Meanies - Taekook (part 1)

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Request from: @2005ktae

Little!Jungkook ~ Mental age: 3-5

⚠️Trigger Warning: Bullying⚠️


This was bad.

This was really, really bad.

Jungkook was sat at his desk in school just minding his own business, when someone came up behind him and tapped his shoulder. Jungkook was a quiet, introverted kid, and didn't tend to talk to his classmates often, so when he felt the hand on his shoulder he immediately became a little nervous and confused. He turned around, only to see three of the popular boys standing behind him, two with their arms crossed and one smirking at him.

"Um... can I help you?" Jungkook asked, his voice coming out a little more timid than usual. Usually, even though they'd only just started college recently, people wouldn't pick on him because he was more muscular and stronger than most of the students there. But his classmates quickly learned that he was a nervous softie who wouldn't hurt a fly. Unfortunately for Jungkook, there were some people that wanted to take advantage of that, and considering the teacher was late today, they took their chance.

"When I was walking past, I couldn't help but notice something fall out of your bag. I think this belongs to you." One of the guys sneered, holding up his hand and revealing a dummy pinched between his index finger and his thumb. Jungkook's eyes widened and he let go of a soft gasp, reaching out for the comfort item, but the older student yanked it away from his grip.
"Give that back." Jungkook spoke through gritted teeth, but the boys just chuckled, holding the dummy out of his reach and up in the air. Jungkook bit his lip as he looked up at it; it was his first littlespace gift that Taehyung had ever given him and he always had it with him.

"No. We're gonna let the whole class know that you're an immature baby. Hey guys! Look what I found!"
Jungkook lowered his head in shame when laughter quickly ensued, feeling tears brim in his eyes at the dehumanising comments that were thrown at him.
"Aww, baby want a bottle?"
"Oh my God, grow the fuck up, Jungkook."
"Dude, you need a therapist."
"Act your age, dipshit."
"Ew that's fucking disgusting-"
"I bet you he drinks out of a sippy cup too!"

"Is that right, Jungkook? Aw are you gonna cry? Gonna cry like a little baby?" The boy holding his dummy leant down and teased him, chuckling when fr fr fiiiy chu he saw tears form in Jungkook eyes.
"S-stop it... gib that back!" Jungkook yelled as he attempted and failed to snatch the dummy from the older guy, but quickly shrunk into himself when the laughter only got louder at that, his voice having adopted a noticeably higher and more childish pitch.

"So you admit it?" One of the popular girls laughed, and Jungkook wanted nothing but to disappear in that instant. He felt humiliated and hated. It was horrible.

Within a split second, he'd grabbed his bag and made a dash for the door, forgetting about the little blue dummy that was still in his classmate's hand as he bolted down the corridor, tears streaming down his cheeks. He made his way off campus unnoticed and ran to the local park, aiming on staying there until school was over so that Taehyung wouldn't get suspicious when he got home.

Taehyung was his boyfriend, and they lived together in a small apartment just down the road from Jungkook's college. He worked at a daycare during the weekdays while Jungkook was at school, and he loved his job so much. He'd always come home and tell Jungkook all about how polite or naughty the kids were, and Jungkook would listen to all of it with a smile, happy to see Taehyung happy.

Except Taehyung was off work today, so he was likely sat at home studying for his new course or just relaxing, and therefore if Jungkook was to go home now even though his college ends in an hour, Taehyung would become suspicious and concerned. He didn't want to worry him.

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