Bruises - Yoonjin

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Request from: @Kookooies 🍂

Little!Jin ~ Mental age: 0-3

Side ship: Vminkookhope
Caregivers!BTS (but mostly Jungkook, Jimin and Hobi)

Note: Read 'Accidental slip' first for context! This is like a prequel to that, but Jin focus rather than Tae ^-^

⚠️Trigger Warning: Ab*sive person⚠️


"Where's Jinnie?"
Yoongi's turned to Taehyung, who was out of littlespace, and shrugged.
"I think he said he's doing some extra dance practice with the new teacher? He wanted to go over some things that he was struggling with." Yoongi explained, and Taehyung immediately frowned, which put Yoongi on high alert.

"What's wrong, bud?" He hummed, and the second maknae huffed.
"I don't like the new dance teacher. He did a lot of yelling and shoved Jimin yesterday when he and I went to practice a new choreo that he was working on. I just have a bad feeling about him, I know we've only had him a few days but he's really rough with us." Taehyung sighed, and now Yoongi also frowned and nodded.
"Really? Alright, I'll keep an eye on him. Make sure you talk to Namjoon about it too, okay?" Yoongi spoke, and Taehyung nodded, explaining that he was going to find Jungkook and Jimin while Yoongi waited for Jin to return.

He ended up coming back a lot later than Yoongi had expected, but when he came through the door, Yoongi's eyebrows furrowed when he didn't announce his return like usual. It would always be a 'Guys, I'm home!' or a 'Hyungie! Come pway wiff Jinnie!' but not today. Jin even seemed to be almost hiding away as he slowly slinked across the hallway, aiming to get into his room without being seen, when he was stopped.

Jin squeezed his eyes shut in defeat, realising he'd been caught, and slowly turned around just to see Yoongi raise an eyebrow at him.
"Why... why is your coat over your head like that? You look like Darth Maul." He snickered, hearing Jin huff from the other side of the room.
"I just... didn't put makeup on today and I look gross. Yeah... yeah that's it." Jin spoke up, and when Yoongi heard how it almost seemed like Jin was trying to reassure himself rather than tell Yoongi the truth, his eyebrow stayed raised.

Yoongi rolled his eyes and walked straight over to him, grabbing Jin's shoulder to stop him from escaping because it was clear that his hyung was trying to stay clear of him.
"Hey, don't run away from me, damn. Look, let's take this off, you look good without makeup anywa..." his words trailed off as he eyes widened in shock, gently grabbing Jin's chin and looking him over as his brows furrowed in anger.

"Who hit you?"
It was Jin's eyes that widened now, the oldest biting his lip and acting dumb.
"Huh? No one hit me, what are you talking about?" He spoke through a nervous chuckle that Yoongi almost immediately took note of, the younger's eyes narrowing.
"There's a handprint on your face. I'm serious, hyung, who hit you." He spoke in a tone that was assertive and firm, and it scared Jin a little, bit he refused to let up.
"No one hit me, Yoongi. I just bumped into a wall, stop making it out to be something that it's not." He groaned, pulling away from Yoongi's touch and immediately going into his room, slamming the door behind him.

"Hyung? Is everything okay?"
It was Jungkook this time, and Yoongi turned to see him standing at the end of the corridor, Taehyung in his arms and Jimin by his side.
"Everything's fine", he lied, "is Tae little? I was talking to him earlier."
Jungkook nodded with a small frown while Jimin entertained the little with silly expressions, seemingly trying to cheer Taehyung up.
"Yeah, we just went to visit Hobi hyung because Taetae's sad that he's unwell. He slipped and started crying when we told him that hyung couldn't play with him while he's sick, so here we are." The maknae spoke with a soft chuckle, hearing Yoongi coo before sighing.

"Jin hyung's acting a little strange, so I'm gonna see if I can get him to slip. Maybe then Taetae would like to play with little Jinnie, what do you think, bub?" Yoongi asked, and Taehyung turned his head around from Jungkook's shoulder, teary eyes lighting up as he pouted and nodded his head slowly.
"Alright then, I'll ask Jinnie for you." Yoongi said with a rare and soft smile, and Taehyung seemed to be in a better mood already when he was taken off by Jimin and Jungkook to go to the playroom.

Yoongi then turned back to Jin's door, sighing before wrapping his fingers around the handle, and swinging the door open. His heart broke a little at the sight that he was met with, seeing Jinnie all wrapped up in his duvet with a blanket over his head, sniffling quietly.
"Baby? Is that you?" He called into the dark room, hearing a whimper as Jin shuffled and tried to hide himself from Yoongi.
"D-Dinnie not hewe!" He shout-whispered in response, and Yoongi chuckled softly, slowly making his was over to the upset little. Jin didn't slip often, only when he really needed to, so Yoongi already had an idea that Jin was rather upset.

"Oh really? I thought I saw my little boy come in here. No? Well that's a shame, I guess I'll have to eat this lollipop all by myself." Yoongi sighed dramatically as he took a sweet out of his pocket and waved it around, but Jin gasped and burst out of the blankets.
"Dinnie iss hewe! I twicked chu! Pease can hab lollipop now?" He practically pleaded, and Yoongi smiled, handing the little the treat and taking this chance to bring his hands to Jin's face and gently wipe away his tears that were clinging to his soft cheeks.

"Baby, we need to talk about what happened today, okay? It's clearly made you very upset and Hyungie is worried." Yoongi hummed, but Jin whined behind the lollipop and frowned, clearly reluctant to talk about it.
"Please bub? Once we've talked about it, Hyungie will go and get Joonie hyung and we'll tell the meanie person off, okay? No one gets to hurt our little Jinnie." Yoongi's voice was relatively serious, but he didn't want to scare or upset the little further, so he brought his hands under the blanket and tickled the little, making Jin squeal and giggle.

"O-Otay otay! Dinnie tew chu... no mow tickwin!" He yelled, and so Yoongi stopped and pulled the little onto his lap, waiting for Jin to catch his breath before continuing.
Jin rolled up his sleeve slowly, clearly hesitant, and showed bruise markings on his forearm from where someone had grabbed him too harshly. He whimpered when he saw how Yoongi's eyes widened.

"D-Da meanie dance teachew gwab Dinnie when Dinnie maded a mistake, a-an hit Dinnie when Dinnie maded da mistake again." The little sniffled as he explained, pulling his sleeve back down and looking up at Yoongi with teary eyes.
"W-was scawy." He stammered, and Yoongi could feel the anger bubbling up inside of him, paired with the guilt of not realising sooner. He should have known, especially after what Taehyung had said that morning.

Yoongi brought the little into his arms, a frown settling on his lips when Jinnie snuggled into him for comfort, and he sighed.
"Baby... I need to call Joonie, okay? I want you to tell everything you can to him, and we'll talk to big Jinnie about this later, alright?" Yoongi said, and the little nodded slowly, so Yoongi pulled out his phone and dialled the leader's number.

Namjoon was there in a flash, Sejin, one of their managers, with him. They spoke to the little, and just like Yoongi they were livid, because the safety of the members was definitely always top priority.
"I'll teach that guy a lesson." Yoongi growled, but Sejin shook his head with wide eyes.
"Yoongi, don't."
"I'm gonna and you know it."
Both Namjoon and Sejin sighed with defeat, knowing that unless they literally chained Yoongi to a wall, the second oldest would definitely find the dance teacher and give him a taste of what he thinks he deserves.

"Jinnie, honey, go and play with the others in the playroom. Hyungie's got some important stuff to do." Yoongi spoke to the little, who nodded, kissing Yoongi on the cheek before running off to the playroom. Seeing the light blush on Yoongi's cheeks, Namjoon chuckled and wiggled his eyebrows.
"Aw, you're all soft for little Jinnie."
"Shut it, I've got a guy to beat up."

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