Monsters - Taekook (part 1)

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Little!Jungkook ~ Mental age: 2-4


Taehyung is a very caring and protective caregiver for Jungkook, but what happens when he's the one who needs protecting?

"Baby, Joonie hyung said that we can go home now. C'mon, bub." Taehyung called from the doorway, voice a little less enthusiastic than what little Jungkook was used to, but the maknae paid no mind to it and giggled as he jumped up from the sofa and ran over to his daddy.
"Ice cweam day??" Jungkook asked, his big, hopeful eyes looking up to Taehyung, and it made the older male sigh because he hadn't realised that it was a Friday.

Every Friday, on their way home from work, Taehyung and Jungkook would get ice cream together. Chocolate ice cream if Jungkook was big, and banana ice cream if he was small. Taehyung was so tired, everything in him ached to just go home, but there was no way he could deny his baby ice cream and break their little tradition.
"Fine, but we're only getting small ones today, alright?" Taehyung said, and although Jungkook pouted a little, he nodded eagerly all the same because hey, ice cream was ice cream.

Taehyung held out his hand to his boyfriend who took it and skipped along beside him as they walked down to the car park, humming the tune of one of their new songs he'd been learning. In all honesty, he'd noticed that Taehyung seemed a little tired, and was trying to cheer him up with his bouncy little energy. Taehyung couldn't help but smile a little a Jungkook's efforts, leading the maknae to the passenger seat before hopping in front of the wheel of his car.

They arrived at the ice cream place like every Friday afternoon, and Tae told Jungkook to wait patiently in the car for him while he goes to buy them.
"Why can't Kookie come in?" The little whined, but all Taehyung could do was sigh and run a hand along his face.
"Baby bunny, I want to get home as fast as possible because daddy's got a lot of work to catch up on. I'll get it in a cone so that you can eat it on the way home, alright?"
"Okay daddy."

Taehyung smiled softly and ruffled the younger boy's hair, before hopping out of the car and going to get Jungkook his banana ice-cream.
"Is it good?" Taehyung chuckled when he heard the little happily humming to himself, Jungkook nodding eagerly as he licked his ice cream.
"Iss yummy daddy!" He spoke with a cute giggle, holding it out to Taehyung to try, but the brunette just gently pushed his hand away. Jungkook wanted Taehyung to at least try a little because he didn't have his own ice cream for some reason, but Taehyung was adamant.

"I'm driving, honey. Don't worry about me, you just enjoy it all. Thank you, though, that's very kind." He hummed, and Jungkook pouted yet again but continued eating his ice cream anyway. He wasn't gonna say no to that.

Once they'd got home, Taehyung helped Jungkook to wipe his face and wash his hands, before he carried the energetic little to the lounge and placed him on the sofa.
"Wanna watch a movie while daddy's working? I'll just be in my room." Taehyung spoke, tired eyes crinkling into a smile when Jungkook nodded obediently and sat himself more comfortably on the sofa, waiting patiently for Taehyung to find something on Disney+.

"Wan wash lion king!"
"Baby, that movie makes you too sad. I'm not letting you watch it without me."
"Hmph, fine. Can wash Jungew book? Peaaaaase?" He pleaded, clapping his hands together happily when Taehyung nodded and put the movie on for him. With a quick kiss to his little's head, Taehyung left Jungkook be and went into his room to work, and the moment he shut the door behind him he let go of a long, deep breath.

Why was he feeling so stressed all of a sudden? He was over-the-moon excited about the comeback a couple of days ago, why did the stress have to hit him now? Well actually, the stress had all come to him the night before, and he'd found it hard to sleep. Though once he finally did get to sleep, he woke up a couple of hours later from a horrible nightmare that sat him up in a cold sweat with tears pricking at his eyes. He couldn't remember the nightmare at all, but he did remember how Jungkook had woken up out of headspace and pulled Taehyung back down into bed beside him, hugging him to his chest and tiredly asking if he was okay.

He'd found it a lot easier to sleep after that, waking up fresh and ready for work, but damn did work feel more intense. All the dancing and singing meant that his body ached and his throat was sore, and he started worrying about stupid little things, like what if he got a really bad cold the day before the first concert? Or what if one of them got injured while practicing? The amount of possible things to think about was overwhelming, and it was beginning to panic Taehyung a little as he just stood with his back against his bedroom door. And so, he got out his laptop and started to review videos of their choreographies to pass the time.

"Wook fow da beaw nessedidies, da simpew beaw nessedidies~" Jungkook sang and giggled along to the movie, doing a little dance in his seat and grinning as he watched some of his favourite characters on screen. Disney movies always made him feel so tiny when he wanted to be, and he found himself slipping deeper into his headspace, which also started to make him very conscious of his surroundings.

He was slowly losing interest in the movie, and he wanted his daddy, so he huffed to himself and shuffled off of the sofa, waddling his way to Taehyung's study. Taehyung had been doing a lot of extra work recently whenever they got home, and Jungkook was starting to miss their cosy evenings, but if Taehyung was busy, Taehyung was busy.

I'm splitting this into two parts because it was getting too long 😩 ANYGAYSmake sure you eat, drink and sleep today loves! If you ever need to chat or vent, you're more than welcome to use my messages :] this is a safe space 💜💜

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I'm splitting this into two parts because it was getting too long 😩
make sure you eat, drink and sleep today loves! If you ever need to chat or vent, you're more than welcome to use my messages :] this is a safe space 💜💜

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