Framed - Namjin X Jihope

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Request from: @Syuhazaina 🍬

Littles!Jin and Jimin ~ Mental ages: 1-5
Caregivers!Namjoon and Hoseok

I was planning on doing a Halloween special but never got around to it :( so please accept this as a token of my sincere apology :,)

⚠️CW: Anxiety attack⚠️


"Uncwe Joonie? Can Jinnie an I go in the pway woom pease?" Jimin asked politely, gently tugging on the older's sleeve, and Namjoon ruffled his hair with a dimple smile and nodded.
"Of course, don't make a mess, though. Seok and I just cleared it out yesterday." Namjoon said, and Jimin nodded obediently and scurried off to find Jinnie waiting by the playroom door.

"Youw Daddy said yesh! But onwy if we keep it aww tidy." Jimin said, and while the older little rolled his eyes at that last bit, he pushed the door open and dragged Jimin inside. Jinnie was Minnie's best friend, although the two were almost polar opposites when little. Jimin was an absolute angel, and although he could get pretty pouty and huffy when things didn't go how he wanted them to, he wasn't nearly as bratty as little Jin.

Besides, if Jimin stepped a toe out of line, his caregiver Hoseok would set him straight, and angry Hoseok scared both of the littles equally.

"Let's paint!" Jin exclaimed the moment the door was shut behind them, running over to a particular drawer and pulling out some paints, brushes and paper, but Jimin looked immediately reluctant.
"Jinnie, paint is aww messy." He whined, but his little friend groaned and threw the stuff down anyway, folding his arms.

"Wew I'm gonna paint! Youw no fun." He huffed, and Jimin sighed, picking up one of his stuffed toys from his crib that was in the playroom and sitting on the floor, playing quietly.

So Jinnie made a mess.

Jinnie made a big, big mess, and Jimin was mortified.

There was paint on the carpet, paint on Jin's clothes, and even paint splattered on the wall. It was only after seeing Jimin's horrified look of realisation that Jin realised just how much trouble he was in, and in a state of panic, he thrust his paintbrushes into Jimin's hands and ran out of the playroom. Jimin didn't know why he did that and was too small to ponder on it, but he gasped when he realised that Jin's panicked movement had got paint all over his stuffed toy, ruining it.

"Nooo..." he whined, frowning and feeling his eyes well with tears when he saw the blue and red paint staining one of his favourite toys, sniffling and just sitting there. In front of Jinnie's painting. With the brushes in his hands.

"Daddy Daddy Daddy!" Jin almost screamed, running into the lounge where Namjoon was sat reading a book next to Hoseok, and the caregiver groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose at the interruption.
"Yes, darling?" He sighed, placing his book aside and giving the little his full attention. But his face quickly fell, eyes widening and a gasp leaving his lips when he saw his little absolutely covered in paint, the colourful substance on his clothes, hair, skin... everywhere.

When he saw how Namjoon's brows were starting to furrow in frustration, Jin panicked again and shook his head.
"Minnie maded a mess an got it aww ovew Dinnie too!" Jin cried, and the moment he heard that, Hoseok's head snapped round to look at the older little.
"He did what?"

Both Namjoon and Hoseok jumped up, following Jinnie to the playroom where they found a sight that made their blood boil. Jimin was sat on the floor, holding two paint brushes, a half-ruined teddy bear, and sitting in front of a messy painting which had spilled out onto the great carpet. Jimin looked up at the two angry faces staring at him, and he gasped, realising what they were thinking.

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