Attention - Vminkook

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Little!Jimin ~ Mental age: 2-5
Caregivers!Taehyung and Jungkook

Side ship: Namseok


"Jiminie, honey, Hobi wants to play with the legos, you wanna join him?" Namjoon called to the blonde-haired little who was sat on the sofa in the lounge, a small 'no' being heard in response. Namjoon frowned, making his way over to the boy and crouching down in front of him, gently ruffling Jimin's hair when he saw an upset pout adopt the smaller male's lips.

"Why not buddy? Is something wrong?" Namjoon asked as Jimin looked up at him with sad eyes, the little sighing and frowning.
"I wan daddy an papa." Jimin mumbled, Namjoon's eyes widening as he saw the smaller boy's eyes fill with tears.
"Hey hey, come on honey you know they'll be back after work. Here's an idea, why don't you come and play with Hoseokie and I to pass the time while we wait for them to pick you up, yeah? I'm sure that they will give you all the cuddles you want once I tell them what a good boy you've been." Namjoon suggested, Jimin wiping his eyes with his small hands as he nodded a little, allowing Namjoon to pick him up and carry him into Hoseok's playroom.
"Okey Uncle Joonie."

Taehyung and Jungkook were Jimin's caregivers and boyfriends, the three-way relationship having been a thing for just over a year now. The younger two had been called into work for something important at the last minute, and so they'd dropped Jimin off at Namjoon's house because Namjoon had a little named Hoseok who was none other that Jimin's best friend.

Hoseok had an older headspace than Jimin and would do a good job at entertaining the other little, with Namjoon as his own boyfriend and caregiver. Taehyung and Jungkook trusted the older to look after Jimin, and although Jimin loved to go round for play dates, he would miss his caregivers terribly when they were out for more than two hours.

And what's more, Jimin had been feeling extra small today. He had definitely slipped to the bottom of his age range, but no one had taken the time to ask him how old he felt, so he just had to go along with whatever Joonie suggested or Hobi was doing, which wasn't exactly an issue. When he was feeling around three or lower, he was extra shy and would get stressed without having attention from his caregivers, but he tried his best to hide it. Little Hobi had asked once or twice if Jimin was feeling extra small and if he wanted to have one of his new dummies because of how the blonde little was acting, the older being the caring and energetic little that he always was, but Jimin had quietly declined each time, wanting to stay strong and be a big boy until his caregivers came back to pick him up.

"Seokie, can I pease have that red block?" Jimin asked quietly to his best friend, the orange-haired little smiling and nodding as he passed Jimin the red lego block so he could finish the little lego car that he'd made.
"Fankoo." Jimin said shyly, all his focus being put back into his lego project as Namjoon watched them fondly.
"Wonderful manners Jiminie." Namjoon praised, the little smiling slightly as Namjoon stroked his hair, before the older male walked over to his little and started helping Hoseok with the lego house that he was building.

Jimin wanted to show Hoseokie and uncle Joonie his creation, but he was too shy to say anything, and so he spent the next five minutes rolling his toy car around, feeling left out as the other two laughed and played with each other. He finds it hard to communicate with others that aren't his caregivers when he's extra small, but he also craves attention, so it was an internally frustrating situation for him. Before he even had time to get upset, the doorbell rang, Jimin leaping to his feet and running to the door as Namjoon followed close behind.
"Daddy!" Jimin squealed happily as Namjoon opened the door to reveal Jungkook, the youngest smiling his signature bunny smile as Jimin jumped into his arms.

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