Our little hyung - Jin X BTS (part 2)

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"Jinnie has qwession." The little spoke up shyly, both Taehyung and Jungkook turning to him and giving him their upmost attention.
"What is it, bub?" Jungkook asked, and Jin put a hand on his chin as if he was thinking.
"Why Taetae an Kookie not go da movie?" He asked curiously, the other two exchanging glances before Jungkook spoke up.
"Someone chickened out of watching the horror movie, so I decided to stay home with him to keep him company so that he wouldn't get lonely." The youngest said with a sly smirk, Taehyung gasping and shoving Jungkook lightly with a frown.

"Nuh-uh, I stayed home because you wanted to play overwatch instead. Kookie is telling lies Jinnie, don't listen to him." Taehyung said, the little laughing to himself as Jungkook reached over and tickled him.
"No lying! Lie iss bad!" Jinnie squealed, Jungkook chuckling and sitting back.
"You're right, lying is bad. But here's a little secret, just between you and me." Jungkook said, the little perking up at the word 'secret' as Jungkook leaned towards him and cupped a hand to the side of his ear.

"Taetae gets really scared of horror movies anyway." Jungkook whispered, Jinnie giggling loudly as Jungkook smiled and moved away.
"Hey! I heard that!" Taehyung said in a false tone of anger, Jinnie squealing and jumping off of Taehyung's lap before running away.
"Come back here you rascal!" The two others played along, chasing the little around the house and absolutely melting at his adorable giggles whenever they'd catch him.

It came so naturally, caring for their hyung in this way. They'd seen that Seokjin had been stressed recently, so to know that this was helping meant that they'd do anything to keep it that way. Besides, Seokjin had always been their oldest hyung, the mother of the group, so it was about time that they cared for him instead. The two youngest certainly didn't mind.

They were so consumed in playing around that they lost track of time, and didn't think about the other member's returning until the front door was already being opened. The three of them were sat on the floor, playing with some old Lego's that Taehyung had found in the store cupboard, when Namjoon and the other three found them.
"Uh... guys?" Namjoon spoke up, clearly puzzled at seeing his oldest hyung in a onesie, hugging a stuffed toy and playing with the two youngest.

Seokjin snapped his head in the leader's direction, tears already welling in his eyes when he saw the other three standing there too. They were judging him, he just knew it.
The little whimpered and turned to Taehyung, hiding his face in his chest as the younger hushed him, Jungkook then jumping up and facing the others to help the situation be dealt with calmly.

"Hyungs, let me explain." The maknae spoke up, the other four looking to him attentively with looks of shock and confusion.
"Seokjin hyung is-"
"A wittle..."
All heads turned to the oldest who was huddled up in Taehyung's arms, Jin having gained enough courage to speak for himself when he noticed how the others were all ready to listen.
"He is?!" Jimin asked incredulously, Seokjin looking down nervously as Jungkook nodded and signalled to the little on the floor.

"Yes, he is. He's been too afraid to tell anyone until I walked in on him in littlespace earlier." Jungkook explained, the other four humming, before each of them adopted warm smiles.
"So cute!" Hoseok chirped, crouching down in front of the little and pinching his cheeks, making the oldest blush and hide his face behind his little hands.
"Seokie no hate littew Jinnie?" The little whispered nervously, Hoseok gasping dramatically and shaking his head as he took Jin from Taehyung's arms and brought him into his own lap.

"Of course not, little one! We love you no matter how big or small you are. Right guys?" Hoseok reassured, a chorus of hums in agreement being heard, making the little smile widely.
"I honestly had my suspicions." Yoongi said with a sigh, everyone turning to him with eyebrows raised in curiosity.
"How? I seriously had no idea. I'm going to have to go and do research on this now hold on-" Namjoon spoke up, rushing out of the room to go and get his laptop.

"I found a drawing of all seven of us in Jin's room when I was clearing it out a month ago. It looked like it was definitely drawn by a child, so yeah." He explained, the little looking up to him with a slightly upset expression.
"Yoonie no like Jinnie's dwawing?" The little asked with a pout and sad eyes, Yoongi smiling softly and ruffling his hair.
"Oh no sweetie, that's not what I meant. I loved it, I promise. You're very talented." Yoongi assured, Jinnie making a happy sound as he clung to Yoongi, the older male rolling his eyes a little.

"Awww, Yoongi hyung has gone all soft!" Hobi teased, the older sending him a glare. But his expression didn't stay mad for long when he had this cute baby clinging to him, so he scooped Jinnie up and sat him on the sofa beside him.
"I've done some research!" Namjoon announced from the hallway, making everyone chuckle.
"What've you found?" Taehyung asked out of curiosity, and Namjoon cleared his throat.

"It says here that littles can have different age ranges. Jinnie honey, how old are you right now?" Namjoon asked softly, the little sticking four fingers up in the air.
"Dis manies!" He cheered, being met by six smiling faces.
"How cute." Jimin cooed, Jinnie giggling a little as Yoongi began to stroke his hair and he snuggled into the younger male's side.
"It also says that some littles need or want a caregiver to look after them when they're in headspace." Namjoon said, and by the look in the little's eyes, they knew exactly what he wanted.

"Want us to be your caregivers bub? It's okay to say no." Jungkook offered with a chuckle at the little's pleading eyes, Jin's face lighting up with excitement as he nodded enthusiastically.
"Yes pease!" He squealed, the other six men just melting at their hyung's adorableness.
"Such a polite little." Taehyung praised, smiling at Jungkook who was clearly relieved at how the hyungs had reacted, for Jinnie's sake.

"So...", the leader spoke up with a smile, "What do you want to do now Jinnie?"


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