Forgotten - Yoonmin

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Request from: ehh_okay 🧸

Little!Jimin ~ Mental age: 0-5

Side ship: Taekook


Jungkook was crying again. After a stressful couple of days at work, the maknae had slipped to a younger age, and wanted nothing but to get cuddles and attention from his caregiver and the older members. They were all pretty stressed to be honest, and with a big comeback on the way, right now was their first break in hours.

"Shh Koo, daddy's got you." Taehyung hushed him as he bounced the little in his lap, the maknae sniffling and whining in his arms as all of the older members began to gather around him attentively.
"Aw, poor baby. The little one's been working so hard, hm?" Jin cooed, crouching down in front of the youngest two and gently ruffling Jungkook's hair. Jimin stood back from the scene a little, a small pout forming on his lips as he saw his own caregiver also going over to Jungkook, Yoongi sitting beside Taehyung on the sofa and petting Jungkook's hair. He shook his head at himself, telling himself that he shouldn't be jealous of Jungkook's ability to get everyone's attention without even trying. He was the golden maknae after all.

Yet still, it frustrated him. They were both littles, but when Jungkook slipped the others would immediately tend to Jungkook, probably because the maknae had a younger headspace and was very dependent on the older members when he was little. Well, Yoongi would almost always look after Jimin of course, and Taehyung was pretty good at checking up on him too, but he still felt like it was unfair sometimes.

And as for today, Jimin hadn't slipped yet, but he desperately needed to.

"Jimin, get Jungkook's drink. It's on the counter." Namjoon turned around and said to the shorter male, and Jimin silently pouted but nodded and went all the same, going and fetching the sippy cup of apple juice that was on the counter by the sink. He picked it up and immediately frowned again, a small, unnoticed whine passing his lips. It was his sippy cup, one that Yoongi had bought for him a while ago as an extra birthday gift to go with his littlespace gear. God, if he was little right now he would have turned his nose up and walked away with it, but he didn't feel like anyone would notice him today anyway, and he wanted to help, so he just walked over to Taehyung and handed the bottle to him, the younger caregiver smiling softly.

"Thanks Chim." He said, Jimin smiling back for a moment, before dropping his lips into a pout again, which Taehyung seemed to notice. Jungkook had since gone quiet, cuddled up on Taehyung's lap with his head on the older's chest as he suckled contentedly on the apple juice, so Taehyung didn't waste a second to turn to the shorter male and tilt his head at him.
"You okay?" He asked gently, and Jimin snapped himself out of his jealous thoughts, despite how much he wished Yoongi would hold him like how Taehyung was holding Jungkook.

"Oh, I'm fine." He hurried to say, flashing Taehyung a quick smile before turning and leaving the room, and everyone in it, in search of Yoongi, who had since slipped away with Jin to get something. His brows furrowed when he found Jin coming out of the playroom, one of Jimin's stuffed toys in his hand.
"What are you doing with that?" Jimin asked in confusion, catching the attention of Yoongi who was just walking down the corridor.
"I'm gonna give it to Jungkook, he really likes playing with it." Jin spoke, and Jimin could already feel himself slipping, stomping his foot on the floor and pointing at the toy.

"But it's mine! I wan it." He huffed, mumbling the last bit and making Yoongi sigh.
"Jimin, you can't slip now, we need to look after Jungkook. And just let him have it, don't be so selfish. I thought good boys shared?" Yoongi said with crossed arms, and Jimin's eyes widened, shocked at his caregiver's response.
"Bu daddy-"
"No buts, Jimin. Take Jungkook into the playroom and keep him entertained, okay?" Yoongi said, and Jimin frowned and his eyes watered a little, but he blinked back the tears and nodded obediently, going into the lounge and seeing Jungkook sat on the floor with a paci in his mouth, Jimin's stuffie in his arms.

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