Hospital AU pt3

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Day 22: It seemed like both men had known each other since birth the way they acted so smoothly and freely around one another now. Cas was finally coming to terms with that 'friendship', but still he didn't know or understand how much Dean wanted him because he was afraid he'd got it wrong.

He'd also earlier that day brought in season 1-5 of Doctor Who (and a McDonalds) just in case Dean was in here much longer than expected. Dean felt his heart warm every time Cas did something like this, and he could wake up to see his face every day if it meant he stayed at the hospital.

Above Dean in the still early hours, he suddenly heard a juttering of plastic and metal, clunking in the air con probably. Thinking it was just a phase, he left it even though it got louder considerably over the last ten minutes. He looked up again, hoping by doing this his magical telekinesis would fix it.

It was far too annoying to keep watching David Tennant while a worse noise of a plane crash was happening overhead. He picked up the hospital phone to call reception, asking for the only man he could ask to fix it.

"Hello, Seattle Mercy Reception?" A chirpy voice answered.

"Hey, can I get a Doctor Castiel Novak in my room. I need to talk specifically to him"

There was a pause, "Of course, what is your room number and name?"

"Dean 69"

You could almost hear the sniggering in her voice, "I'm sure he'll be up right away then"

Dean hung up immediately, running his hands through his hair. There was a sharp pain still hissing through his hand but he was trying to pass it off still, hoping the light bondage around it would keep from further harm.

He waited for a moment before pressing play on the next episode. The flowers next to him were red, like he asked, he made the room a romanic shade darker, a hint of rose spray and he'd dimmed the lights.

"Dean, what is it this time?" Cas barged in, just staring at Dean and not the little efforts around the room.

Dean pointed up to the noisy air-con and then went back to the episode, hoping to play hard to get if Cas played along.

"What, do you want me to fix it?" he shut the door and opened his arms like 'what, seriously?'

Dean just nodded, fixated on the screen.

"Dean you know I can't go an ask for extra parts or get someone to help. I physically can't" Castiel sighed, knowing Dean understood this.

"It's just the belt caught up in the fans up there probably, nothing too taxing for your nimble fingers" Dean pointed out, half grinning at the doctor and shutting the player down, putting it away.

Castiel was just panicking all the time now, with the stress of the new job, this handsome patient maybe or maybe not crushing on him and now his heart over working when a flirt of action was even insinuated. "I can do that. But you'll need to get off the bed"

"Just climb over me" Dean said casually.

He looked like he was considering it for a moment but then shook his head "If I fall you'll be crushed to death"

"Don't be so hard on yourself"

"Oh, you know what I mean" Cas exhaled, "I'm going to lock the door so when someone comes in we don't have to say our excuse is doctor and patient role play so they run off" holy shit Cas was going to make him play out that fantasy in his head because that is a kink. And damn Cas for being so forward on the subject for the first time.

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