Bad day - 2seok

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Little!Jin ~ Mental age: 2-4

Side ship: Vminkook
Caregivers!Jungkook and Jimin


Hoseok smiled out of his car window when he saw Jin coming out of work, the older clutching his backpack to his chest as he wordlessly slid into the passenger seat.
"Hey hyung, how was work?" Hoseok asked, having come to pick him up considering he himself got to go back to the dorms early. But the only response he got was a sigh, and Hoseok immediately dropped his smile, brows furrowing when he turned to the older.

"Ah... looks like someone needs to slip when we get home, hm?" Hoseok spoke gently, seeing Jin pout and nod his head slowly which caused the younger male to coo at him.
"Alright baby, you just sit tight and daddy will drive us home. We can have some snackies and watch a movie while you tell me about your day, how does that sound?" Hoseok proposed, but Jin still didn't say anything, he just hummed and turned his head away from him, casting his eyes out of the window.

The orange-haired male frowned, but decided not to push it considering it seemed like Jin didn't want to talk right now. It was only as of recent that Hoseok had found out about Jin's littlespace, and he honestly found the whole thing adorable so he didn't mind one bit; whatever made his boyfriend happy made him happy. However, it did mean that sometimes he wasn't really sure how best to handle situations with the little, and google just doesn't cut it, so luckily he had someone he can call to help him out.

Taehyung, one of the younger members, was also a little, and his two boyfriends had been his caregivers for a longer time than Hoseok had for Jin, so Jungkook and Jimin had a little more experience and were always ready to help their hyung out, much to Hoseok's relief. It also meant that the two littles could now have play dates together when they had some free time, and although it wasn't often, it would always brighten the little's moods even if Taehyung was extremely clumsy and Jin was quite stubborn in their head spaces.

When they arrived home, Jin let himself out of the car and immediately started walking into the dorm block by himself, and Hoseok sighed, grabbing the older's bag and hurrying after him.
"Jinnie, don't walk off on your own, bub." Hoseok called after him, and Jin stayed silent as he stood and waited for Hoseok to catch up with him, turning and watching the younger lock their car and run up to him.

Jin whined a little and played with the hem of his shirt, on the verge of fully slipping because he was currently somewhere in-between his big and little headspace, and he was getting impatient.
"I know hun, I know. Let's get inside quickly." Hoseok said, the two making their way to their room, and when they got there, Jin went straight into his own room and closed the door, leaving Hoseok to stand there alone with a frown. He left him be for a moment, figuring that Jin might have wanted to be left alone, but since he hadn't come out after ten minutes Hobi was already getting worried.

He walked up to the door, lightly rapping his knuckles on the wood and frowning when Jin didn't open it, concern now creasing the younger male's features.
"Baby, please come out and talk to me. What's wrong?" He spoke gently, yet only received a whine in response, and so he pushed the door open himself, eyes widening at the sight that he was met with.

Jin was sat on his bed, having dressed himself in his favourite RJ pyjamas, and had a stuffed toy between his arms and a dummy between his lips. This was strange, Jin would never do these things himself, he'd always get Hoseok to help him, so the caregiver was a little confused.
"Baby? Did you get changed all by yourself?" Hoseok asked, and the little turned his head in his direction, nodding slowly before returning his gaze to his sheets, making it seem as if they were the most interesting thing ever.

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