Exhausted - Vmin

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Little!Taehyung ~ Mental age: 4

Writing this because protective little Tae is a wholesome concept~


Five boys sat in the shared lounge of their dorm block, either chatting quietly with one another or entertaining themselves on their phones, the screens illuminating their tired faces after a solid couple of hours of dance practice. The door of the lounge opened slowly, the boys turning their heads and smiling fondly when they saw Taehyung, wrapped in a fluffy grey blanket with a blue dummy in his mouth.

"Hey sweetie, c'mere." Namjoon spoke with a warm smile, holding out his arms as the little shuffled his way over and curled up on the leader's lap.
"You're feeling small today Taetae?" Hoseok asked, fondly stroking the little's hair as Taehyung nodded and snuggled further into his hyung. All five heads turned to him immediately when Taehyung whined, the sound slightly muffled by the dummy in his mouth and his brows knitted to show some form or frustration or upset.

"What's wrong bub?" Jungkook asked from the other sofa, Taehyung sitting up on Namjoon's lap and taking his dummy out, now making the frown on his face more visible to the other members.
"Dunno wew daddy ish." He mumbled with a pout, and sure enough, the only member that wasn't there in that room was Jimin. It was now their turn to frown, each of them having not seen Jimin since practice.
"Tete ish wowied 'bout daddy." Taehyung spoke honestly as he looked up at the others, each of them mirroring similar expressions of concern.

"Is he still at the dance studio? He said he wanted to go over a few things afterwards but that was over an hour ago." Yoongi queried, Namjoon sighing and standing up, hoisting the little onto his hip.
"Did your daddy sleep at all last night?" Jin asked the little as he stood up beside them, Taehyung thinking for a moment before shaking his head.
"Nuh uh, daddy stay up an wowk even tho Tete tew him to sweep." The little said with a sad frown, Namjoon and Jin glancing at each other.

"He's overworking himself again isn't he." Jungkook said with a sigh, Taehyung's eyes growing immediately glossy at that. He didn't want his boyfriend and caregiver to be in pain ever, he wanted to cuddle him and make sure he got plenty of rest because that's what good little boyfriends do. And so, that's exactly what the determined little planned on doing.
"Down down down." Taehyung chanted pleadingly with a form of desperation as he wriggled out of Namjoon's grasp, dropping the blanket to the floor and hurrying out of the room the moment he was able to. The others contemplated following him but decided against it because, although Taehyung was unsurprisingly childish and bubbly when he was little, he was sensible enough to get them if he ever needed help with anything.

Meanwhile, taehyung was running his way to the dance studio, the determination to find his daddy evident on his face as he had his brows furrowed and lips set in a pout. The little was shocked when he heard music playing in the studio, indicating that Jimin must have been still practicing. Something wasn't right here and Taehyung could tell, he could always tell when it came to his boyfriend, so the little ran to the studio door with slightly wobbly legs and pushed it open with force, gasping when he was just in time to see Jimin fall to the floor on the far side of the room.

"Daddy!" He yelled, flinging his dummy to the floor and running to the collapsed male as fast as his thin legs could carry him. Jimin's eyes quickly flicked up to the worried person now leaning over him, breathing too heavily to say anything but giving Taehyung a short smile to reassure the little that he was not in pain and was okay, just exhausted. He hadn't felt this weak, tired and faint in a long time, but he just blamed it on himself and supposed that he wasn't keeping up with his fitness so well. When in reality, he'd just been dancing for three hours straight with only one very short break, and his body had finally given up for the day, which wouldn't have been to anyone's surprise.

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