Too small - Sope

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Little!Yoongi ~ Mental age: 0-3


Yoongi had always been one of the better behaved littles. He would spend most of the time sleeping or demanding cuddles from his caregiver, Hoseok, and was generally a smaller, more quiet little. Or when he was feeling a little bigger he'd run round the house and play hide and seek with his daddy, there was honestly no in-between.

A small whine was heard as Yoongi woke up from his sleep in the middle of the night, rubbing the sleep from his eyes with tired hands. He'd woken up in headspace, deep headspace, and he hated when it happened when his daddy wasn't with him. It was quiet and lonely in little Yoonie's room, and Yoongi's lower lip started to wobble as he found himself all alone in the big, dark room; too small to comprehend it.

"Da... d-dada..." He whimpered into the blackness, and before he knew it he was wailing, hands gripping the headboard of his bed like how babies would grab onto their crib when they're stressed. Within seconds, light but hurried footsteps were coming towards his room, Yoongi watching through teary eyes as Hobi quickly opened the door and rushed over to the little, worry coating his features and replacing the tiredness that was there only seconds ago.

"Shhh, Yoonie. Why are you crying, kitten?" Hoseok soothed in a calm voice even though on the inside he was stressing over the fact that his baby was in tears. Yoongi only sobbed in response, crashing into his caregiver's chest the moment Hobi opened his arms for him; he just wanted to be held. Hoseok was quick to hush him and pull the little onto his lap, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend and rocking him at a slow and steady rhythm.

"Shhh, it's okay Yoonie, I'm here. Daddy's got you." Hoseok continued to comfort him, Yoongi's sobs turning quickly into quiet sniffles as he tucked his head under his caregiver's chin and lay curled up against the younger's chest. Hoseok sighed with relief, pulling Yoongi back a little and gently wiping the tears from his soft cheeks.
"What was that all about, kitten?" Hoseok asked softly, Yoongi whining as he gripped at Hoseok's shirt and sniffled.
"Too 'mall dada." He managed to say in a tiny voice, Hoseok cooing and bouncing the baby gently in his lap, absolutely melting when tiny, stuttered giggles spilled from the older's lips.

"Aw, the baby has come out to say hi?" Hoseok asked with a fond smile, Yoongi humming with a small nod as he snuggled back into his boyfriend. Hearing the little whine, Hoseok pressed a kiss to his forehead and pulled his head back a little.

"Do you want some angel milk to help you go back to sleep, baby boy?" He offered, hearing a confirming hum in response from the adorable little who was now sucking on his thumb. Hoseok didn't want it to become a habit, so he gently tapped Yoongi's arm.
"Let's take this out, sugar." He spoke, Yoongi frowning but complying as he took his thumb out of his mouth, really wishing that he hadn't lost his dummy at the park yesterday.

The next thing Hoseok felt was the little sucking gently on his neck, possibly marking it here and there, but Hoseok didn't mind in the slightest if it proved comforting for the little when he was in babyspace. It's not like he was aware of what he was doing, Yoonie just knew that he liked it and that he loved his daddy. Nothing more nothing less.
The younger carried Yoongi out of his room and into the kitchen, the baby whining loudly and hiding his face in Hoseok's shoulder when he flicked the lights on, which just made Hoseok chuckle.

The caregiver moved to the living room and placed Yoongi down on the rug with his favourite teddy before going to the kitchen to make the milk. He couldn't help but smile when he heard a content squeal from the little who was playing by himself, Hoseok grabbing a cup from a cupboard and mixing the milk, sugar and vanilla into it. After microwaving the substance, he transferred the milk to a cooler sippy cup so that Yoongi wouldn't burn himself, before returning to the living room with a smile on his face.

"Yoonie baby, look what daddy's got." Hoseok sang, the little dragging his big, adorable eyes from the toy that he was entertaining himself with and looking up at his caregiver. His eyes lit up at the sight of the sippy cup in Hobi's hand, babbling excitedly and making grabby hands for his boyfriend. Hoseok chuckled and sat on the sofa, watching as Yoongi crawled over and was hoisted onto his lap.

Yoongi grabbed the cup from Hobi's hand and immediately started drinking hungrily, his big, wide eyes staring back at his caregiver as Hobi looked at him fondly.
"Slow down baby." Hoseok chuckled, pulling the bottle down slightly to encourage the boy to drink slower so that he wouldn't get sick, the good little complying immediately.

The little was nomming (nom nom T-T) on the nipple of the sippy cup when Hoseok noticed that his eyes were struggling to stay open, the caregiver taking the bottle from him with a smile and softly stroking Yoongi's mint-green hair.
"Dadada." Yoongi mumbled sleepily but contentedly as he snuggled into his boyfriend, head resting heavily on his chest. The older rocked him soothingly, carding gentle fingers through Yoongis hair, and before he knew it the little was fast asleep in his arms, soft breath tickling his neck. He couldn't help but smile and feel so incredibly lucky in that moment. How had someone so precious and so adorable ended up as his?

With slow and gentle movements, Hoseok stood up and carried Yoongi to his room. He lay him in bed and ensured that Yoongi's favourite toy was tucked under one of the sleeping little's arms, before pressing a kiss to the older's forehead and turning to leave the room.

But Yoongi whined in his sleep at the loss of contact with his boyfriend, so Hoseok ended up slipping into bed beside him, holding the boy to his chest until they were both sound asleep.

"Goodnight, my little angel."

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