Always - Namjinkook

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Request from: @Eternal_Woosan 🎶

Little!Jungkook ~ Mental age: 3
Caregivers!Namjoon and Jin

Side ships: Sope and Vmin


Considering Yoongi and Hoseok were out doing a paired project for the company, the other five were given the rest of the day to relax, and they were currently spending it together in their shared lounge.
"I'm gonna win, Hyung!" Jungkook screamed as he aggressively pressed the buttons on his controller, Jimin's eyebrows furrowing as he focused on their game.
"Not on my watch." He growled, the two laughing together as their karts on the TV screen battled for the finish line.

Taehyung was lying on one sofa on his phone, while Namjoon and Jin were sat on the other, the leader reading a book and the oldest leaning against him, head on his shoulder.
"Hah! Told you I'd win!" Jungkook laughed with victory, grinning at Jimin who rolled his eyes and laughed with him.
"I'll beat you someday, just you wait." He said, standing up and ruffling Jungkook's hair as he walked past to go and practically lie on top of Taehyung.

"Chim, you're heavy." The brunette whined, trying to shove his smaller boyfriend off, but Jimin clung to him with an intent that made Taehyung sigh and give up immediately.

Jungkook saw the two cuddling and immediately pouted, a tiny sound coming from him which didn't go unnoticed by the oldest who'd been keeping a watchful eye on him. Jungkook had been pretty stressed recently, so now that they were having a break, Jin and Namjoon had been expecting Jungkook to slip today. Yes, the maknae was a little, and no, no one else knew other than Namjoon and Jin, who he was currently in a relationship with.

"Jungkookie?" Jin called over to him, the youngest's head snapping in his direction with this look in his eyes that screamed his want to be little more than words could, and Jin smiled fondly.
"We're gonna go to bed, guys." Jin announced to the other two who were laughing at some memes on Taehyung's phone, and they nodded to their others with tired smiles.
"Okay, sleep well." Jimin chimed, before placing his head back on Taehyung's chest and closing his eyes, an action that made the brunette coo.

Getting the message from Jin's actions, Namjoon followed along and took Jungkook's hand in his own as they walked down the hallway to their dorm, and the little giggled when he did so.
"Is someone small?" Namjoon hummed, stroking his thumb over the back of Jungkook's inked hand, and the youngest blushed and nodded bashfully while trying to hide behind his other hand.

"Gah- too cute." Jin huffed, listening to Namjoon chuckle while he opened the door to their apartment and let the other two in.
"Go and get changed with Daddy, bub, Papa will set up a movie while you do so." Jin hummed to the youngest, and Jungkook nodded eagerly, dragging Namjoon to the bedroom so that his younger caregiver could help him pick out a comfy outfit for their movie night.

"You want your bunny onesie?" Namjoon hummed when he saw Jungkook standing in front of his closet, pouting a little as he couldn't decide on what to wear.
"Nuh uh." Jungkook huffed, swapping his weight from one leg to another as he hummed to himself and continued his search through his closet.
"How about your Cooky jammies?" Namjoon suggested, but Jungkook only whined and shook his head again.

"Nuh uh!"
The little was starting to get frustrated, unable to make a choice, and when Namjoon noticed this he crept up behind Jungkook and swept him into his arms, the youngest squealing with laughter when Namjoon tickled his sides.
"How about one of Daddy's hoodies, hm? Would you like that?" He asked, and by the way Jungkook's eyes lit up and he grinned, Namjoon knew that they were sorted. He carried the boy over to the bed and gently placed him down on it, before going to grab one of his largest hoodies from his wardrobe and pulling the soft garment over a giggly little's head. Namjoon picked up a dummy from the bedside drawer and popped it between the little's lips, making Jungkook's eyes light up further.

Jungkook nodded aggressively.
"Good. C'mon, let's get back to Papa."

However, when they made their way back into the lounge, Yoongi and Hoseok were stood there, talking with Jin.
"Oh hey gu- uh guys?" Hoseok spoke when he noticed the other two walk in, voice trailing off in confusion when he saw them. Jungkook gasped in horror and ripped the dummy from his mouth before immediately hiding behind Namjoon with a whimper, and the younger caregiver's eyes widened.

"I'm sorry, did we interrupt something?" Yoongi asked with a raised brow, and Jin sighed and placed his hands on his hips.
"Don't be so nosy." He scolded, chidingly hitting Yoongi's shoulder and making the younger male wince and frown.
"You expect us to not say anything when you've got Jungkook dressed like a baby?" Hoseok laughed, expecting this to be some kind of joke, but when he found both Jin and Namjoon glaring at him, he quickly realised that they were dead serious.

Namjoon felt Jungkook grip the back of his shirt and bury his face into his shoulder blades, trembling ever so slightly, and it made his eyes narrow.
"He's a little. Please don't laugh at him, it makes him upset." Namjoon spoke gently yet assertively, and while Hoseok nodded and apologised in a rush, Yoongi tilted his head in confusion and asked the pressing question.
"What's a little?"

Namjoon dragged Jungkook out from behind him, the youngest whining and looking up to Namjoon with pleading eyes as he shook his head desperately.
"It's okay." Namjoon cooed in a whisper, gently running his fingers through Jungkook's hair, and the little only pouted and cuddled into his side.

Jin was the one who turned to the other two to explain, sighing and ruffling his own hair.
"A little is someone who regresses to a younger headspace to cope. It can help with stress, trauma, pretty much anything, and can also just be for fun. Jungkook regresses because he missed out on a lot in his childhood, so it's a fun way for him to destress. Does that make sense or?" Jin spoke, and the other two hummed in understanding, Hoseok smiling softly.

"That's kinda adorable actually."
"It really is."

Jungkook raised his head up slowly, looking at how Hoseok, Jin and Yoongi were smiling at him, before looking up at Namjoon.
"See, baby? They don't mind." The leader hummed, causing Jungkook to smile a little too, waving shyly at Yoongi and Hoseok and making the older members chuckle.
"Hi cutie." Hoseok cooed, eliciting a quiet giggle from the little who did a happy little dance.

"Aw- anyway um... we should leave you guys be. Rest well." Yoongi cleared his throat to say, sending a quick smile to Jungkook, before grabbing Hobi's hand and dragging him out before his boyfriend would steal the adorable little for himself.
"You okay, Koo?" Jin hummed, and the little could only nod, taking Namjoon's hand and dragging him to the sofa so that the three of them could cuddle up to watch the movie.

Jin immediately poked one of Jungkook's cheeks when the little rested his head on his shoulder and hugged his arm, Jungkook giggling and nuzzling his nose into Jin's shoulder in response.
"I chose toy story, is that okay?" The oldest asked, smiling at the way Jungkook's eyes lit up yet again, and Namjoon found his boyfriends' smiles contagious as he fondly watched their interaction.

"Heww yeah!"
"Um... heck yesh?"
"Heck yesh!"

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