Accident - Namjin (part 1)

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Little!Namjoon ~ Mental age: 4-5

Side ships: Koobi and Taegi
Littles!Jungkook and Taehyung
Caregivers!Hoseok and Yoongi

With good ol uncle Jimin ready to protect his babies ;)


Little Namjoon was... well... a troublemaker. Except for the fact that although he was rather sassy he never actually meant to get in trouble. He was just prone to breaking things, a lot. In fact, he was a very good little who would help his daddy at any chance that he possibly could, but when it came to breaking or ruining things, and Jin had had a bad day, it had the potential to be the older's last straw.

Namjoon had given up on being big and gave into his little side when he saw Taehyung playing with the toy cars on his own, wanting to go and play with him and keep him company. They'd usually have Jungkook to play with, but the youngest had slipped into deep headspace after a stressful couple of days, so he was spending the day being cuddled and pampered by Hoseok in order to keep the baby distracted and happy.

"Can Joonie play wiff Taetae?" The older little asked, Taehyung looking up and nodding with his body grin as he passed Namjoon one of his toy cars.
"Yesh! We should makes a wace twack!" Taehyung giggled excitedly, Namjoon nodding at the idea and laughing with Taehyung as the two of them played happily in the middle of the lounge, Yoongi watching over them from his armchair to the side.

"Can I pway wiff da pink car pease?" Joonie asked politely, Taehyung pouting and clutching said car to his chest as he shook his head, visibly upsetting Namjoon.
"Tae, be nice, baby. The nicer you are the more cuddles with daddy, remember?" Yoongi said in a warning tone as he looked over at the littles, Taehyung nodding and quickly handing the car over to the older little.
"Otay! Sowwy Joonie." Taehyung apologised and gave his friend a small hug, but Joonie just smiled as he took the car in his hands.

"Tank chu Taetae." Namjoon grinned, playing with Taehyung's favourite car very carefully. He would hate to damage it when he knew how important it was to the younger. The littles played carefully under Yoongi's watchful eye when the door opened, Namjoon's eyes lighting up immediately as he knew instantly who it must be.
"Daddy!" He cheered happily, jumping up and skipping to the door to greet his caregiver while Taehyung began demanding his cuddles from a rather-amused Yoongi.

Jin gave the little a tired look and managed a smile as he ruffled Namjoon's blue hair.
"Hey Joonie. Could you tone it down a little? Daddy has had a bad day and he's very tired." He said, a tired sigh leaving his lips when he saw how Namjoon frowned but nodded at his words. It may sound selfish but Jin really hoped that Namjoon would be big when he got home so that he wouldn't have to care for him right now and maybe he could get some rest, but that wasn't the case today.

"But daddy, I wan pway and cuddle." Namjoon whined with a pout, immediately shrinking into himself when he saw how Jin's tired expression turned into one of visible annoyance frighteningly quickly.
"Not now, Joon. I need to get some rest, you go and play with the others, okay? We can play tomorrow, I promise." Jin said in a firm tone, and Namjoon could do nothing but nod dejectedly as Jin walked past him and to his room.

'Tomorrow, I promise'
That was a phrase that little Joonie heard way too often, especially recently when everyone was really busy with work, and he was honesty starting to lose hope at this point. He felt sad and a little lonely, and he thought of going to uncle Jiminie to see if he'd want to play with him, but the younger was probably also busy in his room right now and Joonie didn't want to disturb him. Everyone seemed too busy at the moment. That's when a thought struck his mind, making him perk up in an instant.

If his daddy had a bad day, he was gonna make him something to make him happy!

What he had in mind was rather ambitious for a five year old, but when little Joonie had an idea, he wasn't gonna stop until he succeeded in his mission to make his daddy happy. He carefully snuck his way into the kitchen, stumbling to the fridge and tapping his temple with his index finger as he thought on what he could do. Jin would always cook for the members, and it wasn't often that someone made something for him, so Joonie decided that that was exactly what he was gonna do.

"Wha does Joonie need fow cookies?" The little mumbles to himself, trying to remember what ingredients he'd used with Jin when they had fun baking sessions in he past. Eggs? Brocoli? Sugar? Sugar! That was the one thing that he knew he definitely needed. He dragged a step-stool from under one of the cabinets and hopped onto it with a smile, he was gonna do it all by himself so that his daddy wouldn't have to worry.

But just as he was reaching for the sugar, the stool slipped away from under his feet, the little shrieking as he grabbed onto the thing nearest to him as a reflex to try and save himself, which unfortunately ended up being a ceramic bowl. He stumbled to the floor, completely unhurt apart from maybe a bruise or two, but the bowl came crashing down after him, smashing into a million pieces on the floor.
"Oh no!" The little cried, staring wide-eyed at the mess he'd created when he heard footsteps rushing into the kitchen.

"Joonie? Are you alri- What the hell are you doing?!" Jin yelled harshly, the little wincing at the shouting as Jin stared down at him.
"J-Joonie sowwy! It was assident!" The little apologised hastily as he picked himself up, but the anger in Jin's eyes honestly scared him as his caregiver grabbed him roughly by the arm and pulled him away from the smashed bowl.
"I don't care if it was accident or not. Every time I try and get some fucking rest around here you always manage to break something! Grow up, Namjoon!" Jin shouted at him, the little now trembling violently as tears began to spill from his eyes. He ripped his arm away from his caregiver and stumbled away from him, hurt sobs leaving his lips. He hadn't been this afraid in a long time, and never before was it because of Jin himself.

"What the hell Jin?! Don't ever shout at a little, what the heck is wrong with you?" Jimin yelled angrily, having rushed out of his room when he heard the commotion. Jimin quickly went over to Namjoon who was shaking and crying as he tried to hide himself in the corner of the kitchen, wrapping his arms around the little and hushing him softly.
"Don't listen to Jinnie, your daddy's just a big meanie. C'mon poppet, come with uncle Jiminie." Jimin spoke softly, Namjoon nodding and taking Jimin's hand as Jimin dragged him quickly away from the situation and into his own bedroom. Jimin would never usually talk like this to his hyungs but right now he didn't care, he was very angry with Jin.

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