Protect - Yoonmin

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Little!Jimin ~ Mental age: 4-5

Side ships: Taekook and Namjin


It was Sunday, the day that all of the members got to spend together and relax from a hard week's work. Sundays meant that the two littles were able to slip into their smaller headspaces and finally destress, all within the care of the other members who loved the healing and the energy that their childlike personalities would bring. All seven of them had gone through a very tough week of intense training to get ready for their new comeback, and it was immediately apparent that a rest was very much needed when Taehyung collapsed after over-exerting himself in practice a day ago, falling into tears and slipping into littlespace almost straight after Jungkook had got him back on his feet, and he hadn't come out of it since.

Yoongi walked into the lounge to see Jungkook and Hobi chatting that morning, releasing a tired groan as he sat down on a nearby armchair and took a sip of his regular coffee. He turned to the maknae who looked rather tired, giving him a short smile and a nod before he began talking.
"How's Tae?" The second oldest asked with a gentle expression, Jungkook sighing and shrugging a little.
"Not too great. He didn't manage to fall asleep at all until about two hours ago, poor baby. The whole stress of the comeback has got him a bit worked up, it's like he's constantly on the verge of a breakdown." The youngest said with a frown, yawning soon after and rubbing at his eyes as an attempt to rid them from the grip of sleepiness.

"Ah, I take it you didn't get much sleep either then, hm?" Yoongi said with a sympathetic smile, Hobi massaging the maknae's shoulder as Jungkook shook his head and chuckled.
"You know, I should probably go and check on him. If I don't come back I've fallen asleep." Jungkook said as he stood up from the sofa, his hyungs laughing a little as they waved him off and watched as he shuffled back in the direction of his' and Taehyung's dorm.

"Where's Jimin? Is he little?" Hoseok asked as he turned to the older who was sat on the armchair opposite him, Yoongi nodding and pointing his thumb in the direction of the stairs that lead to the play room.
"Yeah he is. He woke up early just so that he could go into the playroom and go on his tablet." Yoongi said with a half-hearted eye roll, and Hoseok smiled warmly at that.

"How is he not exhausted?! I certainly am." Hoseok said through a laugh as he stretched his achy limbs across the sofa, and Yoongi shrugged with a soft smile toying at the corners of his lips.
"Honestly, I don't know. Little Jimin is always full of energy, he's hard to keep up with sometimes." He mumbled, Hoseok raising his eyebrow and laughing at the older.

"Must be tricky for you of all people." Hoseok said with a teasing grin, Yoongi playfully glaring at him as Hoseok just laughed.
"Hey, at least I'm not still lying in bed like Jin and Namjoon. They came home early yesterday and are still yet to get up." Yoongi mentioned, and Hoseok nodded with a small chuckle.
"That's true, but I think we all need a rest, don't you?" The younger said, placing his hands behind his head and laying back on the sofa as Yoongi simply 'tsk'ed and shook his head.

"Nah I'm good, I've got coffee." He said, holding his mug up as Hoseok just hummed and shook his head at him. Yet before either of them could say any more, a loud scream came from downstairs, the sound making Yoongi jump up in an instant.
"Daddy help!" A high-pitched voice yelled from the play room, and Hoseok doesn't think he's ever seen Yoongi move quite so fast as he did right then, the shorter male cursing under his breath before bolting to the stairs and hurrying down them.

"Minnie? Are you alright?" Yoongi called in worry to the little as he ran down the stairs, hearing Jimin whimper and bursting through the door.
When he opened the door, it felt like his heart had broken when he saw Jimin curled up in the corner, head buried in his knees and shoulders shaking slightly. He hugged his knees to his chest so tightly that it seemed as if he was hiding from something, and Yoongi frowned when he also saw that the younger's tablet had been flung to the floor a few feet away from him.

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