Busy - Taejoon X BTS

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Request from: aquahyun 💜

Littles!Taehyung and Namjoon ~ Mental ages: 2-6


"I need to slip." Taehyung spoke quietly from where he was sat in the back of the car with his head on Yoongi's shoulder, his mint-haired hyung smiling and patting his leg softly.
"Just wait until we get home, and then we have the whole weekend to relax and enjoy ourselves, okay?" Yoongi said, Taehyung perking up and nodding at that as he snuggled further into him.

Yoongi would let only the littles hug him like this, and he had an undeniable soft spot for Taehyung, especially when he was in his headspace. Towards the front of the car, Namjoon was thinking the same thing as Taehyung, trying his hardest not to slip before they reached home. The boys had had a very intense couple of weeks of local concerts, practice and just work in general, so they'd been given the weekend off to relax and spend time with each other, therefore giving the littles time to slip and giving the others a chance to care for them which was something that they all loved.

They reached their dorms and threw all their stuff down, and Taehyung and Namjoon immediately ran into the playroom that they had for when they were little to grab their little gear. The others couldn't help but chuckle at their eagerness, Jin going to prepare food while the others all sat themselves in the lounge, waiting for the littles to come back.
"Taetae! Joonie! Kookie's set up just dance, wanna come play?" Jimin called from the lounge, hearing the excited pads of feet coming down the hallway as the two littles appeared with huge smiles on their faces.

"Yes pease!" Joonie said excitedly, making grabby hands for the controller which Hoseok handed to each of them with a soft chuckle. Jimin and Jungkook also took a controller each, and they started to play, laughing as they danced strangely to their favourite songs. The boys were quick to tell that Taehyung had slipped pretty far into headspace while Namjoon stayed at the top of his age range, Taehyung in a little world of his own as he danced and sang to the game on the TV. Even Yoongi was chuckling from the sofa as the littles danced energetically, singing along to random lyrics that they knew, before Jin called from the kitchen.

"Pizza's ready!" Jin shouted, and Namjoon squealed and ran into the kitchen while Taehyung looked at the screen and pouted. Jungkook chuckled and put his own controller down before picking the little up and smiling at him.
"Don't worry baby, I'll play it with you tomorrow. How about we all watch a movie after dinner and cuddle, sound good?" He suggested, chuckling at how the smile quickly returned on Taehyung's face as he nodded happily, Jungkook letting him down so that he could join the others in the kitchen.

"I wan sid nex to Joonie!" Taehyung said, his little friend giggling and beckoning for him to sit in the chair next to him to eat. Jimin reached over for a slice of pizza, but Jin smacked his hand, forcing him to hiss and pull it away with a glare.
"Littles first." Jin said sternly, before smiling to Taehyung and Namjoon who were sitting next to each other, giggling as they chatted. It was a sight that warmed the other's hearts, seeing Namjoon's dimple smile and Taehyung's boxy grin at the same time was certainly healing them all.

Hoseok and Yoongi helped the two get some food on their plates, before everyone started to tuck in, praising Jin for his amazing cooking as always. When they finished, both littles were hungry and certainly wanted something sweet, so Taehyung turned to Hoseok and lightly tugged on the sleeve of his sweater, gaining the sunshiny male's attention immediately.
"What is it, buttercup?" He asked, and Taehyung looked shy as he asked.
"Can we hab ice cweam pease?" He spoke quietly, big eyes catching the attention of all of the caregivers. How could they possibly say no?

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