Our little hyung - Jin X BTS (part 1)

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Little!Jin ~ Mental age: 3-5


Yes, Kim Seokjin, the oldest member of BTS, was indeed a little. Did anyone other than himself know this? No. Was he ever planning on telling anyone? Hell no. It was his little secret.

He'd found out that he was a little around two years ago during a very stressful, concert-packed time. Being able to regress into the mind of a child was something that he thoroughly enjoyed, and it had proven helpful at times when he felt overwhelmed with the anxiety and stress of working day in, day out, as an idol. Yet sometimes, little Jinnie got very lonely when he would secretly slip into littlespace alone in his room, wanting someone to play with, or to look after him. But he couldn't tell the others; they were his dongsaengs! He was supposed to be looking after them, not the other way around.

Today marks the third week of Seokjin not having the time to be able to slip, and he was beyond stressed. All seven of the members currently had a very tightly-packed schedule due to their upcoming comeback, and with millions of fans around the world, they couldn't afford for this to not be their best one yet. But all the practicing made the members tired and stressed, especially for the secret little with his little secret.

Yet today was Jin's lucky day. The members had the weekend off, and Jimin had invited all of the members to go out and see a movie together to de-stress and spend some time together.
"Are you sure you can't come, hyung?" Namjoon spoke to Jin with a noticeable frown, the eldest shaking his head with a soft smile.
"No, I'm really tired and I'd rather rest if that's alright. You guys go and have fun." He replied, the others nodding and leaving him be which proved that his excuse had worked.

Once he heard the front door shut and the house fall silent, Seokjin ran into his room and pounced on his bed, immediately fishing a blue stuffed dinosaur out from under the bed.
"Mr Rex! I've mwissed you." The little squealed, slipping into headspace the moment he clutched the small, soft toy in his hands. He hugged it to his chest and kicked his feet excitedly, only to grimace at the feeling of his turtleneck sweater that was rubbing against his neck.

"Off." He mumbled, scurrying over to his wardrobe and pulling out his favourite dinosaur onesie for the rare times that he was able to regress for more than an hour. Considering that they were going to see a movie and would likely have food after, he guessed that he had about two hours to embrace his inner child and finally use his most effective coping mechanism during such stressful times.

After pulling the onesie on and struggling with the zip for a bit, he pulled the hood of it up and grinned at himself in the mirror.
"Rawr!" He growled to himself, giggling as he made little T-Rex claws with his hands.
"See Mr Rex? I jus like you! Jinnie Rex!" He spoke to the soft toy, jumping back onto his bed with a smile. Yet when he jumped, he managed to knock over a large vase that was situated beside the bed, the ceramic object falling to the floor and smashing into thousands of tiny pieces with a loud crash.

"Uh oh..." the little said with wide eyes, completely unsure of what to do, but within seconds he was frozen with fear. He heard hurried footsteps approaching his room, a quick knock on the door signalling that someone else was there.
"Jin hyung?? Is everything alright?" Jungkook's voice came through the door, and the eldest felt his breath hitch, worried that his speech will come out weird if he tries to talk right now.

"I... I-I okay." He spoke, slapping a hand over his own mouth and cursing himself internally at how small his voice sounded. Jungkook hesitated, clearly concerned at Jin's shaky reply.
"Hyung, I'm coming in."
"N-no! Wait!"

Too late.

Jungkook was frozen at the door when his wide eyes landed upon Jin, his oldest hyung curled up on his bed in a dinosaur onesie with a stuffed toy clutched to his chest. Not to mention that the older looked petrified.
"Hyung?" Jungkook asked in confusion, not exactly sure on what to do or say with the situation. He noticed the smashed vase, before looking back up to Seokjin, eyes widening when he saw the older's eyes fill with tears.
"What's the matter? Are you hurt?" Jungkook asked in worry, quickly making his way over to the bed, but the older shuffled back and into the headboard, trying to get away from him.

"N-no... p-pease! Don't... J-Jinnie iss digustin..." the little cried, and Jungkook was taken aback. He noticed a dummy on the bedside table, and then suddenly it clicked. The onesie, the stuffed toy, his voice...
"You're a little?"
Jin froze for the millionth time in the past five minutes, before bursting into tears as he nodded violently.

"Y-yes! Jinnie a wittle! Pease don hate me Kookie..." the little sobbed, and Jungkook immediately went and sat beside him, wrapping his arms around the older.
"I could never hate you; you're my hyung! Being a little isn't disgusting Jinnie. I read about it online once, it was interesting to learn about." Jungkook said with a smile, Jin wiping his own tears and looking up at him with big eyes.
"Weawy?" He spoke, Jungkook chuckling and nodding.

"Yeah, that's how I knew when I saw you. Why didn't you tell any of us?" Jungkook asked, Jin seemingly shrinking into himself as he shrugged.
"Scawed." He mumbled, Jungkook cooing and rubbing his back.
"There's nothing to be scared of Jinnie, nothing at all. Hang on a second, lemme go and get Taehyung hyung, he's good with kids." Jungkook said, Jin pouting and stiffening at the thought of someone else finding out, but a reassuring smile from the maknae helped him to relax a little as the youngest left the room.

"Taebear, I need your help!" Jinnie heard Jungkook call from the hallway, fiddling with his toy dinosaur out of nerves as he heard another distinct pair of footsteps come in his direction. After a quick explanation from Jungkook, Taehyung entered Jin's room with the maknae close behind, a warm smile on his face.
"Jinnie~" he sang, the little looking up at him nervously as Taehyung approached. Taehyung made an over-exaggerated gasp when he saw the broken vase, crouching down beside the bed so that he was at Jin's level.

"What happened here, baby?" He said in a shocked tone, the name and Taehyung's actions causing Jin to feel more comfortable in his headspace immediately.
"I jumped an then it bwoke! Jinnie sowwy." The little confessed honestly with a guilty frown, but Taehyung simply smiled and ruffled his hair.
"It's okay baby, accidents happen. What do you say we get Kookie over here to give you a piggy back ride to the lounge so that Taetae can clean it up, yeah?" Taehyung suggested, Jinnie nodding at the idea and making grabby hands for Jungkook who came over to him with a smile.

After being hoisted onto the maknae's back, Jin was carried out of the room and to the lounge, being dropped carefully onto the sofa which made the little giggle. Within fifteen minutes, the broken vase had been cleaned up, and the three of them were sat cuddled up on the sofa with Jin on Taehyung's lap while the latter leant against the maknae. His two youngest dongsaengs had acted so kind and calm about his littlespace, and were even caring for him. Maybe this wasn't so bad after all...

 Maybe this wasn't so bad after all

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