eyes, sharpish clothes on. He was scanning about the place too.

Cas made his advance, Gabriel and Balthazar holding their breath and observing from afar. He was pretty terrible at chatting up anyone, butterflies in his stomach and slight dizziness of anxiousness.

The guy at the bar saw Cas approach, he turned to face the direction Cas was coming from and leant against the bar like that.

"H-Hey" Cas stuttered. Very good start there.

"Hey. What's up?"

"Nothing much. I-I didn't really want to be here, but I just wanted to say...you are really cute" woah, overconfidence powered through his words there.

"Thanks, man"

"So anyone with here with you?" Cas stepped closer, studying this guys features and the freckles dotted around now disable to Cas.

"Y-Yeah. My girlfriend actually, she just went to the restroom" he said casually.

"O-Ohh. Shit I'm sorry. I didn't know you were straight" Cas blushed, shaking a little, looking back down at the floor and biting hard at his lip.

"That's alright, it's cool"

"You don't mind me calling you cute?" Cas slowly raised his head again.

"A compliment is a compliment, no mater who it's from" the man lifted Cas' chin up a little further then dropped his hand.

They both stared into each others eyes for a moment, lingering gazes and smiling a little at the moment they shared.

"T-Thank you. I-I'm going to...go" Cas turned to go.

The man stopped him, holding his shoulder "See you around...?"

"Castiel...or Cas"

"Dean S-Smith" Dean smirked, watching Castiel walk away to a couple of people in the corner.

Suddenly another guy approached Dean.

"Who was that?"

"No one, Sam, he just chatted me up. Called me cute. I told him I was here with my girlfriend. He was adorable"

"You lied to him and you didn't go with him!?"

"We're on a job and I'm not getting him involved in any way"

Sam gave him a questioning look then back to the guy who was with Dean a second ago.

"We should probably leave here" Dean quickly suggested.


They headed out the door, but Dean stopped for a moment and turned back to look at Castiel. He waved at him limply, then slowly turned back away to walk out.

Cas saw him, winking at Dean as they met eyes again and smirked at him.

"Aren't you going to chase after him? I mean, you told us he has a girl but...he doesn't look to bothered if you did follow him" Gabriel said from behind him.

Cas still looked out into the distance of the door where Dean had just left "somehow I don't think this will be the last I'll see of him"

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