Meant to be (Destiel)

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A/N I've realised my lack of ideas for johnlock and Phan so hahaha you're stuck with destiel for another billion chapters. Also this is before we kinda knew Chuck was God...

"Dean, I need you to come quickly to my house-I'll explain later, but you need to get your and your angels asses down here right now" Chuck said to Deans voicemail for the 3rd time this hour, pacing up and down.

About three hours later Dean and Cas came bursting through the doors, storming into the living room.

"Chuck?" Dean said, lowering his gun.

"Dean, thank God you're here"

"Yeah we got the call, what is it?" Dean and Castiel leant against the desk.

"Urm, you're either going to be okay or not by the end of this but...I've seen something off the urm usual" Chuck wandered over and scrambled through his writings , pulling out a few pieces of paper and then sitting down, glasses on.

"Maybe hurry up a bit?" Cas' voice wobbled.

"Err it says here 'Cas lay on the rundown motel bed, his bare torso an inviting sight to Deans eyes. Castiel rest his head against the cold pillows as his chest rapidly rose and fell while his friend ran his hand down to his boxers. Unable to hide his desire any longer, Dean crawled over Castiels body and fell into a kiss of fiery, lust filled passion'." he looked awkwardly up to Dean who was wide eyed at the paragraph. Cas just tilted his head and flicked his gaze between Dean and Chuck.

Chuck cleared his throat "There's...urm there's more. 'Dean ground his hips into the Angels beneath him, beneath his torn jeans his erection throbbing-"

"Woah! Enough there Chuck. That's-that's more than enough" Dean blushed more than he'd ever before, shuffling away from Castiel.

"We then perform intercourse I assume?" Cas said matter-of-factly.

"Sorta...But that's not all I've bring you here to talk about"

"How!? I mean...I like you an all, but how did we end up-I'm gonna regret saying this-pleasuring each other?" Dean panicked.

"Well you find a demon who-during the fight-tears at Castiels clothes, Dean, you strip him of the garments and hold tight to his waist until you recover at motel. I'm sorry, but this is going to happen"

"Am I the only one not okay with this?" Dean almost shouted.

"Yes" Cas bluntly said, unfolding his arms.

"You wouldn't mind 'being' with me? A guy?"

"No. I have no problem with that or intercourse with you Dean"

"And you realise what you're saying here?"

"Absolutely" Cas' brows drew together in confusion and tilted his head like he always did.

Dean rolled his eyes and waved his arm-dismissing this and turned to Chuck.

"Look, I honestly couldn't care less about you two sleeping together. It's bound to happen soon anyway, the way you two act around each other"

"H-How do you mean?" Dean quizzed.

"It's really not obvious to you?" Cas tilted his head at Dean, staring continually.

"" Dean lied, suddenly realising everything they'd done.

"I think the point is it's going to happen, what Chuck has seen must come to pass"

"But I don't-I'm not ready to-"

"The real problem here is the demon" Chuck interrupted.

"What's the threat?" Cas boldly spoke.

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