Cutie - Namtae

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Request from: @ShamsadR 🔮

Little!Taehyung ~ Mental age: 3-4

It's been a while :,]

"What, bub?"
"Can Taetae come to Daddy's wowk again?"
Namjoon sighed and rubbed his face, giving the little an almost pleading look.
"Are you sure you don't wanna stay home and watch Encanto? You haven't seen it yet, maybe now is a good chance to."
"T-Taetae don wan be awone..."

Taehyung sniffled, and the moment Namjoon saw his eyes becoming glossy, the older male panicked.
"Oh- jeez okay- don't cry! Yes, you can come to Daddy's work if you really want to. But you have to be on your best behaviour as always, alright?" Namjoon spoke in a hurry, and Taehyung was grinning immediately, the little giggling to himself as he ran to get his shoes on. Namjoon sighed again; his boyfriend was a little handful sometimes.

"Daddy Daddy! Taetae weawin smawt cwothes juss like you! See??" Taehyung squealed with excitement from his bedroom, hurrying out in one of Namjoon's suits, and his caregiver couldn't possibly be mad. The blazer was a little too big, the material hanging off his shoulders and the sleeves slightly covering his hands, his tie was mostly undone, and the trouser legs were a little too long, but he looked utterly adorable.

"You look like Daddy's little assistant." Namjoon chuckled fondly, but Taehyung pouted and shook his head.
"Nuh uh! I'm da boss!" He said, giggling and trying to run away when Namjoon grabbed him and tickled his sides.
"My mistake. Little boss it is." He laughed, making Taehyung smile widely, but Namjoon's face quickly fell when he looked at his watch.

"Shoot! I'm gonna be late. Grab your snack box, bub, we're gonna be in a bit of a rush."

Namjoon honestly didn't really have any problems with taking Taehyung to work when he was little; his coworkers loved him. They were so fond of the little that Namjoon didn't have to worry about him getting bored; one of the others would always be ready to entertain little Tae, almost to the point where Namjoon would start getting jealous. However, he had to keep an eye out for Jungkook and Jimin because those two would always let Taehyung get up to no good, simply for the sake of letting the little do whatever he wanted. And Taehyung? Taehyung absolutely loved it.

When they arrived at Namjoon's work and got out of the car, Taehyung happily skipped into the building, practically dragging Namjoon behind him by his hand with impatience. His caregiver could only chuckle and let Taehyung pull him inside, eventually reaching the studio and being met with five familiar faces.
"Namjoon, you're late." Yoongi scolded lightly, seeing the sheepish look on Namjoon's face, the younger male rubbing the back of his neck with his hand.

"Yeah well... I got a little preoccupied." He said, nodding towards the little standing next to him, and immediately, Namjoon being late was no longer a problem.
"Taetae! How are you, bub? It's been so long." Jimin called with a grin, opening his arms for the little who giggled and immediately ran into them.
"Taetae iss good! How ib Minnie hyung?" He asked, Jimin humming and leaving a light peck on the little's forehead.
"Hyung is good too, thank you for asking." The older male chuckled, ruffling Taehyung's hair and making the little squeal and escape from his arms.

He was immediately caught by Jin who was sat at his desk, hoisting the little into his lap and wrapping his arms around his middle so that he couldn't leave.
"Dinnie hyung!" Taehyung laughed loudly, wriggling around in his arms as he felt the oldest poke his sides.
"Where was my hello, hm?" Jin chuckled, letting Taehyung catch his breath when he stopped tickling him, the little's cheeks already turning red from how hard he was laughing.

"I was gon say it!" Taehyung tried to reason with him, making the oldest chuckle softly, swivelling his chair around so that he and Taehyung were facing his computer.
"I was just joking, cutie. Want hyung to show you his work?"

While Taehyung was preoccupied with Jin, the others got on with their own work, doing about an hour of the written stuff, when they got bored and decided to do dance practice early.
"Hey Taetae, Jungkook, Jimin and I are gonna go and dance for a bit. Wanna join?" Hoseok called to the little who was close to taking a nap on Jin's lap, and he perked up immediately, nodding vigorously and jumping up to run over an join them. But he paused by the door, turning around and looking to Namjoon who was watching him fondly.

"Can Taetae go wib hyungies?" He asked for permission just like he'd been taught to, rocking on his heels, which had Namjoon chuckling softly and nodding his head.
"Of course, baby, thank you for asking. Have fun, okay?" He hummed, and Taehyung squeaked with excitement, immediately being picked up by Jungkook who carried him out and followed the others to the dance studio.
"He's so cute." Jin whined from his desk, Namjoon laughing while Yoongi couldn't hide the small smile that overcame his lips.

"Look at those moves!" Hoseok cheered with a grin as Taehyung happily danced to the music they'd put on, a big smile on his face as he jumped around and giggled. The others joined in, all sense of choreography forgotten as they followed the little's lead, just laughing and messing around.
"Watch me, watch me!" Taehyung giggled, doing a spin and immediately receiving cheers and smiles from the other members, and he felt himself becoming shy all of a sudden.

He smiled and hid his blushing cheeks behind his hands, causing Jungkook to coo and scoop him up.
"You're adorable." He groaned, making Taehyung whine and hide his face in Jungkook's shoulder, lightly clinging to the maknae.
"Someone's getting sleepy." Jimin pointed out, smiling fondly, and they made an unspoken decision to take him back to Namjoon before practicing what they were actually supposed to be practicing. Either way, little Tae was always a welcome distraction from work. Not even their superiors could disagree.

"Joon, I think we've worn him out."
Hoseok's voice prompted Namjoon to look up from his desk, the leader breaking out into a wide smile when he saw how Taehyung was fast asleep in Jungkook's arms, head on the maknae's shoulder while Jimin's gentle hand stroked the little's hair.
"Perfect, I'll be able to get some more work done then." Namjoon jokes, standing up to take Taehyung from Jungkook's arms and laughing when he felt how the maknae was almost reluctant to let him go.

Namjoon walked over to a sofa situated on the other end of the office, gently lying Taehyung down on it, and both Jimin and Jungkook immediately rushed over to him with pillows and blankets.
"He has you guys wrapped around his finger, I swear." Namjoon laughed quietly while shaking his head, and everyone else in the room could only smile sheepishly and shrug. They'd practically do anything for little Tae.

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