Accidental slip - Taehyung X BTS

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Little!Taehyung ~ Mental age: 3


The members were fed up. They'd been in dance practice for three hours, and for the last two hours they'd been going through the same choreo over and over again, draining them both mentally and physically as they were now both bored and exhausted. They had a new dance teacher for a while because their usual one was on holiday with his son and Hobi was off sick with some form of light fever, and despite them having multiple successful run-throughs, the stubborn teacher made them do it again, and again, and again, each day, every day. Not only that, but he showed an obvious bias towards the hyung line due to how he was more rough with the younger ones, and had already shouted at Taehyung and Jimin countless times that day, meaning that Taehyung was already fighting to not slip.

"Ssaem, please can we just take one break? We've been doing this for three hours." Jin pleaded, but the dance teacher just stopped the music and turned to glare at him.
"Absolutely not. We will take no breaks until you all stop looking like zombies while you dance. It's embarrassing honestly." He snapped, and Yoongi scoffed from his position to the far side of the room.
"The only reason we're not giving it our all right now is because we physically can't. We're exhausted." He spoke in a tone laced with a bitterness that had the dance teacher's face turning red with rage.

"Do not argue with me! From the top, no slacking or you'll be here for twice as long tomorrow." The older man growled, eyes flickering dangerously to where Jungkook had sneakily reached over to grab his water bottle and was taking a quick and very much needed drink. The maknae's eyes widened when the dance teacher strode towards him, pushing Taehyung roughly out of the way in the process, and angrily tried to snatch the bottle from him, but Namjoon quickly stepped between them with a stern look of disbelief on his face.

"Do not touch him." He spoke clearly, before turning his head to the maknae and cocking it to the side with a small, reassuring smile to signal for Jungkook to move away, the maknae complying immediately. The choreographer just tsked, laughing humourlessly at Namjoon who looked even less amused.
"I can do what I bloody well like! You're all useless! Not one of you has enough talent in dance to be a KPOP idol, and yet here we are. I have no idea how you've made it this far, and you certainly won't improve if you don't do as I say!" The older man yelled right in Namjoon's face, and upon noticing how the younger members looked a little scared, Yoongi angrily retorted with,

"Well then, I guess we'll teach ourselves if you're not going to help. And in the meantime, if you have a problem, you come to me. When you have an issue with them, you have an issue with me." He growled warningly. Yoongi knew. He'd seen the teacher being a little too rough with the maknae line, and had almost completely lost it when Jin came back to the dorm one night with what seemed to be a hand-mark on his cheek, despite the oldest trying to just brush it off by saying it was nothing. Jin was a little too, only rarely though, so when he slipped that day out of stress, (read 'Bruises' :3) Yoongi immediately had his radar on this new guy. He wasn't going to let this man treat them like that, let alone teach them.

Yoongi's angry tone had the man groaning and storming out of the room in an unprofessional manner, while Jimin was the one to grasp the attention of the other angry members.
"That's enough! Please stop, you're upsetting Tae." Jimin spoke up, four pairs of eyes quickly turning around and their gazes softening when they saw how Taehyung was hidden in Jimin's chest, body trembling ever so slightly.

"I d-don like it... d-don like i-it-" the boy whimpered out repeatedly which made Jimin sigh in realisation, Jin walking over slowly and placing a gentle hand on Taehyung's back.
"Baby got scared, hm?" Jin cooed softly as he immediately realised that Taehyung had slipped, and suddenly at that, which would only happen when he was super excited or frightened. Taehyung could only nod as he kept his face hidden in Jimin's chest, clutching onto the older boy tightly while his tired body trembled and eyes filled with tears.

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