A little comfort - Namgi

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Little!Yoongi ~ Mental age: 4


Yoongi was feeling small. It had been a while since he'd properly slipped, but the members had all been given the weekend off to recharge before they get back to their intense rehearsing for their new comeback. This meant that Yoongi was able to regress with no worries of work or anything for these two whole days, therefore being able to spend it with his boyfriend and caregiver, Namjoon.

"Yoonie honey, it's time for bed now."
Namjoon's soft, deep voice snapped Yoongi out of his little daydream world from where he sat on the rug of their lounge. The little pouted slightly but got up and nodded obediently all the same, his mint hair bouncing cutely as he did so. Namjoon smiled softly as he watched the little run to his room in his cat onsie, eyes looking sullen and tired, and yet he still managed to keep his gaze on Yoongi at all times.

"Papa, hewp bwush Yoonie's teefies pease?" The little asked politely as he held his rainbow coloured toothbrush up to the leader, Namjoon chuckling with a nod as he placed his large hands on Yoongi's waist and placed him in the counter in front of him.
"Show me that gummy smile, baby." Namjoon said fondly, Yoongi doing as he was told and giggling slightly as Namjoon began to brush his teeth. When he saw how tired his boyfriend looked, though, his giggles died down and he tilted his head at him.

"Papa otay?" He asked in a small voice as the younger washed his toothbrush, Namjoon turning to him with a confused look before showing the older a gentle smile and ruffling his hair.
"I'm perfectly fine bub, just very tired. Let's go and get you tucked into bed, yeah?" Namjoon spoke in an abnormally quiet voice, and although Yoongi was still skeptical, he nodded with a tiny sigh and demanded to be picked up by his caregiver, Namjoon chuckling and complying as he carried the little to his room.

Yoongi pouted as he was placed in his bed in his own room, watching with pleading eyes as Namjoon tucked him under his covers, pulled a blanket over his body and placed a gentle kiss on his forehead.
"Papa sweep wiff Yoonie?" The little asked in a small, hopeful voice, but he frowned again when Namjoon look at him and gave him a tired, apologetic smile.

"Not tonight, papa has to stay up and work for a little while. Sorry Yoonie." He said softly, and the little just nodded and turned over, which caused a soft sigh to leave Namjoon's lips.
"We can cuddle tomorrow, I promise. I love you. Sleep well, gummy bear." Namjoon said as he walked out of the room, hearing the little mumble out an 'I love papa too' before he closed the door behind him.

Namjoon brought his hands up to his head, rubbing his temples with his fingers before pinching the bridge of his nose and letting out an exasperated sigh. He wanted nothing but to cuddle with his boyfriend right now, but as always he had some lyrics to write and some work to complete. He was always working nowadays, it was like he couldn't catch a break, but he couldn't and wouldn't rest until everything was done and it was all perfect.

Yet as he began making his way back to his studio, his phone started ringing in his pocket due to his work calling him yet again, the tall male digging it out and answering it quickly in fear that the sound would wake Yoongi.

But Yoongi wasn't sleeping. The little couldn't get comfortable and he didn't even feel the slightest bit tired, a small whine and a huff escaping his lips as he tossed and turned in his bed for the last time, before sitting up and rubbing his eyes with loose fists. It'd been about half an hour since Namjoon had put him to bed, and when the little saw through the cracks in his door that the corridor light was still on, he furrowed his eyebrows in determination. He'd made a mental note on how tired Namjoon looked earlier, and so he was now going to make sure that the younger was going to sleep soon, whether he has work or not.

The mint-haired boy quietly shook his covers off and tiptoed out of bed, clad in comfortable silk pyjamas that Taehyung had bought him for his last birthday. He clutched his favourite stuffy, a blue koala, to his chest as he silently opened the door of his room, wincing when the light hit his dark-adjusted eyes. The little wandered down the corridor on slightly unbalanced legs, humming to himself as he strolled to his caregiver's room with determination. But when he finally reached the door, he froze. He could hear strange sounds coming from within Namjoon's room, which he quickly distinguished as crying.

His caregiver was crying.

Yoongi felt his stomach twist uncomfortably at that, quickly reaching for the door handle and rushing inside to find Namjoon and work out what was wrong. Namjoon never cried, at least not in front of anyone, but here Yoongi was, standing in the middle of Namjoon's room with concern coating his feline features at the sound of his caregiver's distress. Sure enough, Namjoon was sat on the edge of his bed, head in his hands and shoulders shaking with each deep sob that his body emitted. He must have been too consumed in his emotions to notice the little walk in and gasp, quickly hurrying over to him. Only when another pair of hands tugged gently at his wrists did he notice that Yoongi was there, the little standing in front of him with a look of pure concern and fidgeting with the overwhelming need to do something.

Namjoon sniffed and quickly wiped his tears, not wanting his boyfriend to see him like this, at least not when he was little, but Yoongi pouted angrily when he saw that Namjoon was trying to hide his emotions from him. Before the younger male could say anything to even try and convince the little that he was alright, Yoongi had clambered onto his lap, straddling the younger's legs and wrapping his arms around Namjoon's neck, chin on the younger male's shoulder.

"It otay. Papa iss allowed to cwy." The little whispered softly, and just those words alone were enough to make Namjoon break down again, stuffing his face into Yoongi's shoulder and just letting his pent up emotions flow out. Yoongi hugged Namjoon tightly, the fact that his caregiver was crying made tears come to his own eyes, but he told himself that he had to be a big strong boy for his papa.
"P-pease don be sad papa..." Yoongi said in a small voice, feeling as Namjoon wrapped his arms around his waist and pulled Yoongi down to lie in bed with him, hugging Yoongi close to his body as he sniffled and let a few stray tears fall onto his pillow.

"Papa's alright, thank you Yoonie. He just really needs this hug right now, if that's okay." Namjoon said in a croaky voice, and Yoongi nodded fervently, cuddling even closer to his caregiver whether it was even possible or not, and they just held each other, laying in a comfortable silence as Yoongi tried his best to silently comfort him even though he was in a small headspace.
"Does Papa wan big Yoonie?" The little asked quietly, and Namjoon shook his head almost immediately, smiling fondly as Yoongi's timid hands reached up to his face and gently collected the tears from his cheeks.

"No no, little Yoonie is doing a perfect job." Namjoon reassured the little, and Yoongi looked up at him with bigs eyes and gently but shyly placed a peck on Namjoon's cheek.
"I know what wiw make papa feew bettew!" Yoongi suddenly gasped, reaching across the bed and picking up his favourite stuffie, handing the blue koala to Namjoon with determination.
"Ib you hug kwoya, he make you feew bettew. Do you feew bettew now papa?" Yoongi asked as Namjoon gave him and adoring smile, hugging the little's comfort toy tightly in his arms.

"Papa feels so so much better thanks to his little boy. You make papa's stresses go away, you know that? My little gummy bear is so thoughtful." Namjoon said, and Yoongi giggled, snuggling back into Namjoon contentedly.
"Papa mus sweep now, no mow wowk." Yoongi yawned with a tiny tone of adamance, and although Namjoon knew he still had some work to do, Yoongi was right, and he shouldn't upset him by disagreeing.

"Okay Yoonie, I will sleep now. Can you stay with papa tonight?" He asked softly, Yoongi smiling amd nodding tiredly against the younger's chest, eyes lidded with tiredness.
"Thank you, little one. I love you so much." Namjoon whispered, pressing a kiss to Yoongi's forehead that made the little hum happily to himself.
"Yoonie lub Papa too."
"Sleep well, baby."

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