Panic - Taekook

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Little!Taehyung ~ Mental age: 2-4

⚠️CW: Anxiety attack⚠️


When Taehyung woke up one Saturday morning, the little rubbed his eyes, stretching his arms out cutely to try and rid the sleep from his body. The sun peeked through the baby blue curtains in his playroom, and he frowned a little, shrugging the blanket he had off of his shoulders. He must have fallen asleep whilst he was playing among his toys, but by the looks of the pillow that had been placed carefully under his head and the blanket that had gently been draped over his sleeping form, his caregiver and boyfriend must have found him and left him to rest.

Now that was a thought, where was Jungkook?

The younger would surely be at home, it was the weekend and he didn't have work after all. Taehyung scrambled to his feet, slightly wobbly due to the stubborn tiredness that continued to cling to him as he shuffled his way over to the door. Once he'd opened it, he poked his head into the hallway, looking around.
"Kookie?" He called out, his voice swiftly moving to a higher octave when he realised that he felt rather small, frowning as he received no response. Jungkook would always come when Taehyung called, knowing that Taehyung was clingy and sensitive, and extremely clumsy, but those were things that the younger honestly loved about his little boyfriend.

Taehyung made his way over to Jungkook's bedroom, which was often his bedroom too considering they'd always sleep together in the younger's huge bed, but he felt his stomach drop when he realised that Jungkook wasn't there either.

He had terrible separation anxiety since his mother left him when he was a child, and Jungkook was very much aware of it, always having to make sure that Taehyung had distractions and knew when he was returning for whenever he was out so that the little wouldn't start panicking. But the quietness of the house and no sight of his caregiver in the little bungalow already caused the panic to start bubbling inside of the older like a few sharp sparks in his abdomen, and he ran in a hurry to check if he was in the bathroom, stumbling a little.

"Daddy?" He called out, his voice a little louder and more desperate than before. Seeing that he wasn't there either, his limbs began to tremble and salty tears pricked at his eyes as his bottom lip wobbled and jutted out in a pout. He could feel himself slipping more into his littlespace because of the sudden fear and anxiety he felt, clutching his stuffed bunny that Jungkook gave him to his chest.

The little couldn't help but start crying as his heart beat faster and faster, breathing becoming more ragged and shallow as horrible and taunting thoughts swarmed his mind.
"Oh no... d-dids daddy l-leave Taetae?" He choked out between sobs, stumbling on wobbly legs as he made his way into the lounge, releasing a pained cry and collapsing onto the couch as he felt so completely alone in the large room.
"I-I'm a b-bad little. D-did I m-makes him mad?" He cried under his breath to his stuffy as he curled into a tight ball on the sofa, knees pulled up to his chest with his head buried in them as he lay on his side among the cushions, his stuffed toy not leaving his grasp.

Maybe Jungkook left him for a better little that wasn't so needy and clingy...
Maybe something bad happened to Jungkook and now Taehyung was all alone...
Maybe Jungkook didn't love him anymore...
Maybe he wouldn't come back...

Hot, fat tears rolled down Taehyung's cheeks as he sobbed, the panic hitting him harder and quickly sending him into an anxiety attack. The lump in his throat only grew, not even allowing a short gasp of air into his lungs as it evidently became harder and harder to breathe, adrenaline forcing its way through his veins. He fisted his hands into the cushions, painful cries leaving his lips as every breath felt like fire while his chest constricted. It was like someone was squeezing him, crushing him, and right now he felt as little and as brittle as a simple twig. The thoughts tormented him into believing them, Taehyung wanting nothing but Jungkook right now as he slipped much deeper into his headspace, unable to think straight or control what was happening.

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