Frustrated - Taekook

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Little!Jungkook ~ Mental age: 1-4

In this oneshot, Jungkook has a pet space as well as a littlespace ^-^ he's a lil bunny U^^U

"Jungkook, can you not??"
"Can Kookie... not? Not what, Daddy?"
Jungkook was so confused, eyes growing glossy as he tilted his head to the side and frowned, hair flopping over his eyes. Taehyung seemed angry at him, but he'd been a good bunny all day so he couldn't understand why.
"W-what did Kookie do?"

Taehyung was sat at his desk, having come home from work an hour ago, and he was now trying to fill out some paperwork that had to be done by tomorrow. Usually when he got home he would spend a little time with Jungkook before doing dinner, maybe playing a game with him or watching one of their favourite shows together. Today, Taehyung had just come home and gone straight to his office after saying a quick hello, leaving Jungkook believing that he'd done something wrong. But while Taehyung was at work he didn't make any messes, didn't eat all of the snacks in the cupboard, and he didn't touch any of his Daddy's special work things in his office that he wasn't allowed to touch, so why wasn't he getting any attention?

Jungkook wasn't bratty at all, he would just often let his curiosity get the best of him when he was in his headspace and would often knock things over or get intrigued by post coming through the door and would end up nibbling on it. Taehyung was used to it though, and he wouldn't generally get mad as long as Jungkook would help him clear up, which he almost always would because he was incredibly obedient, and even cleaning could be fun if his caregiver did it with him.

But Jungkook's nose scrunched as he tried to think of one thing that he could have done wrong, and he just couldn't.
"Daddy, what did Kookie do?" The little repeated, sitting obediently on the carpet by Taehyung's feet, beside the older's office chair, and Taehyung groaned.
"I'm busy, Jungkook. Please just... go and get a carrot from the fridge or something, you're starting to annoy me."

If Jungkook had bunny ears, they definitely would have flopped down in that moment, the little looking down from where his big eyes were fixed on Taehyung while he'd waited for a reply, and he started picking at the carpet.
"Kookie no wan a cawwot." He sniffled, pouting as he stayed sat at Taehyung's feet.

"Bunny, please. I'm trying to work."
"B-but Kookie did nuffin wong!"
"Jungkook! Do not make me ask you again, alright?" Taehyung raised his voice, and the little's eyes went wide, Jungkook instantly running out of Taehyung's office with a tiny whimper. He shut himself in his little room and burst into tears, sitting on his bed and hugging his carrot plushie to his chest for comfort.

"W-what did Kookie d-do?" He sobbed to himself, curling up in a ball and chewing on the soft leaves of his stuff toy. The little just couldn't comprehend it, he was so convinced that for Taehyung to not spend time with him it must be because he'd done something wrong. It didn't even cross the bunny's mind that maybe Taehyung was just busy or stressed with work that he needed to get done. Those were big thoughts, and little Kookie wasn't too good at understanding big thoughts.

It was only a few minutes later that Jungkook heard Taehyung's voice calling for him, and the bunny immediately scampered to hide in his closet, a small whimper escaping him.
"Jungkookie? Where'd you go?" Taehyung called from down the hall, furrowing his brows when he got no response and sighing to himself. He dragged a hand along his face while he checked the lounge.
"Baby, did Daddy upset you?" He spoke, again met with no response, and so he went to check the little room.

Though when he went in the little room, he couldn't see his little anywhere, and was about to walk out to check somewhere else when he remembered Jungkook's favourite hiding place.
"Koo, come out." He hummed softly, clicking his tongue, which made the teary little perk up a little. He slowly pushed the door of the closet open but stayed crouched inside, still nomming on his carrot plushie out of stress.

When Taehyung saw him, he smiled sadly and let his brows relax with sympathy.
"Hi darling." He sighed from beside the bed, crouching down so that he was on Jungkook's level but keeping a short distance with him as he opened his arms a little.
"Can you come to Daddy?"
The little shook his head with a soft whimper, hiding glossy eyes in his plushie and staying tucked in his hiding spot, refusing to move.

"Hey hey, don't be scared, honeybun. Look at me." Taehyung cooed, and the little let out a small sob as he peered over his carrot toy and let his big eyes meet Taehyung's, the brunette still smiling encouragingly at him. Jungkook slowly crawled out of his hiding spot, gradually making his way over to Taehyung, though his actions were timid and he seemed a little nervous. Taehyung was patient, though; he knew how Jungkook got when he was upset.

Jungkook eventually found himself nuzzling his face into Taehyung's shoulder, feeling the older's hand gently stroking his hair, and he burst into tears again.
"O-ookie sowwy." He sobbed, Taehyung somehow getting Jungkook to wrap his legs around his waist so that he could lift him up, sitting on the bed immediately after with Jungkook in his lap.
"Shh, you don't need to be sorry, bunny." Taehyung cooed sadly, kissing the side of his head and frowning at how small the younger sounded. He definitely had to be at the bottom of his age range.

"Did Daddy scare you?" He hummed, feeling Jungkook nod slightly and sighing in disappointment with himself, continuing to stroke Jungkook's hair because he knew that he found it comforting.
"Sorry, Koo, Daddy didn't mean it." Taehyung apologised gently, hearing the little's sobs reduce to sniffles against his shoulder, Jungkook curled up against his chest.
"Ookie j-juss wanded Daddy t-time." Jungkook whispered, clutching onto the older and rubbing his irritated cheeks against Taehyung's hoodie, which made Taehyung's brows furrow.

"You... wanted Daddy time?"
Jungkook nodded, causing a pang of pain in Taehyung's heart.
"Oh bunny I'm sorry, I didn't realise." Taehyung mumbled, feeling rather stupid for not paying attention to how clingy and obedient Jungkook had been when he got home. Of course he wanted attention; he always spent time with little Jungkook when he got home if he was in his headspace. There was no wonder that Jungkook would get insecure when Taehyung went straight to working in his study instead of doing so.

"Can hab D-Daddy time n-now?" Jungkook stammered timidly, bringing his head back from his caregiver's shoulder and immediately being met with Taehyung's warm hands on his cheeks.
"Yes, of course, lovely. What does Kookie want to do?" The caregiver hummed, wiping the sticky tears from Jungkook's cheeks and pecking his nose, making the little break out into a small bunny smile.

"Cuddews? A-an head pats?" His voice was barely a whisper but Taehyung could understand him, and he nodded with a warm smile, wrapping his arms around Jungkook's waist with a 'cmere you' as he lay back on the bed, dragging a giggly little down with him. Jungkook hummed with content when he lay his head on Taehyung's chest and immediately felt one of the older's hands in his hair, nuzzling his face into the crook of Taehyung's neck and making Taehyung chuckle at how his hair tickled his chin.

"Comfy?" He hummed, feeling Jungkook nod vigorously and smiling at how Jungkook had perked up a little.
"You're a good bunny, Kookie. Never forget that, okay?" Taehyung said, unable to see it but knowing that Jungkook was blushing by how he squished his face impossibly closer to his body.
"Lub Daddy." He yawned moments later, and Taehyung chuckled.
"I love you too, bun."


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