FFMA (Destiel AU)

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A/U where Dean is running a self defence class for people and children, Cas is a single father and joins Dean. The pic is just a general thingy. both characters 26
"Mindy, excellent scissor kick there. Right Rudi don't do-no no no stop hitting the wall. C'mon what's the wall ever done to you? Hit the bag" Dean happily grinned around the class of 20, looking at the 5-11 year olds he's trained over the last couple of months.

He'd taken over from his dad since he died but this class was a way to escape life and help others. Dean had the separate gym next door and trained adults now too, he was content-if a bit lonely.

"Right guys, if your parents are here you can go, see you next week or whatever" he shooed the class off the matts and most left with their parents immediately.

Then a parent and a kid entered, the man in a thin shirt and jeans, piercing blue eyes and beautifully dark spiky hair, lips slightly chapped. Dean made his way over to the desk, looking at the new parent that entered while making sure everyone in the previous class got out okay.

"Um...hey excuse me. Do you run this place?" the new guy said.

"Yeah, yeah. Why?" Dean stood closer the mysterious man, smiling.

"This is Jude, my daughter. I would like to have her learn how to defend herself and we're pretty new to the town a-and it's just a good way to start up here" the guy seemed nervous a bit and held onto his daughters shoulders.

"Okay thanks, I'm Dean, Dean Winchester. Hey Jude, and your name is?"

"I'm Castiel Novak, hello Dean" he half smiled. The two were lost into each others eyes for a moment.

"So you just need to fill out this form and I'll see you next week" Dean handed over paper and a pen to Castiel, hands brushing in the process.

It took a moment to fill the form in before Castiel handed it back to Dean.

"Thanks. Jude is 10, that's great. You're 26? Snap then" Dean laughed a bit to himself.

"Oh really? Well I'll see you around then, 26" Castiel giggled a bit then began backing towards the door.

"Catch you around" Dean was left by himself again.
-1 week on-
Dean hadn't been able to get Castiel out of his all week, he didn't know why though. He though it was his eyes or sweet and innocent personality? But he was probably straight, he had a daughter for crying out loud and a wife maybe, who wouldn't want to go out with the guy?

"Hello Dean" he heard the familiar gruff voice from behind him in the class. The voice he'd been thinking about.

"Oh, h-hey Castiel, and Jude isn't it?" Dean stumbled around and looked at Castiel and his daughter.

"Yeah, is it okay if I sit and watch this first lesson?"

"No problem, just sit here" Dean smiled and took Jude into the 'arena' of matts and people her age.

The lesson went really well on Deans part, realising Jude was a really tough and confident young kid, just shy at talking to others.

"Great lesson everyone, especially Jude our new girl. We have high hopes for you, now go on, off you go" he gestured for the kids to get up off the matts and home. It left him with Castiel and Jude again.

"So how did you like it sweetie?" Castiel got up and asked his daughter.

"Great dad, really awesome. Dean is amazing" she said, putting on her shoes.

"I've seen. I'm going to have a quick talk with Dean you can go down the road you know where home is now right?"

"Yes, whatever" Jude grabbed the house keys from her dad and walked out.

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