Picnic - Yoonkook

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Request from: @Park_Kitty_Gang 🐝

Little!Jungkook ~ Mental age: 5


Yoongi couldn't help but smile when he saw how Jungkook spotted him from the other end of the hallway, the little gasping and immediately bolting in the direction of his caregiver.
"Slow down, darling, you could trip." The older chuckled softly, seeing how the little nodded obediently and slowed his step. Yoongi opened his arms, causing Jungkook to grin and jump into them, attacking the older with a big hug that the little had been anticipating all day.

"I misseded you, Daddy!" Jungkook almost yelled, and Yoongi let out a short laugh, pulling away and rubbing his ear because damn was this little loud.
"You saw me this morning, little Prince, how much Daddy-time could you possibly need?" He spoke with a slight eyebrow raise, and Jungkook gasped.
"Kookie needs Daddy time all the time!" He squealed, only causing Yoongi to chuckle again as he ruffled his little's hair, and Jungkook giggled.

"Guess what, bub?"
"What what??"
"Daddy finished work early and has prepared a little surprise for you, considering you've been so good all week."
"Shhh, inside voice, Koo."
"Sowwy... a supwise?"

Yoongi snickered at the younger one's antics and nodded, holding his hand out for Jungkook to take, and the little eagerly did so, skipping alongside Yoongi as he led him down the hall and out the back of the HYBE building.
"Daddy? Whew are we going?" Jungkook asked impatiently, swinging their hands between them as he found interest in the long grass that met their ankles.
"Well it wouldn't be a surprise if I just happened to tell you, would it?" Yoongi stated, only causing Jungkook to pout and huff.
"I guess so... but how much furthew??"
Yoongi smiled and shook his head at the little.
"Not far, Prince."

They walked maybe three hundred yards through a small woods, following a small, dirt-trodden path to an open clearing. Jungkook gasped when he spotted the small field of pretty flowers and long grass, giggling and running over to a little sheltered area that had a picnic blanket and some food already laid out for them.

"Daddy Daddy!" Jungkook gasped and jumped up and down in excitement, pointing to the nicely arranged picnic in front of him, "The pwetty faiwies maded a picnic just fow us!"
Yoongi smiled fondly at how the little's eyes sparkled in wonder at his little fantasy, sitting down on the picnic blanket and beckoning Jungkook to come and sit beside him.

The little did so eagerly, crossing his legs and grinning with joy when a butterfly narrowly missed his nose.
"Iss so nice, Daddy." He whispered as he looked in awe at the food on the blanket, a small chocolate cake in the centre. There was fruit, those tiny sandwiches you get at parties, snacks... just pretty much all of Jungkook's favourites.

"Do you like it?" Yoongi asked with a smile, ruffling Jungkook's hair and eliciting a content giggle from the little.
"I lub it! Fankoo bewwy mush." He beamed, knowing that the older had definitely helped the woodland fairies to set this up, and Yoongi chuckled fondly.
"You're very welcome, darling. Now c'mon, tuck in."

Yoongi motioned towards the food as permission for Jungkook to start digging in, the younger boy acting akin to a curious bunny as he filled a plate with food, while getting continuously distracted by the birds and the flowers in the clearing. He'd almost finished his piece of cake when he gave in, bouncing in his seat and looking to Yoongi with an impatient expression. Yoongi sighed and gave him a knowing smile as he rolled his eyes.
"Go on then."

Jungkook squealed and jumped up, running around the field and finding a dragonfly to chase while Yoongi watched him fondly.
"Daddy! Thew are so many flowews!" He giggled happily from halfway up a tree that he'd managed to climb, pointing at the splash of colour that the flowers caused on the grass. Yoongi smiled and watched him with careful eyes, not liking how Jungkook went to hang precariously from a branch, so he called to him with a suggestion.
"Why don't we pick some?"

Jungkook's eyes immediately lit up, the little giggling as he quickly but carefully climbed down under the watchful eye of his caregiver.
"'M gonna pick flowers for my Daddy~" Jungkook sang, skipping across the field and running with excitement to find the best flowers he could, only making Yoongi shake his head with a chuckle as he walked through the grass to do the same.

"Daddy, wook how big this one iss!" Jungkook shouted excitedly, holding up a purple flower that was nearing the size of his hand.
"Wow, that's a pretty one, Prince." Yoongi called back, seeing Jungkook grin and immediately go back on his little hunt. About five more minutes of flower picking, and Yoongi called Jungkook over to him.

"Baby, look at this bumblebee." He hummed, getting Jungkook to crouch down beside him to closely observe a fat little fluffy bee sat on a white flower.
"It's so fuzzy and cute." Jungkook giggled, watching the little bee collected it's pollen, before flying off, Jungkook's eyes following it until it was out of sight.

"Very cute."
"Cuter than Koo?!"
"Of course not, bub. Nothing's cuter than you." Yoongi chuckled, booping Jungkook's nose before lifting a large daisy to the side of the boy's head and tucking it behind his ear. Jungkook blushed when he saw how Yoongi was smiling at him, giggling when Yoongi then pressed a kiss to his forehead.
"My pretty baby." He cooed, hearing Jungkook whine and hide behind his bunch of flowers that he'd grabbed, which had Yoongi gasping.

"Kookie, these are beautiful. You did such a good job." He praised gently, Jungkook peeping out from behind the flowers and smiling despite how his cheeks just got redder.
"I-I pickded them fow Daddy." He confessed, bashfully thrusting his hand towards Yoongi, and the older's gaze softened.
"I love them, little Prince. Thank you." He said with a smile that had Jungkook giggling again, letting Yoongi take the flowers, before taking Yoongi's other hand in his own to excitedly drag him around to see more flowers.

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