Sensory overload - Vminkook

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Little!Jungkook ~ Mental age: 3
Caregivers!Taehyung and Jimin

It seems we have a little bit of a little Koo streak heh...


Koo was feeling small. He had been all day, mostly lounging around in middlespace while trying to get his work done. It was one of those days where he'd woken up feeling a little off and a little stressed out, but he stopped himself from fully slipping before his boyfriends finished their work too, knowing well that little Kookie was gonna be extra clingy today.

"Baby! I'm bac-" Jimin didn't even have to finish his announcement of his arrival, the little bolting to him and hugging his torso tightly the moment he'd taken a step through the front door of their apartment. He looked down at Jungkook who was swallowed in one of Taehyung's large hoodies, and he couldn't help the fond chuckle that bubbled past his lips at the realisation that Jungkook had slipped.
"Hey cute stuff." Jimin cooed, pressing a kiss into Jungkook's hair and hearing the little giggle softly, hiding his flushed cheeks in Jimin's shirt.

Giving the maknae a quick squeeze, Jimin lightly patted Jungkook's back to prompt him to let go, the younger doing so and immediately grabbing Jimin's hand while pointing to the TV with his other hand.
"K-Koo wans wash teebee with Daddy." He mumbled, bouncing on his toes a little, but Jimin just gave him an apologetic smile.

"Sorry angel, Daddy has some more work he needs to catch up on in his office. Papa should be home soon though, maybe you can watch TV with him?" Jimin suggested, and the little's bottom lip wobbled with disappointment, but he dipped his head and nodded in response anyway. He'd been worried that his Daddy would say that, but he wasn't gonna protest.

Jimin saw Jungkook's face fall, and he sighed with sympathy.
"I really am sorry, bub. I'll fix you a snack before I carry on working, though, okay?" Jimin hummed, and Jungkook nodded softly, eyes lightening up a little.

Jimin eventually got Jungkook sat down in the living room with apple slices and a carton of apple juice, and the little seemed in a much better mood, swinging his legs happily from the sofa as he suckled on the straw of his juice.
Jimin watched him carefully, chewing the inside of his cheek as his brows furrowed. He'd noticed that something about Jungkook was slightly off but, unable to put his finger on it, he shrugged with a sigh and turned the TV on for Jungkook before going to the office to do his work.
"See you later, bub."
"Otay Daddy."

The moment Jungkook had finished his apple and his episode of Peppa pig, he was lonely again, pouting softly and fidgeting with his hands as he tried to work out what to do to distract himself. The last thing he wanted was to get upset and slip further, because then he wouldn't be able to look after himself, and then God knows what could happen...

He tried his best to relax and be patient, be the good little boy that his caregivers always praised him for being, but was finding it increasingly hard to sit still as he fidgeted in his seat. The poor boy felt the need to do something, or just get a hug. Either would be okay.

He blamed work for feeling so stressed, but just thinking about work made him whine and frown, curling into the cushions on the sofa and frowning more at the TV that was starting to sound a little too loud for his liking. He jumped from the sofa and grabbed the remote, trying to remember what Jimin had done earlier to turn it on so that he could figure out how to turn it off, but started to get frustrated when he couldn't work it out right away and he slumped back against the cushions. It was in that instant that the sofa was starting to feel really uncomfortable too, and the more frustrated he got, the more he felt his stress start to surface.

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