Nightmares - Namkook (part 1)

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Little!Jungkook ~ Mental age: 1-2

Side ship: Vmingi

Side note: Taehyung goes in and out of headspace quite a lot because he likes to help Yoongi look after Jimin UxU


"Bunny, Minnie, Taetae, it's time to go home now."
Namjoon's voice caught all three littles' attention from where they was sat on the sand, a chorus of whines and protests to stay sounding in response to Jungkook's caregiver's words.
"Uncle Joonie's right, guys. C'mon, time to go." Yoongi huffed as he hauled his beach bag over his shoulder, the three maknae's exchanging annoyed pouts before standing up and bringing their buckets and spades with them as they ran over to their caregivers. Namjoon kept a close eye on Jungkook considering the maknae had a much smaller headspace than the two older littles, so he was more dependant on his caregiver, whereas Jimin and Tae loved to be independent and play all by themselves when Yoongi was busy.

Taehyung saw the sand stick to his legs due to the many layers of sun cream that Yoongi had forced his littles to wear, and he whined again and stomped his feet, looking up at Yoongi with furrowed brows.
"Daddy! Da suncweam make sand stick to Taetae an iss icky!" Taehyung huffed, Yoongi chuckling and shrugging.
"Sorry hun, but it's either that or sunburn. Your choice." He replied with a raised eyebrow paired with a taunting smirk, and Taehyung sighed and looked down at his sandy legs. He supposed that he did hate sun burns more.

The five of them had spent the day at the beach, given that Hobi and Jin were having a day out together, the others decided that it would be nice to take the maknaes on a day out in the sun. Jimin had had the idea of a beach day the other day when he was out of headspace, and somehow managed to convince Yoongi to take them, probably after a lot of persuading. Namjoon was quick to ask if he could join and bring Jungkook with them, wanting to get the youngest out of the dorms and give him a fun day out to distract him from his current worries and stress.

To be honest, Jungkook hadn't been sleeping well recently, and when he did sleep, he would wake up from terrible nightmares that would make him slip immediately out of fear if he wasn't little already. It had got to the point where Jungkook was afraid to sleep, would only sleep when he was with Namjoon, and the caregiver was seriously considering going to the doctors to see if he could get some sleeping pills for the boy. He must be so tired.

Namjoon had spoken to Yoongi about it, and the two figured that it was probably due to the stress and anxiety of their new comeback, especially since the maknae always puts himself under great deals of pressure. However, that also meant that Jungkook would slip at every opportunity, and Namjoon loved looking after his little boy.

"Dada? Dadaaa..."
A small voice calling for him and a hand tugging at the leg of his shorts grasped Namjoon's attention, the young leader looking down and immediately smiling when he saw that Jungkook had crawled over to him and was now sitting as his feet, big eyes looking up at him.
"Heya bub." Namjoon chuckled fondly, reaching down and ruffling the little's hair, making Jungkook giggle and scrunch his face up cutely.

He noticed Jungkook reach for his dummy that he'd dropped onto the sand, and quickly gasped, snatching it away before the little could grab it.
"No no, baby. It's all icky and sandy, you don't want that in your mouth." Namjoon said as he held the dummy away from Jungkook's reach, but the little whined quietly, eyes quickly becoming glossy as he reached up and made grabby hands for the comfort item.

"G-gukkie w-wan d-dummy..." he whimpered, Namjoon noticing his teary eyes and panicking momentarily, stuffing the dirty dummy in his pocket and crouching down in front of his little.
"Uh oh- Hey hey, don't cry, please don't cry, angel. Uh... look what I have!" Namjoon said in a hurry, pulling a lolly pop out of a different pocket and placing it in Jungkook's mouth, immediately silencing the baby who just sat there, suckling on it quietly as Namjoon breathed a sigh of relief.

"Minnie want a lolly pop!"
"Tete too!"
Two high-pitched voices squealed from behind him, and Namjoon laughed, pulling two more out of his pocket and handing them to Taehyung and Jimin, who jumped excitedly upon receiving the treat that Namjoon had brought for emergencies.
"Don't run or jump while eating it; we don't want you to choke." Namjoon warned, both littles thanking him and nodding obediently as they walked back over to Yoongi, each taking one of his hands in their own as they walked up the beach to go back to the car.

"You want uppies, baby?" Namjoon asked Jungkook, the little nodding tiredly and reaching his arms up for Namjoon to get his hands under the boy's arms and hoist him onto his hip. They were at a private part of the beach, of course, so they didn't need to worry about onlookers judging them or fans exposing them, but Namjoon and Yoongi always kept a close eye out and made sure that their littles had shirts on the whole time, just in case.

The drive home was pretty noisy, both Jimin and Taehyung singing the lyrics to songs on the radio, Namjoon and Yoongi laughing and singing along every now and again, while Jungkook sat in the midst of it all, half asleep despite the loudness of the car. Namjoon had to reach back and take the almost-finished lolly from the littles mouth as Jungkook's head lolled forwards with fatigue, noticing how Jungkook shook himself awake every time he began to doze off.

"You're allowed to sleep if you're tired, Koo." Namjoon spoke softly, but but Jungkook quickly blinked and shook his head, fighting the sleep that he so desperately needed. Namjoon smiled with a sad kind of sympathy, turning back to the front and speaking to Yoongi.
"How long until we're back?" He asked, Yoongi humming as he thought, before replying.
"Only about ten minutes. Why? Is Kookie sleepy?" The older asked to which Namjoon nodded, and Yoongi made a sound of understanding, focusing on the road as he sped up a little.

The moment they parked, Namjoon got out of the car and went round to Jungkook's side, he unbuckled the tired little and lifted him into his arms, the boy falling asleep almost immediately when he felt his boyfriend's familiar arms wrapping around him.
"Tired baby." Namjoon cooed, pecking Jungkook's forehead after quickly saying goodbye to the other three, and carrying Jungkook up to their room.

The moment they got inside, Namjoon lay the little down in his bed to nap and began to change his clothes into something more comfortable, Jungkook in such a deep sleep that the gentle movements didn't wake him as Namjoon pulled one of his own hoodies over the smaller boy, smiling fondly at how the large hoodie just swallowed the maknae in comfortable material. Once he'd tucked Jungkook under the covers, Namjoon also changed into some more comfortable clothing and went and sat in his armchair by the bed, pulling out a rather thick book and scouring the pages for the one he left off on, smiling softly when he found it and beginning to read.

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