Cupcakes - Yoonminseok X BTS

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Request from: @NeoDayBreak 🍓

Ships: Vminyoonkook and Namjinseok

Littles!Yoongi, Jimin and Hoseok ~ Mental ages: 3-5
Caregivers!Taehyung, Jungkook, Namjoon and Jin


"Yoonie, I told you to not make a mess." Taehyung practically whined when he saw the older of his two littles covered in flower, the blonde boy only giving him a gummy grin and giggling as he waved buttery hands in his Papa's face. Taehyung chuckled and put his hands on his hips, shaking his head.
"You're so lucky that you're cute." He mumbled, rolling his eyes when Yoongi instantly went back to mixing the cake batter with his hands. 

Jimin, on the other hand, was patiently and carefully placing cupcake cases in the baking tray, the tip of his tongue sticking out of the corner of his mouth as he concentrated on placing them perfectly in a rainbow pattern.
"Do you like my pwetty rainbow, Daddy?" Jimin spoke up when he noticed Jungkook walk in the room, the ravenette leaning over to look at his array of cupcake cases and humming as he raised his eyebrows comically.
"Very pretty, Minnie. Good job." He praised, smiling at how Jimin giggled shyly with a small 'fankies Daddy'.

Jungkook walked over to where Taehyung was standing, cocking a brow and nodding towards their older little.
"I see Yoongi got a hold of the flour, then." He snorted, Taehyung sighing and smiling tiredly.
"Yup, and I'm gonna leave you to clear up while I go make the sandwiches." He responded with a cheeky grin, silencing Jungkook's protest with a quick kiss to his cheek before walking away to get started on the rest of their picnic food.

The seven of them had the Sunday off of work, so they'd decided to go out on an evening picnic together, allowing the three little members to slip. Well, in all honestly it was actually Hoseok's idea, and Jimin and Yoongi had been the ones to propose the idea to their caregivers. There was a field that they were all familiar with; a quiet spot where they could go totally undisturbed by others.
"SEOKIE!" Yoongi screamed with excitement the moment the two small groups spotted each other at their spot in the field, Hobi instantly doing the same and sprinting to Yoongi with a wide grin. The two of them collided in a hug, laughing loudly as they fell over in the long grass on top of one another.

Jin met Taehyung's shocked eyes from across the scene and laughed.
"Sorry! Apparently my grip on him wasn't strong enough." He laughed, which had the others laughing too and waving it off.
"All good, it's been a while since they've seen each other while little." Taehyung said, turning to Jimin who was in Jungkook's arms.

"Baby, wanna go play before we eat?" He hummed, running a hand through the quiet boy's hair, and Jimin bit his lip in thought before nodding softly.
"Otay." He whispered, being let down by Jungkook and ushered forwards to go play with his friends. It took him a moment but Jimin was soon just as animated as the others, the three of them running after a butterfly to see who could catch it first.

Jin got to laying out the picnic blanket on an area with shorter grass, the four caregivers laying out the food they'd brought, and Jimin and Yoongi's cupcakes immediately caught the others' eyes.
"Wow, aren't those colourful." Namjoon chuckled, seeing the messy rainbow icing that Jimin had done, and Jungkook pointed at him with a serious look.
"You better tell them they taste good even if they don't, they worked very hard." He spoke, folding his arms, and the older two nodded and chuckled.
"No worries, we got it."

When the littles finally got bored of their chasing games, the three of them ran back, giggling with excitement when they saw the food on the picnic blanket.
"Daddy, can we eat now?? Please please pleaaaaase?" Hobi begged Jin with that heart-shaped smile that the others couldn't resist, and Jin nodded.
"Yep, but we've gotta give you hand sanitiser first."

Taehyung laughed at the disgusted looks on the littles' faces when he squirted the hand sanitiser into their palms, reassuring them that they could eat as soon as they'd got it over with. Jin had brought large amounts of homemade food with him, and it only took moments for the seven of them to be digging into platefuls of it, praising him of his cooking as always.

"Thanks Jin hyung, I haven't had kimbap since Jimin and I made it on a vlive." Jungkook groaned, and Taehyung gasped.
"Wow, that was a long time ago. We should make some with Minnie and Yoonie at some point." He suggested, and Jungkook snorted.
"You know that won't go well."
"Yeah but that's the best part."
"Says the control freak."

While Taehyung glared at Jungkook and Jin was distracted with talking to Namjoon, the three littles all exchanged glances and silently snuck the cupcakes from Taehyung's bag. When Yoongi got a hold of the box and immediately made a run for it, the other two instantly got up and bolted after him, making the caregivers all turn in confusion.
"Seokie where are- hey!" Jin yelled, hearing the cheeky giggles of the littles and seeing the box clasped in Yoongi's hands as they ran away with their dessert.

"Get back here! Those are for later." Namjoon called, but he were blatantly ignored by the three boys, turning to look at the two younger caregivers with an amused look of disbelief.
"Oh dear. Kookie, this is your job, I'm not running." Taehyung sighed as he leant back on his arms and batted his eyelashes at the youngest, Jungkook jumping up and running after them once he'd groaned and rolled his eyes at the others.

When Yoongi turned back and saw Jungkook sprinting after them, he screamed with laughter and ran faster.
"Daddy no!" He laughed, but it was seconds until he was scooped up into Jungkook's arms, stopped on the spot. He started to tickle him, and Yoongi screaming for help made the other two littles stop, running back with big grins to try and save Yoongi from the maknae's strong grip.

Jungkook eventually let go of Yoongi while Jimin and Hoseok had tried to pull him from his arms with loud giggles, but in doing so he managed to distract them long enough to snatch the box of cupcakes from Hobi's hands.
"And just what we're you gonna do with these, hm?" Jungkook spoke, raising an eyebrow and holding the box out of the little's reach. Hobi smiled sheepishly and Yoongi was a grinning mess, but Jimin had gone quiet.

"Sowwy Daddy. T-that was bad." He whispered, Jungkook casting his eyes down to the little and chuckled.
"Just don't do it again, hm?" He hummed, using his free hand to ruffle Jimin's hair. "Don't worry, I'm not mad. Taehyung might be though, and you know what it's like when Papa gets angry."
Jimin and Yoongi both gasped, turning to Seokie who looked equally as worried, and then the three of them looked at Jungkook who shrugged.
"I'm gonna count to five, and if you three don't get back to the picnic blanket before me, I'm gonna eat all the cupcakes by myself!"

Jungkook doesn't think he's ever seen Yoongi run so fast.
"Papa help!" He yelled in genuine fear, running straight into Taehyung's arms. "Daddy iss chasin us!"
Taehyung chuckled and held him protectively, finding Jimin soon to be in his arms as well.
"Well I wonder why that is?" He responded with an eye roll, snorting when Jungkook came back almost completely out of breath.

"Jesus- you put cupcakes on the line and they gain super speed." He huffed out, placing his hands on his knees and trying to catch his breath. Hobi plopped himself down in front of Jin who had his arms folded, but his overexcited smile melted the oldest's taught features in a second.
"You little rascal." He chuckled, flicking his chin while Jungkook finally opened the box of cupcakes for them to share.

Yoongi went to reach for one, but Jungkook stopped him.
"Nuh uh, naughty littles choose their cupcakes last." He lightly scolded, and thought Yoongi pouted, it was better than no cupcake at all.
After all that, Jimin and Yoongi received many praises for their baking skills, and the seven of them ended the night by lying on the grass to watch the sunset. Taehyung was leant against Jungkook's chest as the two of them watched the three littles gasp and point at the sky, completely in their own little world while they talked about all the pretty colours merging across the horizon.

"This is nice." He sighed, feeling Jungkook hum behind him, leaning down to press a kiss to his scalp.
"It is. Thanks for organising this, Namjoon hyung." Jungkook spoke up, turning to the leader who was sat beside them, hand placed atop of Jin's.
"It was mostly Hobi's doing. He chose the picnic blanket after all, let's not forget." He said, dimples on show as he smiled at the youngest.

"I guess you're right." Jungkook laughed, casting his eyes back to the three huddled up on the grass in front of them. "Putting the littles in charge of a picnic wasn't such a disaster after all."

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