Easter Bunny - Yoonminseok X BTS

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Ships: Taegikook and Namjinminseok (still making up ship names...)

Littles!Yoongi, Jimin and Hoseok ~ Mental ages: 3-5

A lil Easter gift for y'all from me, even if you don't celebrate it hehe 😌🖤


"Guys, are you done yet? Our littles are getting really impatient." Jin yelled to the two youngest who were busy hiding chocolate eggs and little treats in their huge garden. Jungkook turned around, his bunny ears falling onto his face which made Taehyung burst out into fits of giggles while Jungkook himself looked rather unamused.
"I'm so glad I persuaded you to wear those." Taehyung chuckled, wiping a fake tear from his eye before being shoved playfully by his younger boyfriend.

"Nearly done, hyung! Give us two more minutes." Jungkook called back to the oldest, who turned to look back in the house where Namjoon was struggling to hold a door closed, three excited littles ready to burst out of the room they'd been put in to wait for their yearly Easter egg hunt.
"Reckon you can hold them off for two minutes?" Jin laughed, and Namjoon rolled his eyes as he sat against the door and listened to the littles excitedly shout from inside the room.

"They're gonna be bouncing off the walls for the next week. Why does Taehyung insist on spoiling them so much?!" Namjoon huffed, having seen the amount of chocolate that Taehyung had bought for the littles for Easter.
"Tae and Kook are kids too, they get equally as excited to see the little ones smile." Jin stated with a smile of his own, and Namjoon shrugged before chuckling.
"That's true."

"Hyungs! We're done!"
Taehyung and Jungkook came running back in with big smiles on their faces, and Namjoon nodded, turning to open the door to the littles' room and immediately raising his hands in front of himself to stop Yoongi, Jimin and Hoseok from running straight out.
"Good news, little ones. Guess who visited." Namjoon said with a smile, a chorus of gasps and tiny squeals being heard from the three littles as they looked up at their leader with sparkly eyes.

"Da Eastew bunny?!" Yoongi gasped as he bounced on his toes, and he giggled again when Namjoon nodded.
"Remember, no snatching, and it'll all be shared at the end, alright?" Jin spoke from behind Namjoon, and once they'd seen all three littles nod, the door was opened... and chaos ensued.

"Da Eastew bunny!" Hoseok screamed, running at Jungkook who's eyes widened, slowly backing away when the two other littles turned and stared at him.
"Das why uncwe Taetae awways caws him bunny!"
"I... wha-"
"Kookie has eaws! He da Easter bunny... get him!" Jimin giggled, and Jungkook cursed under his breath and just ran outside, screaming for the others to help him as three not-so-small littles chased after him, the others laughing loudly as they watched it all go down.

"Should I go and help him?" Namjoon chuckled to Taehyung who laughed and shook his head with a grin.
"Don't worry. Once they see the chocolate around the garden they'll leave him alone." He remarked, and Jin hummed.
"You know Kook's gonna beat your ass for making him wear the bunny ears now, don't you?" Jin chuckled, and Taehyung rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly when a 'KIM TAEHYUNG, IM GONNA KILL YOU!' was heard from the maknae who was lying on the grass with three littles on top of him.

The three other caregivers laughed, before Taehyung ran into the garden and gained the attention of the three littles.
"Hey, look what I found!" He yelled, pointing to a chocolate egg that was hidden under a bush, and Hoseok gasped, getting off of Jungkook and running over to where Taehyung was, happy giggles leaving his lips as he popped the egg into his basket. That was enough to get Jimin and Yoongi to join the hunt too, giving Taehyung enough time to go and get Jungkook off of the floor and apologise through his laughter as the maknae glared at him.

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