Scary - Jinkook (part 2)

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"Sorry, I didn't mean to invite myself over. I shouldn't have." Jungkook sighed to Taehyung as the older unlocked the door to his and Jimin's apartment, and he simply smiled at the younger boy.
"It's totally fine, promise, I was gonna offer anyway. Come in and make yourself comfy, I'll go find Jiminie." Taehyung said, leaving Jungkook in the lounge while he went to find his boyfriend, and Jungkook smiled softly to himself. He was lucky to have such caring friends.

"Jungkook!" Jimin yelled, bouncing into the room and startling the younger a little, but Jungkook was quick to smile.
"C'mon! I just made food." The older said with a grin, and Jungkook followed him into the dining room where he ate with Jimin and Tae, before going to the spare bedroom to relax.

Jungkook was just sat in bed on his phone when Taehyung walked in slowly with a soft smile.
"Hyung?" Jungkook asked in confusion, tilting his head and putting his phone aside when Taehyung came and sat on the end of his bed, crossing his legs in front of him.
"I just wanted to have a little chat, if that's okay?" He spoke, and the younger looked a little reluctant, but he nodded and sat up attentively nonetheless.
"Yeah, okay."

Taehyung smiled gently, before sighing and letting his smile fall, putting on a more serious expression.
"Isn't this quite a long time for you to not be little?" The older mumbled, and Jungkook frowned, looking at his lap and shrugging minimalistically. It's true, he was little most of the time, and having almost a whole day in his big headspace was not normal for him.

"I-I guess? I just don't feel like being little right now." He muttered, but Taehyung could see in his eyes and hear in his wavering tone that there was a little more to it than that.
"Ahh, I see. Did Jin hyung upset little Kookie?" Taehyung asked with a sympathetic smile, and by the way Jungkook's eyes looked a little lost, he figured he was right.

"Hyung, I really don't want to be little." He whispered, shaking his head to himself, and Taehyung quickly nodded, carding a hand through Jungkook's hair.
"Okay bun, that's fine, don't worry. Just know that you're safe to slip around Jimin and I, okay?" The older's reassured him, and Jungkook couldn't help but smile, immediately hugging his best friend.
"You're amazing, you know that?"
Taehyung chuckled and gave a short shrug.
"I am pretty great."

Jungkook was chatting with Jimin in the kitchen the next morning when Taehyung walked in, a phone pressed to his ear. He ended the call shortly after the others had noticed that he was now standing there, and he sighed.
"Jin hyung's telling me that you haven't been answering his calls. He sounds really worried, and I'm obviously not kicking you out, but maybe you should go home soon?" He spoke, but after seeing the look on Jungkook's face, he sighed and bit his lip. The youngest boy looked a little frightened.

"Hey, how about you just call him back? Tell him you're safe and okay and then you can just end it there for now." Jimin suggested, placing a hand on Jungkook's shoulder, but the youngest still looked troubled. He wanted to go home and sort this, but he felt pretty angry with Jin, didn't want to be little, and didn't exactly want to have that conversation with his caregiv- boyfriend.

But the longer he put it off, the longer it would be a problem for. There was no point being a hypocrite by ignoring Jin after Jin had ignored him for that past week. That just wasn't right.

"I-I need to give you your shirt back before I go." Was all Jungkook muttered, looking to Taehyung and pointing to the oversized garment that Taehyung had kindly given him to wear for that night, and the older simply chuckled.
"It's fine, keep it. I don't wear it anyway. So, wanna go home?" The brunette hummed, pulling his car keys out of his pocket and dangling them in front of himself, and Jungkook sighed, nodding softly.


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