Scary - Jinkook (part 1)

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Request from: @badbxnnyx 🐰

Little!Jungkook ~ Mental age: 2-4

Side ship: Vmin


Jungkook whined softly, rubbing the sleep from his eyes and pouting a little from where he lay tucked up in bed. He'd woken up alone and in littlespace, and to say that that made him feel a little nervous would have been an understatement. He sat up immediately and frowned, looking at the empty side of the bed where Jin should be, but the older male was nowhere to be seen.

In fact, Jin had been so busy all week that Jungkook couldn't help but feel a little neglected, and although he wasn't surprised to find that Jin wasn't there with him, being small and alone in their apartment was quite frightening for the little.

"H-Hewo?" He called out, slipping out of bed and shuffling across the carpet to peer around the bedroom door.
There was still no reply, and considering Jin would almost always come running when he called, Jungkook was sure that he'd been left alone. It was not a good time to be feeling clingy, because the little started to get jittery, wanting his caregiver and wishing that Jin had told him that he was going out.

He'd been craving cuddles for days now and hadn't received a single one, was that too much to ask?

The little whimpered, biting his nails nervously and glancing around the apartment with fearful eyes. He didn't realise quite how much the situation panicked him until he felt his Cooky pyjamas begin to cling to his clammy skin, and he whined and flapped his hands around a little. He needed Jin.

He scrambled back into the bedroom, finding his phone on the counter and fumbling with the password for a little longer than he wanted it to take, before trying his best to find Jin's contact. Jin had taught little Kookie how to call him in case of an emergency, and in Jungkook's eyes this was definitely an emergency, so he didn't hesitate to call the older the moment he'd figured out how to.

But one unsuccessful phone call became three, and the poor little was close to tears, when on the fourth ring, Jin finally picked up.
"Kookie, what do you want?? I'm in a meeting and you're disrupting it." Jin spoke, anger in his raised voice, and it made Jungkook freeze on the spot. After a week of barely any attention, he was hoping that the older would be happy to talk to him, not this.

"I-I sowwy... K-Koo just wanded hugs... a-an didn know whew Daddy iss-"
"Is that it?? Jungkook, you're really starting to get on my nerves. I told you not to call me unless it's an emergency."
Jungkook felt himself tear up again, lower lip trembling and eyes falling to the bedsheets where he was sat. He felt like he was being scolded and Jin's raised voice was frightening him.

"B-but Kookie iss s-scawed!" He cried, hearing Jin groan and sigh.
"Don't be silly and just put on a movie for yourself or something. I forgot to make your lunch so you'll have to call Tae to help you, alright? I'm busy, Kookie, please don't interrupt me." Jin spoke in a serious tone, and Jungkook could only sniffle and nod to himself.

Jin ended the call right then and there, and Jungkook dropped his phone onto his bed, bringing his knees up to his chest and stuffing his face into them. He couldn't help but sob loudly, hugging his knees and feeling as tears ran down his puffy cheeks. He was almost certain that Jin didn't want him anymore. Maybe it was just little Kookie... maybe little Kookie was too annoying.

"N-No mow wittle K-Kookie... w-wittle Kookie bad." He bawled, shaking his head at himself and gripping at his hair. Ten minutes later, and big Jungkook was looking at himself in the mirror, scowling at the glossy eyes and red cheeks that stared back at him. If Jin wasn't gonna respect him when he was little, then Jungkook wasn't going to be a little anymore, and after being forced out of littlespace by how Jin had reacted, he decided that he was only going to be big from now on.

He didn't need to call anyone to help him with lunch, not that he wanted to eat anymore, but decided on calling Taehyung anyway because he didn't want to be alone anymore. In hindsight, he probably should have spent more time during the past week with his friends instead of waiting for Jin to finish working and spend time with him, which he never ended up doing. So Jungkook picked up the phone again, sniffling and clearing his throat before calling his hyung.

"Kookie? What's up, bub?" Taehyung's voice rang through the phone, and the little in Jungkook was screaming to come out again due to all of the emotions, but he held it back.
"I-I'm not little, hyung. I was just wondering if there's any chance you could come over for a little bit? It's okay if not, I'll call Hobi hyung... I just feel a little lonely." Jungkook mumbled, and Taehyung immediately frowned.
"Yeah, of course I can. Is everything okay?" Taehyung spoke with concern, and Jungkook sighed.
"Not really. I need a distraction and I figured that you'd be the perfect person for that."
"Gotcha. I'm on my way."

Taehyung arrived only fifteen minutes later with snacks and an extra PlayStation controller, of which he put aside the moment he saw the look on Jungkook's face. He had this sad, tired smile on his lips; it just wasn't right.
"Want a hug?" He asked with a sympathetic head-tilt, and Jungkook let go of a breathy chuckle and nodded softly, walking over to Taehyung and letting the older boy wrap his arms around him.

Jungkook pressed his nose into the dip of Taehyung's shoulder, and he didn't even realise that he was crying again until he heard Taehyung gently shushing him, the older male lightly rubbing his back.
"Shit, sorry." Jungkook blabbered, pulling away to quickly wipe at his teary eyes, but Taehyung's hands beat him to it, his friend carefully removing the tears from his cheeks.

"Don't apologise for crying, bun, that's silly." Taehyung chuckled softly, gently ruffling the younger's hair before cupping his cheeks.
"Hey, I brought you chocolate and banana milk. Shall we skip the explaining what happened and go straight to overwatch?" He suggested, a knowing grin creeping onto his lips the moment he saw Jungkook perk up a little.
"You know, that actually sounds good."

The two of them ate snacks and played video games for the majority of the day, chatting, having a good time and just getting Jungkook to forget about what had happened that morning. It was only when the front door opened that it all came flooding back to the maknae, and Taehyung took note of how the younger boy froze the moment they heard Jin step into the apartment.

"He did something?" Taehyung whispered to Jungkook in shock, who'd put down his controller and was trying to figure out a route of escape, before he stood up from the sofa.
"Koo?" Jin called, coming into the lounge where the other two were sat, a puzzled look on his face.
"Oh, hey Tae, what are you doing here?" Jin asked in confusion, and the boy furrowed his brows but shrugged politely.

"I came to keep Jungkook company." He explained bluntly, to which Jin could only raise an eyebrow, realising how Taehyung had said 'Jungkook' instead of 'Kookie'.
"Oh, you're not little? Why, baby?" He asked gently, turning to look at the youngest, and Jungkook would have scoffed if he had the energy to.
"Because I was literally just about to leave to go to Tae's house. I'll be back tomorrow." He mumbled, prompting Taehyung to stand up beside him, quickly collecting his stuff in his bag and nodding to Jungkook, who already looked apologetic

"But I-"
"Text me if you need me or whatever." Jungkook cut Jin off, dragging Taehyung out of his apartment and leaving Jin inside, so it was his turn to be alone. Jin frowned to himself and slowly placed his work stuff down, feeling somewhat... empty.

Little Jungkook would always run up to him with hopeful eyes and an excited grin when he got home from work, and would then spend the next half an hour or so demanding some sort of attention, whether it be a game, or maybe even cuddles. Jin frowned more at the thought; when was the last time he cuddled his little? Not when Jungkook was awake anyway; the little would always be asleep before Jin even thought about going to bed. Wow, he hadn't realised just how busy he'd been.

And then he was hit with a second realisation. Jungkook had a weekend job, but other than that, he would be little most of the week and didn't do much other than wait for his Daddy to spend time with him. Had it really taken Jin the whole week to realise how little time he'd actually spent with his boyfriend recently? Regret started to consume him, and it was only now that the oldest began to realise how his behaviour over the past few days must have affected the younger boy.

He'd shouted at Jungkook for calling him when he was scared. How stupid did he have to be??

Jin mentally facepalmed and slumped down onto the sofa, but before he could even begin to dwell on the thoughts, he fell flat-out asleep within seconds, tired from a long, hard day of work.

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