Confusion - Jikook

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Request from: fromateez 🌟

Little!Jungkook ~ Mental age: 4


Jungkook had never woken up in littlespace before. Not that it was a problem, he just generally had almost entire control over when he slipped in and out of his headspace. Such good control, in fact, that his boyfriend had no idea about his littlespace.

He was far too scared to tell Jimin about little Kookie, worried that Jimin would leave him or think it was weird, or maybe even make fun of him for it. Obviously that really didn't sound like a very Jimin thing to do, but the maknae still worried about it because he was prepared to choose Jimin over his littlespace any day, no matter how much he needed it as his main coping mechanism for stress.

But what Jungkook had grown to realise, was that when he's stressed he had much less control over his headspace.

"Koo? Kookie, wake up, Jin hyung made breakfast." Jimin's voice coaxed the maknae out of sleep, and Jungkook immediately groaned and turned over in his half-conscious state, the same as always. The older just huffed and rolled his eyes, attempting to drag Jungkook out of bed, but the muscle bunny was adamant and wouldn't let himself shift from his rather comfortable position.

"Baby, cmon, all the others are waiting for us." Jimin sighed, raising an eyebrow when Jungkook made a small sound and pulled the duvet over his face.
"Don wanna." He whined, but immediately froze straight after he said that, eyes flying open. Jungkook was feeling very little, and he wasn't sure why, but he'd woken up in littlespace while Jimin was right there. If he had the capacity to think about the situation he was in, he'd likely be pretty scared, but was too small to comprehend what was happening and just sat up and tilted his head in confusion.

Jimin hadn't seemed to notice, and pulled the duvet off of Jungkook's body in one swift motion, making the younger whine and writhe around as the cool air hit his legs.
"Stop acting so childish and bratty and let's go eat, I'm hungry." Jimin said, obviously intending for it to be a lighthearted joke, but the little gasped and looked up at the older with wide eyes, tears quickly brimming in them. Jimin noticed Jungkook's eyes growing glossy and his brows drawing together, signalling that he was about to cry.

"'M not a bwat! Kookie iss vewy gud bunny..." the little mumbled as the tears finally started to fall down his cheeks, and Jimin was puzzled and alarmed while he crouched in front of him with wide eyes, bringing his hands up to Jungkook's cheeks.
"Baby?? What's wrong?" He asked in confusion, eyes filled with worry as Jungkook whimpered and pulled away from his touch, wriggling out of bed and making a dash for the bathroom before Jimin could even turn to grab him.

Jimin heard the bathroom door slam and sighed to himself, running his left hand through his hair and frowning.
"What was that all about?" He muttered under his breath, deciding to give Jungkook a little space before going and talking to him. Instead, he made his way downstairs to where the other five members were sat at a table eating breakfast, the smell of fresh hotteok and eggs reaching his nostrils the moment he walked into the room.

"Hey Jimin! Where's Jungkook?" Hobi chirped, but quickly dropped his bubble smile when he saw that Jimin looked troubled.
"Is everything alright?" Namjoon asked, yet Jimin wasn't even sure of the answer to that, and he frowned.
"Something's up with Jungkook, but he won't tell me what and it's bothering me." He confessed, being pulled down into a seat at the table by Taehyung, who tilted his head at him, ushering him to elaborate.

"He's speaking in a weird voice and started crying out of nowhere. I'm just confused and worried, I don't think I said anything that could have hurt him that badly." Jimin mumbled with a pout, seeing the others exchange glances, when Jimin continued.
"I know he's been stressed recently, and he tends to lock himself in his room a lot when he is. But he's acting weird and won't talk to me about it and I'm not sure what to do."

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