Swapping roles - Jin X Maknae line

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Request from: HaiiiImRain ♥️

Little!Jin ~ Mental age: 3
Caregivers!Maknae line


The members had been so busy getting ready for their next comeback that when they'd been given an evening of free time, the maknaes were struggling to relax in their shared dorm. The three youngest members were exhausted but were also jittery to work, wanting to make sure everything that they needed to do was done and perfect. And so, Jin had come over to their dorm to look after them and make sure that they got some rest, putting his own rest aside for them because he felt like he needed to. He'd fed them dinner, given Jimin a massage, made Jungkook's bed and let Taehyung rant to him when the brunette was almost brought to tears out of stress after dance practice.

"Koo, go take a nap." Taehyung sighed when he felt the younger boy lean into him, but Jungkook just shook his head adamantly and continued to play their game of Mario kart.
"You wanted to play, so I'm playing with you." The maknae mumbled tiredly, and Taehyung simply rolled his eyes and chuckled softly.
"I'll play with you, Tae. Kookie, go and get some sleep. Just have a quick power nap or something, it doesn't have to be long." Jin came up behind them and placed his hands on Jungkook's shoulders, helping the tired boy up and lightly pushing him in the direction of his room, before sitting down on the sofa next to Taehyung and picking up Jungkook's controller.

"How are you feeling?" Jin hummed, placing a hand on Taehyung's shoulder and hearing the younger male sigh.
"Yeah, I'm okay. Thanks Hyung." He mumbled before displaying a weak smile, and Jin returned it, pressing play on the game and continuing to play the videogame with the brunette.

"How about you?"
Taehyung's sudden question confused Jin a little, not exactly sure what he was referring to.
"What do you mean?"
Taehyung but his lip and frowned, sparing a glance at Jin's tired expression and feeling a small pang in his heart.
"Like... how are you? I've just realised, you've spent all this time looking after us and I didn't take the chance to ask you about how you're doing. I'm sorry." Taehyung explained with a guilty frown, and Jin smiled softly, giving a soft shrug in response and shaking his head.

"Don't worry, you guys have needed a little help trying to relax and I was more than happy to help. Joon checked up on me earlier anyway, I'm alright." He replied, but Taehyung continued to frown, ignoring the game and turning to face Jin.
"Do you want to slip?" He asked softly, his deep voice breaking through all of Jin's thoughts and making him freeze on the spot.
"You know you can if you want to. I'll look after you." Taehyung continued, smiling softly when he noticed Jin's expression change a little, eyes taking on a more innocent and childlike look.

"Are you sure?" Jin whispered, and Taehyung smiled as he nodded surely, taking the controller from Jin's hands and turning the console off. He grabbed Jin's fluffy hamster onsie from the older's room and then sat down beside Jin, opening his arms to him.
"So? Where's my little Jinnie?" He said, immediately being tackled with a hug by a very excited little.
"Taetae!" Jinnie squealed, the brunette chuckling and hugging him back.
"Heya bub, how are you feeling?" Taehyung hummed, knowing that he'd get a straight forward answer from the three-year-old.

"So tiwed, Taetae. Awms awe achy too!" The little whined, pouting and flapping his sore arms around to get his point across, and it made the younger coo.
"Sounds like someone needs to cuddle and watch a Disney movie. Am I right, pumpkin? Is that what you need?" Taehyung spoke, booping Jin's nose with his index finger and smiling fondly when the little's eyes sparkled at the idea, and Jin nodded eagerly.

"Yay! Can Diminie wash it wiff us?" He giggled, his little voice melting Taehyung's heart in seconds.
"Let me go and grab him for you." He said, ruffling the little's hair before jumping up to go on a search for Jimin. After figuring out that the blonde boy wasn't in his room, Taehyung went to check Jungkook's room, and sure enough, Jimin was in there cuddling the maknae who was fast asleep. Taehyung chuckled a little, shaking his head and making a 'psst' sound to grasp Jimin's attention.

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