Accused - Vminkook (part 1)

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Little!Taehyung ~ Mental age: 0-3
Caregivers!Jungkook and Jimin

Side ships: Namjin and Sope

I told y'all I was too busy to write more atm, and then I was awake at 4am SOOOOO...
Have some Vminkook


"When daddy comin home?"
Jimin sighed and put his book down when his little asked the same question for the fifth time in the past few minutes.
"I don't know, Taetae. You really should be getting to bed, bub, it's very late." He replied just like the other four times, and Taehyung pouted and tilted his head at him. Sure, it was far past the little's bedtime, but Taehyung wouldn't sleep without a kiss and a cuddle from both his daddy and his papa, and Jimin found that arguing with the stubborn little was useless.

That was the truth, Jimin didn't know. Jungkook had been staying at work overtime every night for the past two weeks, and it was so sudden that Jimin had immediately got suspicious, despite how much big Tae tried to reassure him that it was probably nothing. But Jungkook always came back from 'work' in a good mood, which in the past, if he was doing extra work into the late hours of the night like today, wouldn't be the case at all.

And so Jimin had done some digging, which was not much other than phoning up one of their managers and asking if Jungkook had checked into the building. He hadn't, it'd been the same the night before too, and to think that Jungkook had lied to him... it shattered him. He didn't want to think that the maknae may be cheating on them, but he was beginning to lose hope as Jungkook was seeming more and more secretive as time went on. Jimin almost confronted him when he came home with messy hair one day, fearing the worst.

"Papa, whew iss daddy?" Taehyung asked timidly, but knew he shouldn't have when Jimin snapped, chucking the book onto the table beside him and throwing his arms up.
"I don't know, Tae, okay?! He says he's at work but I don't know! How many more times do I have to say it until you actually listen??" He yelled, but immediately regretted it when Taehyung burst into tears on the spot, abandoning the colouring sheet that he'd been entertaining himself with for the past ten minutes and dropping his crayons into his lap.

Jimin's eyes widened and he rushed over to his baby that was crouched on the floor, crying his little heart out as he was a little shaken from the loud noises at such a late hour.
"Oh no- no no shh... sorry baby, Papa didn't mean to shout." Jimin spoke guiltily, trying to console the little, but Taehyung shook his head and shuffled away from him when his older caregiver got closer.
"D-Don touch T-Taetae... I-I wan d-daddy!" He sobbed, dodging Jimin's touch and running out of the lounge, into his playroom, and slamming the door behind him.

Jimin let out a pained sigh before falling back in his armchair, bringing his hands to his face and feeling a couple of his own tears roll down his face. He shouldn't have done that, he knew that Taehyung was sensitive, especially when little. But what if Jungkook really was cheating on them? What if Jimin wasn't good enough for him anymore? What if little Tae found out? What then?

And as if on cue, the sound of keys jiggling in the lock and the front door opening caught Jimin's attention, and he removed his hands from his face to turn his head to the door, but quickly turned it back away when he saw Jungkook walked in.
"I'm home~" the maknae chimed, kicking his shoes off and dropping his bags to the floor, before spotting Jimin in the lounge and smiling.

"Hey baby, where's Tae?" He hummed, frowning a little when Jimin scoffed and tilted his head.
"In his playroom sulking because somebody didn't come home in time to give him cuddles before bed. And... also because I maybe shouted at him." Jimin added, not lifting his head to see Jungkook's frown and furrowed brows that he just knew that the younger was wearing.

"Why'd you shout- wait- have you been crying??" Jungkook gasped when he caught a glimpse of the older male's red eyes, his own expression changing to one of concern as Jimin chuckled and stood up abruptly, not a trace of humour in his expression.
"Yeah, you come home late for the fifth time this week after not telling us anything, and then act like you care? Drop the bullshit, Jungkook." He practically growled, and Jungkook was quite obviously taken aback, eyes wide as he reached out for the older boy.

"I'm sorry, baby. I swear I can explain..." he tried, but Jimin didn't let him talk, the smaller male sucking in a deep breath and closing his eyes momentarily, and when he opened them they were glossy and narrowed.
"Are you... are you cheating?" He asked right off the bat, and although to Jungkook it seemed like such a sudden and frightening question, it was clear that Jimin had been thinking about this for a while.

Jungkook stayed quiet, too shocked to respond, and Jimin took his silence as a bad sign.
"You are, aren't you!" He yelled accusingly, storming forwards and poking Jungkook's chest with his index finger, causing the younger to stumble backwards as he looked at Jimin with disbelief.
"You can't be serious- Look, I'm sorry I was late, but I was working. I told you this. I would never-" he didn't even get to finish what he was saying as Jimin placed both of his palms on Jungkook's chest and pushed him back harshly, tears rolling down his cheeks as he shoved Jungkook in the direction of the door.

"Get out." He mumbled under his breath.
"I said get out!"

Jungkook didn't need to be told again, and he made quick work of putting his shoes back on, not bothering to grab a blazer or a jacket and just leaving to perhaps go on a walk to clear his head, or just exert his frustrations. He didn't know when he'd be getting back, but it didn't seem like he could possibly make Jimin angrier at that particular moment in time, so he reckoned he'd stay well away for as long as possible. If Jimin wasn't gonna listen to him, why should he bother trying to explain it?

That's when Taehyung walked in, phone pressed to his ear and red eyes locked in a glare at his older boyfriend, and Jimin could just tell that he'd come out of littlespace.
"Don't worry, Yoongi hyung, he just left. Yeah, I'll sort it." Taehyung spoke into the phone, walking straight past Jimin and pulling the front door open, before running after the maknae.

Jimin was confused and upset, and before he had time to even think about following the others a few minutes after he'd collected himself, his phone rang in his pocket. Pulling it out, he noticed Namjoon's name flashing on his screen, and hesitated slightly before answering it.
"Park Jimin, what did you do?"
Namjoon sounded angry, but the calm tone that he used when scolding the younger members seemed to scare Jimin more. He stayed silent, so Namjoon spoke again.

"Jungkook's at our house. Care to tell me why he's crying?" Namjoon spoke through gritted teeth, and Jimin bit his lip as his eyes widened, but he soon remembered why he was mad and got back to frowning and scoffing immediately.
"Why don't you let him tell you? Actually, you know what, you probably shouldn't bother asking, he might lie to you too." He sneered, and he heared another voice in the background of the call, hearing someone say something about Taehyung.

"Brilliant, Tae's upset too. I already spoke to Jungkook about it and in all honesty, I'm confused. You really think Jungkook would cheat on you? Really? He's in pieces, Jimin." Namjoon spoke almost incredulously, and the younger male sighed, starting to rethink it all. He was starting to regret even thinking like that, he definitely regretted shouting at Taehyung because of his worries, but most of all he regretted what he'd said to Jungkook. God he felt so stupid.

"N-No I just... I'm just... I've just been worried, okay? He hasn't been talking to us much, he's being really secretive and he's been staying late at work, but sometimes doesn't even go into our work building at all. I miss him, and I can't help but overthink it." Jimin confessed, sniffling when Namjoon sighed.

"You can't jump to conclusions like that, Chim, but I suppose I understand where you're coming from. You wanna find out the real reason why he's been late for the past two weeks?"
"Then come over, but only once you've cooled off."
"Yes hyung, I'm sorry."
"I'm not the one you should be apologising to and you know it."

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