A little toothache - Koobi (part 1)

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Request from: Jung_hopie_hopie (ily you sweet bean 😌💜)

Little!Hoseok ~ Mental age: 4

Side ship: Vmin

Muahahah double little Hobi in a row~


Jungkook had been pretty busy lately, all of the members had, but it meant that Hobi hasn't been able to be little for over a week, which was one of his high scores if he was to think about it that way. Today was their busiest day yet, which meant that things were only gonna get easier from here, but it also meant that all of the members were completely exhausted and wanted nothing but to go home and sleep.

Well, all of the members except Hobi and Jimin.

The two littles both slipped as soon as they got back to the dorms, and they played together in the group lounge before Jimin would need to go with Taehyung for his nap. Jin had kindly given them some hard candies as a treat for their hard work over the last couple of weeks, and the littles had almost eaten a whole packet of them as they played happily with Lego's on the floor.

"Minmin wook!" Hoseok giggled as he pointed at some form of flying vehicle that he'd created, the other little gasping and clapping excitedly.
"Wah das weawy gud Seokie! Chu like my house?" He asked, pointing to his own creation that had Hoseok giggling and nodding.
"Minmin ish an awtist!" He praised, both littles laughing with each other, when they noticed Taehyung walk over.

"Baby, it's time for your nap now, c'mon." Taehyung hummed as he extended his hand to the younger little, but Jimin pouted and whined, looking at Hobi with puppy eyes.
"But I wan pway!" He huffed, Taehyung raising his eyebrow at the little's bratty attitude, before sighing.
"I know you're tired, big Jimin has been working very very hard, bub." Taehyung stated, and Jimin pouted again but went over to Taehyung, knowing that his caregiver was right.

"Hobi, Jungkookie said he'll be back in about ten minutes. If you need anything, just knock on our door, okay hun?" Taehyung hummed, Hobi looking up at him and nodding with a smile. Once they'd left, Hoseok's eyes immediately wandered over to the almost-empty bag of sweets, and he shuffled over and took one, popping it into his mouth. Unfortunately, he wasn't thinking and made the mistake of biting down on the hard candy, feeling a sharp pain in his tooth immediately that made him yelp and spit out the sweet.

His eyes watered at the pain and he whined, pressing a hand to his cheek and pouting. Eyes threatening to cry, he remembered that everyone else was super tired and were probably sleeping, so he continued to pout and stayed sat on the floor, trying to be brave like his daddy would always tell him to be when he got hurt.

That's when Jungkook walked in, the maknae looking more tired than everyone else with his dark bangs covering his lidded eyes and pale skin. He walked over to his little, reaching down and picking him up when Hobi whimpered and made grabby hands for him.
"Daddy!- owww... Seokie toothy owchie." Hoseok whined, realising that it hurt to talk, but Jungkook just sighed and continued to carry him to their room.

"I thought Jin hyung told you not to eat too many sweets?" Jungkook spoke, his voice stern despite his tired tone, and Hoseok pouted, wanting to tell him what happened but not wanting to talk again because of the pain.
"Go and clean your teeth and you'll be fine, bub." The maknae said, putting Hoseok down outside the bathroom, when the little whined again and Jungkook snapped, letting the tiredness get to him.

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